Northeastern fags get in here. Let's have a meetup IN REAL LIFE, IN MEATSPACE, in Jew York. I can't wait to see all you shitskins and kikes!! Pic not related (yes, that's sushi, absolutely comped.)
Yas Forums meetup 2020
i like bananas
Who remembers?
Where and when?
NIce honeypot
I'm not white. Can I still join, or will I be gassed behind a wooden door?
Nobody is going to organize a meetup after this pic.
Also ultimate proof that Americans aren’t white.
being anonymous is why we come to this site and don’t meet up in real life you glownigger
Nah I'm good
t south jersey fag
This is Johnson 271DE. Where do I sign in?
Jesus. How do these people even afford NYC?
The FBI interns aren’t trying anymore. Go ask that mutt Venti to do it.
No whites allowed actually you're golden
New york isnt white you arab rape baby
It's hard to have a meetup without a date and location. Would you like to follow up with a proposal, you massive faggot?
Die subhuman
Sorry Alejandro, I don’t speak your idioma.
Make sure to have a siesta before working.
Nice memeflag, faggot.
I mean it could be a honeypot and in all honesty some feds and reporters might show up undercover which is why we'd wear face masks lol.
NYC, end of May
People who buy and consume avocado's, should be shot on sight
>black user here
>Sorry Alejandro, I don’t speak your idioma.
آسف هل هذا أفضل؟
They live with their nigger jew parents.
Oy vey!
>thinking I'm gonna drive to new fucking york to eat rice and raw fish
Good joke. The parking tickets would probably cost more than the gas I would waste idling trying to find a spot. And then what, you expect me to eat some tiny fucking portion of gook shit instead of $15 worth of country fried steak and whiskey? Yeah, fuck off.
glowniggers and racially ambiguous incels UNITE!
I'm in.
Got a better location in mind?
>آسف هل هذا أفضل؟
That’s an improvement, greetings from Gianluckhar Al-Romani!
Who remembers this?
Lo.o,oo,loo,kk I, Lo llookllooklo I llokll feeeedddddssddsd
>Pouring yourself a bowl of Onions Sauce
>With Sushi Condiments
Do you mix it up and drink the sludge?
Actually this meetup is going to be the planning and logistics meeting for the day of the rake