>liberals are too retarded to understand sarcasm
fucking really? you're joking, right?
>liberals are too retarded to understand sarcasm
fucking really? you're joking, right?
Well it’s the party of dumb minorities so yeah, they’re retarded. That said, I’m no Trump fan but it’s painfully obvious to see how dishonest the media has been. It’s brutal.
I was a Cruzmissile and hated Trump for a long time but this is pretty ridiculous. This is literally fake news. The media is reporting on memes.
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
you were?
Yeah, I would’ve preferred Cruz as well.
If liberals want a doctor for president so badly, I don't understand why they didn't vote for Ben Carson or Rand.
>Yas Forums stumbles on itself to go out and rationalize Trump's retardation for an entire day
>trump comes out the next day and says it was sarcasm
>trumpnigger shills flip and push this narrative forward
They understand it, alright. But in this case it doesn't serve their agenda.
>h-he's just pretending you guise! he's not actually retarded!
the cope is real
There's a difference between sarcasm and pretending. But I don't expect somebody from a 3rd world country to understand English to such an extent.
Sarcasm, turning to tour top medical officer and asking dumb shit with conviction in front of hundreds of millions of American citizens!
Haha... Yay, Sarcasm¿¿¿
What I just said, the entire board was defending him after the fact.
Nobody ever on Yas Forums or the right mentioned sarcasm, but now we're supposed to believe only the liberals were the ones too stupid to understand sarcasm?
Fyi I doubt this 'sarcasm' claim is anything else other than a pussy ass backpedaling
yet you niggers are still jumping to defend how disinfectant could possibly be used in edge cases. im tired of winning.
holy shit this is great
...this is an English-speaking board. I don't know what you're saying, but you need to leave.
I don’t believe it was sarcasm, no. What I do believe is we have a POTUS who is exhausted, addressing the public on a daily basis, stressed and losing a bit of his mind under the pressure. I didn’t blame Obama when he made his infamous “58 states” comment either. None of us will ever know the stress that these public figures are experiencing during times like this. He never directed the public to drink bleach as the dishonest press is spinning, rather he made a stupid comment and is trying to backpedal on it. It happens. The difference between Trump and other world leaders is he is literally addressing the public 7 days a week on a global scale. So far, he hasn’t been too bad and truth be told, nobody in the western world was prepared for this shit. And while we allow the media to sow fear and create hostility amongst the American populace, they’ve been mum on the real enemy, which is China. I wonder why.
Have you ever fucking talked to a lefty? Fucks sake
Good take. Most world leaders are getting a fucking foot massage and accepting a check from China right now. Trump is work, work, work. Its almost sad how hard he tries to save some of these fucking ungrateful retards.
Wojak memeposting and a faggot pretending he can't address the argument because he can't comprehend adequate English, kek
Trump really did a good job on you brainlet migapedes
thats a sign of being on the spectrum btw.
A copy pasta slightly shortened (to fit the character limit) from a FB post. Have at it pol.
This is from Stephanie: owner of Balance Integrative Health in Dubuque. She's amazing.
During the White House press conference this evening, a medical specialist spoke about COVID survival rates.
When he was finished, Trump took the stage and mentioned Injecting light into veins since UV light is working on outside surfaces. Trump also talked about disinfects being used outside the body easily, questioning if there was a way to disinfect the inside of the cells.
There are therapies that are readily available in the USA and many other countries.
1. First, when he talks about injecting UV light... YES! See my last photo and video of me doing just that a few months ago in Seattle at Advanced Medical Therapies.
IV laser light therapy helps repair mitochondria, fight pathogens, boost mood/energy, enhance the immune system and more. I did this light therapy with a specific IV protocol of nutrients and antibiotics while my body was preparing for a specific treatment.
2. Second, when he spoke about finding a way to inject disinfectant into the body... YES! We do this all the time for integrative oncology. Literally, people receive hydrogen peroxide infusions along with their chemo/radiation protocols to help kill cancer cells. This hydrogen peroxide is obviously compounded by a specialty pharmacy, mixed with the correct solutions and protocols are followed. Yes, if you go buy a bottle of H202 and inject it straight into your veins you'll die. Don't do that.
Lastly, my favorite nutrient in the world...... Vitamin C. When Vitamin C is at high doses, it actually converts into H202 (hydrogen peroxide) within the cells. This is why it works SO well when we are using it with integrative oncology, chronic viral infections and more.
Its just not even worth arguing about. Like another user said, its like the 58 states thing. Who gives a fuck? Besides, he was obviously sarcastic. Might be hard to understand if you have trouble with English
Tomorrow it will be Obama's fault
>he was obviously sarcastic
>that's why migapedes rushed to find treatments that resembled whatever the fuck this bumbling retard was vaguely describing
Me no need landscaper. No landscaper.
He did sell us out to China at hyper speed, but Repubs are to blame for that as well.
Those treatments do have some legitimacy, which leads me to believe that he was briefed on them. But at the same time, the tone(like I said, might be hard to hear for ESL) is sarcastic.
The "dude, it's just a joke" excuse is actually worse. Why is he cracking jokes at a briefing during a pandemic?
Fellow pedes I don't feel so good. I did as our President instructed and inserted two lightbulbs up my ass and then drank a bottle of bleach with my beautiful wife of 20 years Karen. But now I'm having trouble seeing straight and I keep throwing up blood. Do I need to drink more bleach to defeat the invisible enemy or is the hoax virus dead already and this is just the 5g tower next door making me ill? It's not fair, I need to live so I can shake the hand of the Jewish man fucking Mr. Trumps daughter. God bless diversity, God bless Israel, God bless Jared Kushner. I love my President and his jew fucking daughter.
The only Dr the left would vote for us Dr Dre
I do pretty much believe that the virus is a hoax. The response has been totally overblown.
Why are those nurses making dance videos, can't they see this is serious???
>Desperate cope - the thread