Debate Skills

Is anyone else absolutely dogshit at debating? I'm generally right wing on social platforms and in real life, but when leftists call me out on Twitter or ask me for live debates I ALWAYS get BTFOd.
I was in debate club in hs and college and was unanimously voted the shittiest debater every fucking time. Every topic I would get shit on, no matter what I believed.
Are some people just not meant for debate?

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Have you tried just shutting the fuck up?

Read plato and learn Socratic dialogue.
Learn to control emotion and become a confident speaker.
Argue with the intention of finding truth rather than "winning"

>debating lefties
You can't argue with stupid. Just call them a nigger faggot and move on.

You either don't believe or care about what you're debating or are being dragged into traps coz you're a bit stupid

Most people get around shitty debating by asking questions instead of giving answers in a debate. Usually by reframing the question to make it look like that's what the person really believes when it isn't.

I excelled in debate in high school. So much so that if I state my accolades I would be doxxing myself. But now I am absolutely terrible at it, because I am not an arrogant little shit anymore. Thats what debate really is: theater. The content of my arguments in hs were absolute garbage, but I was a good salesman. Now that I am older, and I feel less inclined to act like that, I have taken up the role of the planner/ideologue. Where I would have been Hitler before, I am more of a Goebbels now.

I fucked up a debate in high school on gun control because I got led into traps and was nervous being pro gun against a bunch of liberal fags in the early 00's.
Ever since then, I don't back down on any debate so long as I have shit to back it up. That's the key for anyone with an alternative point- have your sources ready because they always scream for sauce. Honestly believe in what you're arguing as well, it certainly helps.

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lurk more, faggot.

While this is useful in furthering your own understanding, it is terrible advice for arguments on the internet or with obstinate people. For those, you need to go Sophist.

You're too low IQ even for Yas Forums

This. You don’t try to win, you just gotta make the other person look stupid enough that people won’t believe him.

This. OP is an absolute low functioning retard. His mind is so malformed that he can’t form coherent arguments. I bet his mom drank when she was pregnant or OP is just taking the piss and never did any of this


Learn what you stand for and what people say. Read ideological books and make up counter-arguments to objections BEFORE they pop up. Practice. Practice. Practice. Science won't bring you anywhere, a well-worded argument said with conviction is a thousand times more valuable than dry numbers nobody will care about or understand. Keep initiative and never let it go, until you've had the opponent say something seriously compromising for his side. Above all remember that debating will never change a tard's mind, the objective is not to win, is to flaunt your victory before having it and bring the audience to your side.

Is Destiny considered a good debater?

This is what I needed to hear. After btfo after btfo and people on MY side disassociating with me because I "make them look bad" I just need to give this up. I just didnt want to admit i put so much time into something I'm shit at.

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>I won't be able to start a political youtube/stream and chat it up with the others
Nothing was lost, I wouldn't mind chatting with Null from KF, but the whole, keeping up a imagine and shit,sounds like a fucking boner killer.
Try to remain anonymous, that way when you look stupid. No one will know.

I'm good at debating in writing, but terrible at debating in speaking. Next year I plan on joining a debate club, and recommend you do the same i you want to improve

That's because you need basic philosophy knowledge to be able to defend your points with conviction. It's not only you, all Americans are absolute trash at debating and this board is an example.

debate is not a sales pitch, you're a mental child if you treat it such

IRL liberals are too emotional to debate with, we have a big problem in Western Europe with liberals getting into a tantrum if you express certain ideas they deem intolerant. it's a religion to these people and some debates just aren't worth it

I'm a master debater, and I know this because everyone who debates me always gets mad at me. Maybe they can't handle my high-octane arguments. It's fast and loose for me, you see, I only deal with the absolute maximum in terms of pschological philosophy and epistemology in function and practice, always of the highest calibre as warranted by rigorous years of adherence to practical study of logic as it pertains to the mind of the human being wherein it also was begotten and spread there-fro; wherefore my affection with debate in the first place, that I believe myself to be a genius beyond measure whose discoveries are meticulously branded and characterized by understanding I feel is essentially important to depart in phrase, so also where I am from in a socratic sense, un-socratically

This. Become the Jew.

if you can't debate, don't. if you want to convice your friends, just show them articles and memes. that's really all you need to do. if they get uppity and call it misleading or propaganda just say 'okay', and keep doing it anyways. it isn't hard.

But the socratic method is the most effective way to dismantle SJW fantasies and theories in general

IMO the best solution to liberals is bullying. these people are emotional and social shaming works. just look at Swedes ffs

Verbal reasoning and verbal agility are not the same skill set. Most of the people who are really good at debate are stimulant abusers, and winning a debate and being right are not correlated in any way. It is mostly about social dominance and verbal agility.

The problem is you have a negative attitude user. You’re a shit debater because you’re lacking confidence and charisma. Have you ever had hot girls flirting with you, or people trying to be your friend? It’s ok if you haven’t. What I’m really getting at lol is user you’re hopeless. You’ve developed into a pure beta. You’re what they would call a side kick. Stop debating

Don't even do this. If you push too hard too much, people will ignore you. If people aren't responding to your redpills after weeks or a month of trying, leave them. Some people are fundamentally bluepilled by nature.

the socratic method works because you do not need to present arguments, you just have to dismantle your opponents' logic. it's like how you brainwash people. you break them down, tell them that they are wrong, stupid, ugly, obtuse, whatever, all without presenting your opinion. when they are finally broken down, you tell them what is right, what is wrong, and what they need to do to be correct and valuable. if you ever find yourself against an opponent that only asks questions, what you should promptly do is ask counter questions and never answer directly.

You just have low iq user, make peace with it

But did you really put any time into it? Beyond passively absorbing whatever you read on this or other forms, did you ever actually attempt to improve your debate skills or actively engage with the material you were debating? To be good at debate, you need to not only understand your side fully, strengths AND weaknesses, but also the oppositions side. Be able to predict their arguments and have a coherent, well reasoned response so that you are never caught out in the cold. Finally, you need to not only be able to do all of that, but to also be able to present the material in a clear and logical manner with the proper tone to engage with your audience. Unless you have practiced all of that, it is no wonder you are shit at debate.

The good news is that you CAN still learn, but it will take lots of time and effort. Watch others debate, particularly at a high level and focus on their mannerisms and pattern of speech. Learn how they speak to connect with the audience and avoid difficult questions. Don't expect it to be easy, becoming exceptional at anything never is. You are the only thing standing in your way to become the person that you want to be.

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I disagree, it works really well. persistence and humor are some of the most effective persuasive tools. still, I guess there is room for failure, but failure can build your future success.