/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3433

► Detected: 2,826,128 (+102,959) ► Died: 196,931 (+6,014) ► Day: 106 (-03:07:48)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,516 strains have been sequenced —


Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Some strains 270 times more infectious than others

Blood thickening associated to infection

Politicians get ready to reopen based on antibody tests

88% death rate for patients on ventilators in NY

Patient in Iceland got simultaneously coinfected by two strains

CDC recommends wearing masks in public, against WHO advise

Jews are the hardest hit by coronavirus in New York

Reinfection has now been reported in the US

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

90% of positives in antibody tests might be false positives

Infection could reach 60% of world population

Coronavirus spike already visible in Dutch mortality rates

▶ 92 new cases in Guinea
▶ 73 new cases in Côte d'Ivoire
▶ 16 new cases in Mali
▶ 10 new cases in Niger
▶ 22 new cases in Rwanda
▶ 62 new cases and 5 new deaths in Norway
▶ 21 new cases in Maldives
▶ 35851 new cases and 1827 new deaths in the United States
▶ 2 new cases in Curaçao


Attached: CVG.jpg (800x1000, 590.49K)

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First post!


Worst post!

Attached: 1539883324624.gif (426x320, 962.14K)

Lower your cortison levels today with Ublock Origin!

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If you have 4chanX with auto-update, posts might flip in and out of existance.

Best ID

I put cvg into the Yas Forums search engine and found a virgin thread. I ain't never seen that in a /cvg/ before.

103k infected today, even with ecuadors increase that seems big

>Trump rage quitted the presser

Look at you go, Germany! That's pretty cool! Hope you're staying safe over there!

Attached: owo3.gif (220x220, 77.71K)

Where the fuck are all the spics and old chinks getting masks? I see them everywhere and you cant even buy them anywhere online or in store.
Do they just horde masks just incase?

So why are we rooting for the virus again?

Attached: 1587721417974-pol.jpg (829x675, 63.33K)

>+11K new cases in Ecuador
what in the actual fuck just happened

Guys it's totally CLOOPENING am I right?!

/cvg/ what different image of Corona would fit into this gif?

Attached: cleanse.gif (444x186, 4.03M)


Attached: CulonaVirus.jpg (900x1200, 230.61K)

Was thinking about using this image, pic related, in alt version.

Attached: saint_corona_bioha.jpg (350x457, 124.53K)


Attached: 1586644824959.png (1188x1045, 1.07M)

Got some liposomal vitamin c in the post a few days ago. Should I save this for when I'm sick or take it daily now?

Also got some quercetin. Whats the story with this?

Don't forget to inject bleach into your body and shove lightbulbs up your ass fellow MAGApedes


For the world to be cleansed.

>wild boards mysteriously found dead in China
>blue tits dying in the hundreds in Germany
>birds dying in Singapore
>zoo tigers getting infected in Brooklyn
>pets getting infected
>Italy reporting bugmen airborne AIDS SARS attaches itself to fine particles

>video related


how fucking over is it frens?

Attached: szr_rKIATIoJH9_j.webm (468x270, 2.37M)

When can we expect food supplies to begin to react to the intentional destruction of crops and livestock?

>It has gain max airborne potential
sys.Yas Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelancet.com%2Fjournals%2Flancet%2Farticle%2FPIIS0140-6736(20)30937-5%2Ffulltext
>It has gain blood infection
sys.Yas Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Farchive.is%2F55OQq
Looks like corona-chan have become quite the nothingburger

Attached: 1587166485057.jpg (819x1024, 96.17K)

Remember when we had 100k worldwide?
When was that, late January?

Proud to be 1st post ?
Welcome to cvg. You have your respond by others...enjoy.

"wash your hands" hahahaha

Attached: thats doesnt matter.jpg (743x771, 146.92K)

double checked. fuck!


Attached: 1587750821050.jpg (625x783, 271.47K)

They prepped since January. Unlike you.

#1 United States 922,293 (52,061) #2 Spain 219,764 (22,524) #3 Italy 192,994 (25,969) #4 France 159,828 (22,245) #5 Germany 154,999 (5,760) #6 United Kingdom 143,464 (19,506) #7 Turkey 104,912 (2,600) #8 Iran 88,194 (5,574) #9 China 82,804 (4,632) #10 Russia 68,622 (615) #11 Brazil 52,995 (3,670) #12 Canada 44,856 (2,294) #13 Belgium 44,293 (6,679) #14 Netherlands 36,535 (4,289) #15 Switzerland 28,677 (1,589) #16 India 24,447 (780) #17 Portugal 22,797 (854) #18 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #19 Peru 21,648 (634) #20 Ireland 18,184 (1,014) #21 Sweden 17,567 (2,152) #22 Saudi Arabia 15,102 (127) #23 Austria 15,071 (530) #24 Israel 15,058 (194) #25 Japan 12,368 (328) #26 Chile 12,306 (174) #27 Singapore 12,075 (12) #28 Pakistan 11,940 (253) #29 Mexico 11,633 (1,069) #30 Poland 10,892 (494) #31 South Korea 10,708 (240) #32 Romania 10,417 (567) #33 United Arab Emirates 9,281 (64) #34 Belarus 8,773 (63) #35 Qatar 8,525 (10)…

#1 United States +35,851 (+1,827) #2 Ecuador +11,536 (+16) #3 Spain +6,740 (+367) #4 Russia +5,849 (+60) #5 United Kingdom +5,386 (+768) #6 Brazil +3,503 (+357) #7 Turkey +3,122 (+109) #8 Italy +3,021 (+420) #9 Canada +2,746 (+147) #10 Germany +1,870 (+185) #11 France +1,645 (+389) #12 Belgium +1,496 (+189) #13 India +1,408 (+59) #14 Saudi Arabia +1,172 (+6) #15 Iran +1,168 (+93) #16 Mexico +1,089 (+99) #17 Pakistan +883 (+18) #18 Sweden +812 (+131) #19 Netherlands +806 (+112) #20 Belarus +751 (+3) #21 Peru +734 (+62) #22 Ireland +577 (+220) #23 United Arab Emirates +525 (+8) #24 Bangladesh +503 (+4) #25 Chile +494 (+6) #26 Ukraine +477 (+6) #27 Portugal +444 (+34) #28 Indonesia +436 (+42) #29 Poland +381 (+40) #30 Romania +321 (+22) #31 Colombia +320 (+10) #32 South Africa +267 (+4) #33 Israel +255 (+2) #34 Kuwait +215 (+1) #35 Philippines +211 (+15)…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 354.4K)


>Advierten que el Aedes aegypti desarrolló una adaptación para sobrevivir al FRIO en Buenos Aires




Whats the sause for that

It´s a BIO WEAPON and
the COMMUNIST PARTY of Chyna released it!

Attached: 1587308663924.png (746x647, 586.49K)

>just a flu bro

I've had enough. I just want to watch the world burn at this point. I don't even care if I get corona'd, I just want all these boomers to die out of spite.

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Every ten days, I leave my house for groceries.
When I come home, I strip down to my undies and everything I was just wearing goes in the front closet.
Then I take a shower.
Then I mop the front hallway.

Maybe that's a bit extreme, but I love my lungs just the way they are.

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Daily reminder that china caused human extinction
>no cure
>no possible vaccine
>no possible containment or slow down with an R0 of 8+ and being airborn
>100% fatal due to reinfection/reactivation
>survivors are sterilized

fuck niggers

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>Work smart, travel alone, eat out fast: South Korea's prescription for coronavirus recovery

>“Some experts predict COVID-19 will stay for as long as TWO YEARS, and we have to accept the reality that we can’t go back to pre-COVID-19 life during that time,” Vice Health Minister Kim Gang-lip told a briefing.

>“The government is preparing a transition to a sustainable routine distancing scheme with the goal of carrying out regular social and economic activity and preventing COVID-19 infections at the same time,” he said.

zThe guidelines detail a code of conduct in areas including workplaces, transport, restaurants, shopping and sporting fixtures, starting with general rules such as washing hands, maintaining distance and regular temperature checks and disinfection.

The whole article is important:

Attached: 1586702035642.png (1442x1110, 420.19K)

Cases they didn't counted before were added in just one day, just what China did with Wuhan numbers a couple of days ago.

Attached: proud.jpg (1266x680, 56.59K)

Why are the elites scared of this nothingburger,lads?

Attached: 1587350470276.png (799x573, 316.44K)


Because my country literally pushes a globohomo agenda

Attached: trump administration globohomo agenda.png (595x568, 212.65K)

Attached: The Resistance.jpg (2059x1697, 339K)

wow, they payload! this is getting out of hand
depends on your country, it seems
hahaha love your post, where the Like button when you need 1
>Some experts predict COVID-19 will stay for as long as TWO YEARS
doesnt need expert to tell me that

Attached: af.jpg (1035x400, 106.94K)

I don't think it makes a difference

puro diy

Attached: diymask.jpg (304x408, 26.81K)

>daily double 9/11’s
>crested 100k infections
>”we’ve got to open up”

ngl bros pretty confused

Attached: 8348B862-A49B-49C2-B1A4-0BB34DF3EAB2.jpg (587x960, 66.21K)

Hunt the elites. Claim their bunkers

>tits dying
Oh fuck, are we entering the Flat Age?

Attached: wha.jpg (277x277, 29.26K)

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>Remember when we had 100k worldwide?
I remember when the country list looked like everyone was going to break into triple digits, aka the 100 club. Not for deaths, but for infections per day. How long ago it all seems.

Sauce for is youtube.com/watch?v=0SSYzl9fXOQ&feature=youtu.be&t=515

Attached: 1527524271559.gif (1600x1200, 788.04K)

Thank you communism.

Attached: 1587365151060-1.jpg (1444x2043, 1021.51K)

Need to get cement trucks and cement them into their bunkers

new diablo game cinematic. I used to like diablo and blizzard before they became a bunch of faggots so the new cinematic gave me hope. But then I remembered blizzard is a bunch of faggots now

How's the economy doing so far? Any updates on how worse it has gotten since the oil fiasco last friday?

we are entering the age of human extinction

Attached: 1584986508123.jpg (250x250, 11.89K)

I'm hoping enough boomers and niggers die that crime will go down and I can finally buy a house at a somewhat reasonable price.

>"Doesnt need an expert to tell me that"
Not for /Cvg/ but the normies do some egghead to tell them

No me digas que en serio pusiste tapitas de botella a los lados

lurk more, newfag

Attached: all niggers dead.jpg (1024x576, 84.39K)

lol, still only 3,433.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,433? Four days? Five days?

Attached: its_over.png (1574x1420, 136.49K)

pretty based

Attached: 1584911157905.png (261x238, 56.55K)

Contemplate the essence

Make racism wrong again.

Define economy.
Stonks are doing fine in finance clown world.

Hard Reset kind of over

awebo we. Está fundido y tiene pedazos de n95


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Is this a Jannies's meeting?

▶ 114 new cases and 1 new death in Nigeria
▶ 14 new cases in Uruguay

Attached: CVG.png (720x480, 221.23K)

Fed’s sugardaddying us pretty well so far. The diminishing returns should start shortly though. Powell really doesn’t want to be the Fed chair that let the economy die.

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Post masks

Attached: 93935395339593.jpg (2113x1315, 391.85K)

>vitamin c
Just eat fruits and veggies. No need for vitamin supliments if you eat proper.