You hear that, Yas Forums? Stop ripping off the accomplishments of POC and get your own legacy.
You hear that, Yas Forums? Stop ripping off the accomplishments of POC and get your own legacy
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Anybody that uses their middle initial to sign their name is a huge pretentious faggot.
Italians aren't white either but they're pretty damn close.
I studied the classics and read most secondary literature worth reading. I've never heard of this nigger.
>lives in country that larps extremely hard roman republic
>Greece and Rome were never 'white' and you're not the heir to either culture, in fact you're probably just trash
Well I’m a professor in Whiteness and I’d never go by what a shitskin “classics professor” considers white. So checkmate and sage, shitdick.
>You're probably just trash!
>I'm so much better than you because I'm woke AF.
Slow hanging death. Rope around the neck then lifted off the ground, no drop.
America is so heavily inspired by Rome that to claim both US Citizenship and claim not to be an heir to Roman culture should be treason, punishable by death.
based Dr. Paule telling it how it is
n*rdcucks have been trying to steal our med heritage for too long
Faggots. The only thing I like about sand niggers is they kill faggots.
Just kill this guy in real life. Where does he live/work?
Earlham College. It's in Richmond, Indiana.
Clearly a complete bitch, bullied his entire life (rightly so) who has to signal how woke he is in an attempt to convince impressionable college girls to fuck him. He has produced nothing useful to the world and he knows he never will.
A failing economy, empty lecture halls, and bankrupt generation of future college students will ensure this faggot dies alone, broke, and filled with regrets.
Thanks Coronavirus “pandemic” for solving some problems.
a White male telling it how it is
He teaches at a private liberal arts university called Earlham College in Indiana
>centuries of white men claim the heritage of Rome
>And then a skinny faggot who got a degree in classics just to "show them" decides he's an authority
Lol. I'm sure Charlemagne and every Holy Roman Emperor after was "trash" in this limp-wristed traitor's eyes, too. And the founding fathers, and the Russian nobility, etc.
Great. That was fast. If anyone lurking is within an hour or two [don't reply in this thread] put a bullet in him.
>Hi, I'm a self-important academic on Twitter who racks his brain every day to try to generate the newest hot take for likes and retweets
He’s right that Greeks and Italians aren’t white.
No need for killing you glowtard.
Just kick his ass like what Tony did to that loanfaggot in the first episode of the sopranos.
>Greece and Rome were never white
Fine. I'll stop celebrating Roman imperialism.
Now Pax Britania on the other hand...
"White" in this context means native European. Of course Greece and Rome were "white". Is this person saying that they were populated by mostly or entirely by non Europeans?
Why is a 'Classics' professor making anthropological claims?
No, killing is absolutely necessary. Not killing is why it keeps happening. Not killing is why they kill us -- with foreign deployments, mass immigration, joblessness, war spoils narcotics importation. A refusal to respond with immediate deadly force is what let's the next person know they can do it too. Kill him and then kill his colleagues when they speak out for him.
>Anybody that uses their middle initial to sign their name is a huge pretentious faggot.
I hear it's also a symptom of Parkinsons disease.
I would bet 1000.00 *literally* this is either a Jew or a fag. Its like a cancer.
The greeks themselves literally claim that they were blonde in ancient times
He’s a cunt but he’s correct. Greece and Rome’s people were black.
>No need for killing
I'm not advocating violence but the reason leftists won't fuck with groups like Muslims is fear. Nobody respects whites because whites aren't feared. If this guy thought whites might throw acid in his face or put a bomb under his car he wouldn't be teaching anti white propaganda.
Agreed. The republic lives
FOAD nigger