You know that right, even if the shutdowns are lifted you can never go back to the way it was.
Society has changed and none of you will benefit from it
Your lives will never be normal again
So what. Death to commies.
>At most, they can kill you only once.
>At most, you only have to kill them once.
long live the National Socialist Revolution
I like pizza
The way it was sucks, ill gladly go to any other time period especially the 1950s
Imagine the pungent stench
Is the retarded drivel spewing from you fat unwashed mouth supposed to influence me to believe something? Put on some deodorant and go outside and then in a few years I might take something you say seriously
You mean I won’t be living in my moms basement and nuking socks all day after the virus?
I think Kofi is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills Rwandans and doesnt afraid of anything.
That's a man.
Hail victory brother.
>Society has changed and none of you will benefit from it
How it will change when 99% people go through this shit without symptoms.
i don't give a fuck
i'm going to fuck a pawg by any means necessary once this pandemic is over
i sell survival food and appliances. try again.
Things are already back to normal, if you ever went outside you'd see people going about their business as normal. As soon as businesses open again it'll be exactly like before but with more hatred of chinks.
my life never changed to begin with
neet masterrace will inherit the earth
I never had a "normal life" to fucking begin with bro, and I already financially benefited from this crash and no I'm not talking about the stupid $1200 trump check.
Where going to the future nostalgia faggot, pic related
its going to be the crisis that never ends for commies still in mommies basement. We just won't tell them its over and they'll keep thinking they have to stay inside. win win.
>You know that right, even if the shutdowns are lifted you can never go back to the way it was.
You're not wrong, although it's obvious that many elements of degenerate modern society deserve to be thrown into the trash
>Society has changed and none of you will benefit from it
Most won't, some will, especially those with the vision to anticipate new trends and those with the capital to be proactive. Mostly though the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. Simple as.
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>1 post by this ID
>Is coffee good for you?
What’s it going to be like, kike?
Are you really that dumb or are you just good at acting?
The virus is a nothingburger. The issue is the precedent this over reaction sets. We’re saying bye bye to many rights we were taking for granted. What do you think will happen next time so terrorists will decided it’s a good idea to weaponise a virus?
Instead of "Will there be snow next week?" news articles we will be seeing a lot more "Will there be a lockdown next week?" articles
The media is going to make sure nobody will forget about this
I'm just looking forward to the petite-bourgeoisie being lumpen/ semi-prolelatarianised.
War Until Victory
No fucking way it is. That ass is not grown with HRT.
Fuck Discord Trannies.
Their families will pay for the sins of their head.
This is always followed by Mutt’s Law.
sounds like it wouldn't be hard to train a neural network to auto identify these patterns and auto delete the posts and ban the shills
probably would even need a neural network, just a couple if statements
Hitler did nothing wrong, we will not make the same mistake.
It's not a shill you stupid fucking leaf this is the current event that's effecting the globe
I'm here to say fuck you jannie cunts after I wrote a 200 word reply to a thread that got deleted even.though ot was about fucking birds; not that you virgin dog fucking cunts woyd know anythijg about that you inbred shitfuckers
hope yu join the 45% amd kill.yurself tonsave me 5he trouble you gay cunts
Haha, I hope you suffer for quite a long time you Australian FAGGOT.
Waiting for that Italian to paste his brap post
Covid 19 was a nothing burger. We shut down the whole fucking economy for nothing. Once the statistics come in showing how most of us have been infected already, we can open things up. Now, the economy recovering is different, that I can believe may not go back to normal so soon.
Dude, our life wont change THAT much, now, normies and roasties are fucked. Their lifestyle is fucked, women soon will be leaving the work force so men could take more traditional roles since the economy crash. Its like a pyramid, what we had bf was the top; people drunk on liberty, freedom, exploring new ways of self inserted rights. Now, we are back to the middle of it, where people will have to survive in order to have what we had. And its a looong walk. Not saying feminist bs will vanish like that, but having a hot meal will come first, having a roof above your head will come first. Women and soi will have they sterile and safe world turned upside down.