"Women take a longer time grocery shopping because they browse through different products and weigh out which option is best," Matsui told reporters at a coronavirus press conference in Osaka on Thursday.
"Men quickly grab what they're told to buy so they won't linger at the supermarket -- that avoids close contact with others," added Matsui.
Osaka Mayor: Men should shop for groceries because women take too long
H-hello? Based department?!
Literally the truth
The entire world is on the fast fucktrain to hell and this is what CiaNN feels is so important, it has to distract you from the satanist shitstorm that is literally manifesting before our eyes to let you know that women - while strong and capable as men - are also highly offended by the opinions of a stranger on the other side of the planet.
Jesus Christ cleanse this planet in fire.
Why cant women just shut the fuck up for once
Good old fashioned nip keeping it real.
now that's based
yea but who the hell wants to go grocery shopping
Isn't that the fucking truth. My dumb bitch if a wife takes forever to pick anything out. It's like they're brain damaged or something.
actually genius
BASED. Any simps that denies this is a fucking liar and they know it
I check ingredients nutrition & compare prices. Also when picking out fresh fruits or veg I try to make sure I pick out the best ones. If sold by the unit ill get the heaviest good looking fruit. If sold by weight, ill generally pick out smaller fruits. Likewise if store is out of x product I think of substitutions. Anyways I take a while to shoop cause im not a dumb bitch who throws random shit in the cart.
it always has to be about you, doesnt it????????
But he's not lying or anything.
When I go alone to the store I'm usually put in 10 ish minutes, my gf just has to browse everything. Even the aisles that have nothing we need.
Id like to go back in time & take her to my apartment.
Dude. Send your mother shopping and then send your dad. I bet your mom needs 30 minutes and your dad needs an hour. Experience!
Im a man & I take my time to shop. That is what shops are for.
I dont pay too much attention to other people cause Im shopping. My points are
A) shopping is important. Shitty food leads to shitty health, some stuff is expensive and some stuff is worth it. Its worth taking time to get good stuff.
B) amount of time spent isnt a male vs female issue but all kinds of factors are involved.
C) this is an autistic discussion bored so people share wierd anecdotes and such here, that is the purpose of this.
yes, he was talking about people like you
Sometimes I wonder to myself if we'll ever go back to a time where it's not a huge social faux pas to admit that women and men have different behaviors and thought processes.
The inclination towards consumerism is why the "Western"/jewish-globohomo occupied world tilts divorce proceedings and affirmative action in favor of women.
>check ingredients nutrition
Can be done online ahead of time
>compare prices
if you really wanted to pinch pennies during a pandemic of a highly infectious ARDS causing respiratory virus, you would not try to save ~8USD in groceries, taking longer to shop, touching more items, and increasing your risk for infection. Becoming infected and getting ill could cost you lots of time/money in the long term.
>picking out fresh fruits or veg
fresh Fruit and vegetables do not keep for very long and have little nutritional value. There is basically no point in buying these items during a pandemic when your goal should be to leave your house as little as possible
Based Nippon never stop being based.
Who cares what he thinks. Theres plenty of time to go shopping it really doesn't matter if I take 5 minutes or an hour. Its what shops are for. There are like 50,000 items in a typical grocery store. Why do they need 5 flavors of tomato sauce from 10 brands? Why are there like 200 types of chips? And 100 types of coffee etc?
Its obvious they want you to take a while to figure out what to buy
39$ for jeans is too much
I do the shopping and this is how it goes: Get the list, read the list, grab the shit on the list, leave.
Every time I'm stuck behind someone at the check-out, four hundred and eighty seven thousand times out of ten, it's a woman asking why a coupon doesn't apply to her purchase or who the fuck knows what.
I also pay for other people's shit if they take too long. It's not out of the kindness of my heart, that's just how impatient I am. If they send the cashier to check on something because the price isn't what they thought it was or what have you, I immediately just throw my shit on the counter and say "Ring it all up together".
Grocery shopping would be perfectly fine if it weren't for other human beings doing it at the same time.
Whenever I'm in a grocery store I go all Mission Impossible and shit and try to find what I need and get out as fast as possible.
Look up ingredients online before you shop?
Stupid. Websites can be out of date. Way quicker & more accurate to pick up the product & read it
Avoid fresh fruit & veg
Paying more for food that has preservatives and alergens cause I hurry thru the store?
Also stupid.
Listening to the shills for advice on how to live?
Absolutely retarded
Also this Coronavirus matters as much flu or norovirus. It sucks to get, but then you recover. Part of life. I stay healthy by eating right & doing stuff
He is right though
Malls are expensive haven't been to one in years but I think $39 for a single pair of pants would be the best you could do there. I go to Wal-Mart & get pants for $10 to 20 ea.
>"man in Japan makes a correct observation about differences in behavior between the two genders"
He isn't wrong though fucking based Nippon