This is actually a serious question: Does anyone here regret voting for Donald Trump?

This is actually a serious question: Does anyone here regret voting for Donald Trump?

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I didn’t vote in 2016 because they were both shit. He hasn’t been as bad as I thought he would be and I’d rather see him in the WH than Bernie or Biden.

Have you made up your mind for the next election?

I’ll probably vote for Trump for the hell of it and as a fuck you to this dishonest media. But I may not vote again. They all suck. If I do, I’ll just vote Trump for the meltdowns.

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>I’ll probably vote for Trump for the hell of it and as a fuck you
I'm 90% certain that's where most of his support came from.
Trump supporters really don't care how bad of a president he is, they just want to piss off people who hate him. The stupider he is, the more pissed off democrats are, the happier his supporters. Some of them anyway. Old republicans must be crying themselves to sleep at night because they're never going to be able to get away from this.

Stop astroturfing and shilling this bs you brainlet plebbit faggot

I regret not voting in 2016. I'll vote Trump this year because a pervert with dementia is not an option.

Everyday I regret voting for Drumpf

Not for a fucking second.

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Commiefornian here
#BlueNoMatterWho because of spics like you

Up yours Chinksect

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Yes. I wish we could have all been saying "what if he won" instead of getting duped by a crypto-kike anti-white Zionist shill.

I used to be a Democrat. The anti white male stuff leads me to support anyone that drives them crazy.

He's making the courts more conservative and I'm making more money because of his tax cuts and the fact I don't need to pay fair share dues to my suckass union. I don't care if he asks how long it takes to cook an egg in the microwave...he's got my vote and I didn't vote in 2016.

Yes I regret supporting that retard

>Proof he was right about Trump, Kushner and the whole team
>Gary Cohn goes describes what purple said about; Kushner, Banon, the staff and Trump himself
>Rex Tillerson
>Lt General H.R McMaster
>Scott Pruit

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I asked every Trump voter I know last Thursday. 100% will vote for him again. It was 16 people. Several of us have generated new voters from spouses.

I’m starting to regret voting period after watching trump allow unelected retard “experts” run the country into the fucking ground


I regret not voting for him.
I'll vote for him this time.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that you Democrats are evil and hate white people. No no, its always some outside force. No one supports Trump, they are just saying fuck you to piss us more intelligent Democrats.

Your days are numbered leftists. You are evil. the hate for you here is real.

You severely underestimate how bad his oppo is.

>things that have never happened


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His policies are hands down better than Biden or Sanders or any other Democrat.

Are you off your rocker? Pissing off SJWs and liberals and the establishment is just a plus.

I regret that I'm a leaf and can't vote for him. Best thing I can do is watch and laugh at the twitter and reddit salt when Trump wins again. Fully expect libs to be eating fish cleaner in mass amounts.

I am honestly unsure whether Hillary would have been worse. What would have been different, really? The New York Times Ashkenazis would have been more powerful than the Tel Aviv Sephardis?


Can't wait to vote for him again.

She would've installed TWO leftist POS judges on SCOTUS. Yeah, she would've been worse by a mile.

Her platform was literally 4 more years of Obama. Figure it out.

What a fucking retard. Then again, Trump supporters and Republicans always are.

This thread glows.

Leftists are genetic narcasistic. Notice how they never will want to admit that their inherent beleifs are wrong, that they are inherently repulsive, that Trump voters are rejecting them and prefer superior ideals. No. They cannot. Which is why all leftists explanations is to act that Trump winning has nothing to do with them being evil, with them being vicious malicious corrupt people who despire European males and promote brown people, prog politics, transexual pseudoscience. Nope. Its an evil "outside force" that is manipulating the naive but stupid populace. Irresponsible teens who simply wanted to laugh voted Trump. Russians took over the souls of hicks and made them vote for Trump. No one GENUINELY finds Trump or his policies appealing.

This personality trait is a personality trait that is comorbid with leftist mental disorder. Every single shill who hates Trump will say something like this, and any leftists who discusses issues outside of Trump will say this too whenever reality doesn't go their way.

No one who voted for Trump regrets it. And they will vote for him again. Just because the Trump haters hated him since 2016 and will hate him even when they are being torched in the next decade, doesn't mean much when it comes to the voting polls.

>hurr durr I am very smart and so are my frends
I should've cheered on hilldawg, at least someone would've shot at her, unlike trump the frog boiling faggot

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Instead we get Trump's conservative retards?

Nah, fuck Trump and Republicans. Conservatism needs to die a horrible death.

That's not how it is at all.

What policies? Fire everyone under him every 6 months and point fingers?

He's about 2 steps away from forming the worlds largest suicide club by injecting disinfectant.

If the election were tomorrow I’d stay home because he has given retards like Fauci a platform to subvert him. I think he trusts experts too much and is naive that they might be against him.

checked and gigabased

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Real American here. Voting for Trump. These are just shill posts.

Lol no gonna vote twice illegally in 2020 to have even more fun

I wasn’t on pol back in 16 when he won. I am not going to miss it this year. That first time he won it was Epic on pol.