Is peeing in the shower redpilled? The media always shills using a toilet/urinal for peeing. What are they hiding?

Is peeing in the shower redpilled? The media always shills using a toilet/urinal for peeing. What are they hiding?

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There's literally nothing wrong to peeing with the shower running.

I peed on the floor one time because I didn't trust the toilet not to send my liquids elsewhere, and Israeli police showed up at my door.

>not waffle stomping your turds down the shower drain

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Shitting in your shower is based.

Peeing in the shower is perfectly safe.
Only idiots think otherwise.
Urine is pretty close to sterile and it’s washed down the drain immediately.

/thread as long as you don't shit in the shower there's no harm in peeing in a drain that is getting washed while you shower anyway


Not hygienic. Water in a shower can stay there for a while due to the p-trap.

the jews fear the shower shitter waffle stomper

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LMAO, fucking lost

How original... not.

it's yellowpilled

Just shut up.

>shower shitter waffle stomper

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Urine is sterile. Hygiene refers to unsterile things.

It's alpha to stand outside the shower and pee into it.
Mark your territory.

Ever since I started pissing on the shower curtain not a single speck of mold has grown back.

It's okay to shit in the shower, just use your toes to force it in the drain.

hey whats that!

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Urine is absolutely not sterile.

I piss directly on my feet in the shower.

Peeing outside is redpilled

That's an urban legend.
There's plenty of bacteria in urine.

That’s what I do with your mother

What about Cumming loads in the shower?

Save it for your boyfriend

This must be something European do, since their sour is sold, they need to save water. The idea of having my feet in a pool of my own piss, even for a few second is repugnant.

>samefagging in a coffee thread

Yeah you should really just shut the fuck up.

a toast! to the piss master race! down the hole it goes! drip drip drip psshhhhhhhhh

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>plenty of bacteria in urine
Certified NEET/Wagecuck/Low IQ posting

I am the guy. But I am lonely...

No. Biomolecules are sticky. Scrub it if you pee, with bleach

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based and wafflestomppilled

>not peeing in the bath
the absolute state of plebs, you warrant not even an image expressing my emotion on this subject

for me it's the sink

While this is true, in terms of quantity of bacteria, and their ability to do harm, it's basically inline with all of the other stuff coming off of your body during a shower. Washing off a day's worth of sweat and grime is not different than urine; if not just because uric acid is a component of sweat anyways.

Peeing on a bar room floor is true redpill

Do women do this too?
please say no

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I piss in the shower eleven times out of ten.

checked em

>t. bubbleboy

Of course we do.

I pee in the sink too.

>Why yes, I do piss in the shower. How could you tell?

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It all goes to the same place. Your house pipes connect to a wastewater (grey) sewer that runs into a larger system.

Even shitting in the shower isnt a big deal, just make sure you waffle stomp them into small enough bits or they will be caught in the small bends of your pipes in your house before it reaches the larger system - not good.

The warmth of it feels so good. It's like the perfect temperature

>Plenty of bacteria
Not sterile, but not plenty. Again, you're retarded
"Most of the bacteria isolated required either increased CO2 or anaerobic conditions for growth, along with prolonged incubation, and they often were present in numbers below the threshold of detection used in routine diagnostic urine culture protocols."

Pee in that picture looks like it's more solid than it should be. Few things though.
>Peeing down the drain of the shower is okay.
>Peeing on your feet or where the pee is going to drain towards your feet is wired.
>If you're going to pee on your feet at least do it right and pay a hooker to piss all over you.
>Can anyone explain why I have red crystals in my pee? Google says gout but I don't have joint pain or joint inflammation.

I pee in the bath before I even get in.

imagine not taking all your pisses in your own backyard

we wouldn't you like that? i love chicks peeing on my dick in the shower

Urine kills foot fungus. Piss on your feet in the shower if you get athletes foot. Also, the hot shower on your neck while you are pissing is exquisite.