White Nationalist Terrorism

A couple of weeks back, I saw a thread here about the Trump administration's designation of a white supremacist group (an irrelevant Russian monarchist political movement) as
a terrorist organization for the first time in US history. Replies to the thread seemed slightly confused or didn't seem to understand the significance, but unfortunately
due to jannies being absolute FAGGOTS I was unable to weigh in. I thought that I would give a small overview of why this is such a huge step for the Trump administration and for
general glow nigger faggotry here in the USA.

First, it is important to recognize that there is an extremely strong push to institute a legal system in which white nationalists can be put on show trials and be removed from society, past
what has been normally done in the past decades of being targeted by organizations by the ADL and SPLC, losing your job and maybe going to jail for a couple year due to federal agents watching you 24/7. This will be instituted using the mechanisms that were set up post 9/11 in order to combat Muslim terrorism

Take a look at the Domestic Terrorism Penalties Act of 2019 (congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/4187/cosponsors?q={"search":["Weber"]}&r=26&s=2&searchResultViewType=expanded&KWICView=false)

This bill, introduced by 15 GOP congressmen (muh vote red), seeks to take normal crimes and add a terrorist charge to them if the government ascertains your political beliefs. Terrorism in this case is defined as:
>"Whoever, with respect to a circumstance described in subsection (b), and with the intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence, affect, or retaliate against the policy or conduct of a government."
So in other words, if you speak out against what the government does, you're going to prison. Get into a fight with antifa while being white? You will go away for 30 years. "Political vandalism" will put you away for 25 years.'


Attached: Maybeyou'llReadMyThreadNowFaggot.jpg (720x405, 39.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, putting up "It's ok to be white" poster could potentially put people in jail for almost twice as long as the average first degree murder.

But lets circle back to what this has to do with the white supremacist terror organization designation of this completely irrelevant russian LARP group. The new law also has a "conspiracy" clause. If you are in regular
contanct with foreigners which the government deems as terrorists(AKA whoever jews do not like, as representatives and the FBI are all subservient to them through lobbying and organization like the ADL and SPLC) the government can then classify
you as a domestic agent for these groups. Who talks with these people? Well, you do, faggot. Every day on this board and wherever else you choose to be autistic on the internet. And what can the US government do to these foreign terrorist
organization? They can really just kill them with impunity. The assasination of Soleimani by Trump was legal because he added the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. The reason you are seeing
such a huge blitz of (fake) stats about "White nationalist domestic terrorism" is because jews wish to add any pro-white group to this list. (((Max Rose))), the congressjew spearheading this action, has already drafted
and has been pushing for more pro-white groups to be added to the list of Foreign terrorist organizations. I doubt they'll be droning us, but you see the restriction of rights that this designation brings.

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So finally, let's bring it all together. Trump's descision to add this "White Supremacist Terror Organization" to the list of foreign terror organizations matters because it is part of an offensive by jews to go around whatever
civil rights we have left. They will use the mechanisms of post 9/11 America to put white nationalists in prison for 20+ years by saying that becasue they speak with people from "foreign terrorist organizations" on anonymous
internet platforms and because they espoues the same ideology, they can be put into guantenomo or wherever else despite their right to free speech as they are simply domestic agents of said terrorist organizations. All pro white
activity will in the most ideal case be completely banned by this legal offensive.

As a bonus round republicans have also just introduced a bill to end encrytion in internet communications to strengthen this push even father so have fun with that shit.

tl;dr jews are scheming to use federal power to crush any pro white activism in new and novel ways. A big surprise.

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Bump for a rare effortpost


Take a second, if you will, from this modern cacophony of furious light and noise. Gradually and gently block out any stimuli that might distract you. Let yourself sink deeper and deeper into your inner sensations, focusing all of your conscious energy on your olfactory memories. With long, slow, leisurely inhalations, use these sensory memories to conceptualize the aromas and fragrances that might waft through the redolent vapours found in this scene. Savour it. It’s all yours my friend.

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>ywn suck a literal shit from her ass
why live

what about non-violent white nationalists then? are they all lumped in together? how can the government classify someone as officially belonging to an org even though they probably don't belong to it, but just share ideologies?

Suxking shit from a woman's ass like a pleb
Paying thousands of dollars to shit on a woman's chest like a Saudi Prince.

based and pantysniffingpilled

Well fuck Jews.

White terrorism is a good thing

Oh mah gawd damn I would worship this woman as my queen

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>how can the government classify someone as officially belonging to an org even though they probably don't belong to it, but just share ideologies?
In the ideal case jewish lawyers will target someone who they do not like and build up a history of """"""communications""""" with these groups through internet platforms such as here and discord. They will be lies and trumped up charges.

I have unfortunately forgotten his name, but a former department of defense employee recently got hard time for lying on his security clearance. He stated that he was never part of a terrorist organization, but when it was revealed that he had once hung out with vanguard America members he had the book thrown at them.

It does not matter if you are violent or not, if you talk with someone who is in any way associated with even the flimsiest of gay ops they will want to use this legislation against you if you become a problem.

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>posted this thread a few hours ago without porn bait
>2 replies
>posted this thread with woman ass
>10 replies in a few seconds
It is sad but you do what you gotta do with these porn addicted zoomers.

listen here ,yes coffee is good for you and mexican coffee is best coffee don't fall for the colombian trap.

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>Yes, putting up "It's ok to be white" poster could potentially put people in jail for almost twice as long as the average first degree murder
peak concern trolling, hysterical and false, obvious intention is to discourage people from doing anything productive and spread defeatism

posters on telephone poles =/= murder

Can you believe a white nationalist got away with this attack on a black man


Built for BBC

>concern trolling
What is this. This is the intention of the kiked legislation. Of course it is meant to discourage people from taking action, that is the point.

No, your intention is to lie and gaslight people into believing that putting up posters that say "it's okay to be white" will get them jailed as if they commit murder.

Nobody here is that stupid and we're going to keep doing poster campaigns.

The purpose of the political vandalism clause of the proposed legislation is to put people who do that sort of thing away. I am not sure why you think this is some sort of impossibility in the world of the US congress but feel free to go be retarded somewhere else.

I opened and read your post because of that picture.

There is a problem, however, with the US government using this methodology to arrest rebellious Nationalists.
You see, many on Yas Forums have an "us vs them" mentality for politics, but that isn't entirely accurate. There's us, the genuine right wing, who are willing to act to defend ourselves. There's the system, who have people who actively protect it (Glowniggers) and people who are passively a part of it (Normalfags).
But the reality of the situation is that there's another group, the fence sitters. The fence sitters are a bit disgruntled with the current state of affairs, but not enough to do anything about it. They're also less vulnerable to system propaganda. When they see the show trials happening, they might realize the full extent of how jewed our government is. If they overuse it, the fence sitters will be drawn to our side. So I agree with OP, we ought to tread carefully, but it isn't viable for the government to put us all in prison. At least not yet

OP posted reliable sources to back up his argument. If you want to discredit him, make a counter argument. If you can't, then fuck off

>but it isn't viable for the government to put us all in prison.
I don't think that is really the point of it. They probably won't go full Nuremberg on us but will use it to take out specific targets. There have already been show trials, but they are of course never portrayed as such. Take for example the guys in the Rise Above Movement in California. They went to charlotteville, got into a fight with whatever leftist filth came at them, and the courst were able to construe some of them having memes saying "Bash the commies" as evidence of premeditation to put them away for much longer. These men were put away for these charges purely based on their ideas and not their actions.


Pretty serious constitutional issues here


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damn, we need a serious ass depression, so i can get me one of these on discount.