Creating a White only chartered city/town in America

A chartered city/town is defined as
>a city with a governing system that is defined by the city's own charter document (voted in by its residents) rather than by state, provincial, regional or national laws.
Is this possible to make a white only city this way maybe in north texas Denton country area?

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le shit nigger has entered the chat

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No because white people always need minorities/poor people to get the real work done.

God that is a beautiful city.
Why don't our cities look like that?

Yes but only with bitcoin

There’s a town in Kansas that’s been set up pretty much as a white enclave called St Marys

Our cities are set up for commerce. Big highways, intersections, industrial zones

No. The government would come down hard on your ass. If you tried to resist they would just send in the military like in 1957 with the school integration shit.

What's with people bunching together? Space the fuck out.

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>Is this possible to make a white only city
It's illegal on federal level. Whites have no future in America until balkanization

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We need to redesign our cities around people rather than capitalism and niggers.

i know right it looks so comfy. its the capital of slovenia

>pretty much as a white enclave called St Marys
how so? is it codefied into law some how? thats what im looking for a way to put it into law

>We need to redesign our cities around people rather than capitalism and niggers.
Holy shit based. not just the cities but all of society

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Niggers and jews

Just emmigrate to europe bro

No, it isn't possible anywhere in the states. As soon as you got it set up and booming jews would airdrop spics and shitskins in and give them free houses and shit and you know what happens then

fuck off leaf

Ljubljana is a very comfy city. Not too big not too small, 99% white.

no, this has been ruled on by SCOTUS

Jews would flood it with niggers and spics before you could even react

How the fuck am I supposed to learn slovene though
Obviously I don’t want to be a retarded immigrant who doesn’t assimilate

I want to move to poland maybe. if i had more money i would scope out a lot of east/south euro nations see which one i like. find a qt wife

And you wouldn't even know where the fuck they came from or how the fuck they'd get there. They'd fly them in, bus them in anything it took to completely ruin a pleasant place.

have you been there?

Poles are nigger-tier "white". The only comfy place in Europe IMO is southeastern Europe, or a fully white town in Western Europe.

download a language app or get a book dont be a lazy nigger. im learning two languages at the same time right now adding a third soon

Sure, you just have to be a rich white liberal with government power or connections to "slow growth" or other measures to prevent diversification. How do you think Marin County is one of the whitest areas of California, while simultaneously being a part of the super-diverse Bay Area?

>Marin County is one of the whitest areas of California
One of the whitest or one of the most jewish?

>Poles are nigger-tier "white"
i live in canada bro we got all kinds of euros here they are all pretty much the same with slight variations and ALL of them are bro tier kike faggot

>bad goy

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Lots of Jews, yes, but probably more white gentiles than any other Bay Area county.

yes and it will only become easier with better technology in the near future

this. let’s get it done leaf

fuck off shitskin