Literally tells everyone the entire nation on live tv to drink bleach as a cure for coronavirus

>literally tells everyone the entire nation on live tv to drink bleach as a cure for coronavirus
this man is not taken seriously by anyone. he's so fucked in the election.

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Other urls found in this thread:

gtfo commie faggot

sage gb2r

Sage isn't a downvote. Go back to r/thedonald

I respect this post, Trump isnt a meme anymore. he's fucking all of us in the g spot

it used to be a great tool to keep shit like this off the board

Yeah then stormweenies like you ruined the board

3.50 kys

Now he's trying to say, "Geez, guys, I was only joking, lighten up!"

Nice try, but I saw the clip. He was serious.

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I drank some bleach, it was a teaspoon mixed into a glass of water. I was fine. I shit absolute water for like 5 minutes afterwards but then I was feeling absolutely amazing afterwards. Can you remember how you felt when you were super young, like 7 or 8? You had infinite energy and were in absolute perfect health. That’s how I felt. Mmmm I love a bit of bleach. It cleans me right up

13 do 50

dick sucking nigger faggot found. OP also eats dead black babies.

He's already claiming it was sarcasm... The absolute pussy.

people will forget about this in 2 weeks you gay cocksucking leaf faggot

And he will win the election. The average voter would just think the guy is exhausted and working himself to death with meetings and daily press conferences


Trump is the reason why China is rising so fast

>commie pinko faggot

Why is he even holding these press conferences anymore, he just rambles nonsensically for hours and argues with literally who reporters

I am the board pinko

I have been here for the 16 years spreading truth and in that time have elected a fucking president.

I have seen myself go from a young boy to a burnt out middle aged man on this website and I wont have some fucking canadian tell me anything. I live in fucking Alaska, you can go fuck yourself, I know all about your jew tricks.

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I hope that everyone who legitimately thinks he told them to drink bleach does and does so heartily.

pic related is you
in all fields faggots

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I’m ashamed to have voted for this man.

Rather have a fucking kiddie fucker in the white house than this asshat halloween custom for a face sack of shit spouting off such stupid garbage. What to being back blood letting while you’re at it, you stupid fuck?

Biden 2020

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trump has destroyed the chinese economy. what are you talking about faggot

He’s a fucking idiot clinging to an outdated ideology predicated on hate, racism, and fear. He is, therefore, the embodiment of Yas Forums and both deserve to be tossed on the ash heap of history and pissed on.


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I don't care if he meant it or not. At least he isn't a faggot nigger.

durr hurr reall funny pinko mods

I AM THE $Yas Forums

Attached: Gt2007+memes+gtcurrent+year+are+you+even+trying+_d7a2a8c8d815bfb1e9c7f0c0b1d48d75.jpg (680x419, 44.74K)

I actually injected 10ml of bleach yesterday with my mom's insulin needle, burned like hell but today I feel great, no more cough and my feet stopped tingling


Keep sipping that Domestos and kys daft cunt.

"An international chorus of doctors and health experts has urged people not to drink or inject disinfectant"
Common vaccine ingredients:
Formaldehyde - DISINFECTANT
POTUS led Media and Doctors to admit that the vaccines are not safe.

how did you do that

▲ ▲

WOW (((you))) guys are not even hiding, remember you gave Bernie another house.
again in all field, and pic related

Attached: bernie bros.gif (379x400, 1.32M)

same here, i inserted it into my anus and now i'm back to work in the factory.

Attached: shill guide.png (720x8640, 2.41M)

dilate some more trannies

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Former Trump voter here. I am throwing my support behind Biden because he is based in his ability to sniff random people's hair. I want to sniff hair. Biden is willing to throw open the borders and let thousands of undocumented and untraceable children into this country with very sniffable hair. That is what I want, that is what I need, untraceable people and unlimited access to random people's hair. Biden has it, I want it, I am Riden with Biden.

Yes you take metaphor or rhetoric or a guess or just a pondering as literal when it suits your needs.
The way the left is collectively reeeing about this is reminiscent of a crazy ex-girlfriend who has marked you for death. They dedicate their entire existence to trying to get under your skin.

piggy exhausted? Nah. his fat-fingering the twatter shows what he does with his time....mainly he watches himself pretending to be president and lying

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Forgot my picture. We've had this episode already, demoshits. Get some new material.

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And then wins november lel


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fucking traitor

how can people actually be like this

how much are they paying (((you)), or are you doing it for free?

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This is not a serious point. It's expressed stupidity.

I'm here to kill your gay thread

Lol. Hilarious you think burgers are smart enough to know what's good for them. Trump will win again.

Yeah? You saw the clip? Why don't you post the briefing?

Read all of what I said, retard.

Shill thread with no witnesses

130.00 per for basic posts
150.00 for threadkillers

I sincerely hope that all MIGA shits listen to their cult leader and drink the bleach. Skip the Kool-Aid. Just go straight to the bleach.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bully? I'll have you know I lasted 16 years in Canada, and I've been involved in numerous raids on my own body, and I have over 300 ML of bleach drank. I am trained in self harm and I'm the top Clorox chugger in BC, Canada. You are nothing to me but just another Bully. I will wipe myself the fuck out with chugging the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am knotting my 2 meters long rope across my neck and your feelings are being hurt right now so you better prepare for the suicide, bully. The suicide that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call my life. You're fucking done, kid. I can die anywhere, anytime, and I can kill myself in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my Clorox and rope. You fucked up bully, I will shit sadness on you and you will drown in it, I'm fucking dead kiddo

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I'm not going to vote for open borders and gun control just because Trump says dumb shit.
Blow it out your ass, faggot.

Your lies won't convince anyone to change their mind in November, memeflaggot coward.

sorry, there was a shill post above accidentally clicked on yours.