Vietnam cured their country

by killing cats. WTF I HATE CATS NOW

Attached: 1579863299764.png (1004x733, 778.02K)

Chinky peteaters, They should bbe colonized.

Really they are just jealous cats have lager penises

Based. Cats are assholes

What exactly is the process by which a cat is turned to paste?

Attached: 1558706195833.png (469x350, 150.41K)

>nooo i don't want to be turned in to bread

>virus could have originated within filthy animals like bats
>attempts to create cure through slaughter of cats based on their colour

geniuses. smartest witches vietnam holds

Ask some Jews. They have experience turning into other shit

This. I'd never eat a dog but I'd eat a cat to let them know how much I hate them

I have a cat of a neighbor which seems sick as fuck. Yesterday he was just sitting with some yellowy shit around his neck. Today morning he made noises as if he was dying. Later this afternoon I saw him sipping water. I hope he will make it but it seems bleak.

God damn i hate most Asians, this is chink level insanity .

forgot to mention, yesterday, he wasnt even reacting to calls. Usually he flees when he spots you.

Fuck you , i love my cat .

You love your slave master. Tell me more cuck

Black cat paste is better than disinfectant injection.


corona virus

sounds like bullshit, but i hope this is true.
cats are assholes, kill them all.

Attached: 1583750892160.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Chinkoids are subhuman

paste and redpilled

I did not know there were gooks living in Finland.
Learn something everyday.
Don't eat yellow snow!

Hydraulic press?


I have these glum visions of white people being turned into powder for chinese boner pills.

Reminder that all non-nip asians are subhuman animals

Attached: svenstoffels_corona_virus_webm.webm (720x720, 610.08K)

yuor gook

nips are subhuman too

Attached: 1581168495354.webm (480x360, 2.95M)

Lol ironic men! America are subhumans too! Take a look of your shitty ghettos and so many uneducated rednecks. America is dead since a very long time yankee faggot

wow rude

>no link
either fake and gay or you're a no-effort faggot; which is it? Answer me you faggot.

I hate frogs so I really don't care about them being tortured.

Frogs, horses, pigs, and monkeys.

Both the jungle kind and the street kind.

gas centrifuge

Here is a video of how they melt the cats down. Absolutely horrifying. Just barbaric.

Attached: cat drowns in acid.webm (640x360, 2.36M)

there are all the same, or at least very similar

WTF did it want so bad lol