Tfw very right wing but find myself agreeing with Marxist and postmodernist criticisms of capitalism and modern society

>tfw very right wing but find myself agreeing with Marxist and postmodernist criticisms of capitalism and modern society
I am so confused anons

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Only an idiot would defend the dystopian corporate crony-capitalism system we have at this stage. Doesn't take a commie to see it's complete shit.

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user... that means you're a nazi

You are experiencing the political hoof, look into it

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It's called fascism

So, fascism. Remember that Mussolini and Mosley were both leftists initially.

it's called national SOCIALISM for a reason you dork

I thought the Nazis and fascists hated Marxism.

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The Marxist critique of capitalism is pretty spot on. The error is in the prescriptions for change.

Darth Nilus. Why?

We hate Marxism but recognise its few correct criticisms of capitalism

They despised Marxism but also despised unrestrained capitalism, usually in the form of speculators, usurers and Jews

marxism isnt right wing, NatSoc is right wing socially and left wing economically. Which is the ideal Governing system and the end of the political rabbit hole

You're a nazi. Nazis are leftists who are called right wing because they are racist. But otherwise they are just socialists. Horsehoe theory is mental gymnastics made up by kikes for the sole purpose of explaining away Nazis.

Revan is such a fucking bad ass. Also I highly recommend reading the Darth Bane trilogy

Nihilus and Revan are both based.

>I am so confused anons

Syncretism isn't confusing

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Based croat

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yeah just look at how Marxism turned out
the Fascists made the exact same criticisms without going full retard

national socialism is the way
maxist are atheist that's a bad idea humans need spirituality.

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Marxists and Post-Modernists are diametrically opposed. Some of the harshest critiques of PoMo came from Marxists.
Stop getting your philosophy from Jordan Peterson

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Most modern Marxists are all glorified eunuchs too focused on muh international tranny jannies. However they are not everything, and IMO just a side effect of the massive shekel stain that has been growing across the world the last how many decades.

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Sounds like you're more of a racist libertarian than a dirty commie. It's not necessarily a bad thing to criticise any system, its the only way it can improve into something resembling a utopia.

Capitalism is by no stretch perfect, far from it. but It's the best we have for now.

Their analysis of how society works isn't all bad, I mostly disagree with how they want to change it.

Its pretty funny. All the memes about hard work and intelligence.

They were all bullshit. We live in a caste system. It is very difficult to ascend beyond your caste placement.

Especially now with them destroying everything every 10 years. Best you can hope for is a government job. Because to be an euntrpeneuer or small business owner is to sign your own death warrant.

Big business is a state supported enterprise.


Welcome to strasserism, comrade. We have such sights to show to you. You better accept that cuckservatives, christcucks, anarkiddies, bootlickers and all other types of fullblown retards will you.

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*hate you.

>Not liking Peterson
I agree that your point regarding postmodernism and Marxism is valid and OP is a /lit/ tier pseudo-intellectual faggot, but Peterson is still based.

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Peterson got shit on by Zizek withing 5 minutes of their debate and you're a fucking mong by even mentioning him.

what part of Peterson is based
the part where he raised a complete whore of a daughter
or the part where he's addicted to the pharmajew

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