7 Billion

Bill gates says every person on Earth needs to get vaccinated to get things back to normal. Likely with the vaccine he'll end up with the patent for. Don't bother resisting either because once the 2nd wave comes out, you'll have no choice. It's literally the choice to get vaccinated or die.


Attached: gatesgate.png (626x471, 148.91K)

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daily reminder for the npc nigs

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Trump already said no chips and no forced vaccines. You make like 30 of these threads a day but Trump already BTFO'd Gates on multiple occasions.

Foreign faggots are getting chipped though, that's for sure.

I absolutely hate anti-vaxxers, but there's no way in fucking hell I trust Bill fucking Gates. If he told me the sky was made of breathable air I'd probably hold my breath until I passed out.

>Bullard laid out a system where every American would be tested every day and would wear a badge with their negative result, similar to the ones people wear after they vote.
>This would help the economy because people “could interact with each other with a lot of confidence,” he said. And the health-care sector would be able to bring care quickly to those in need.
>Mandatory routine testing of all Americans (WP 8) supplemented with random testing (WP 6) with a target of approximately 50 million tests administered daily.
>The Federal Reserve Board be given broader legal authority and control of the economy (WP 3).

Attached: fed.png (496x877, 309.57K)

We all know there wont be a vaccination and gates knows too so is he really saying we should all just sit home for forever? Is he just that mad he got kicked off the board? Whats his problem

someone just put this guy back behind a computer again.

because we didn't have this level of quarantine during the flu you dumb Greek faggot

what the fuck is this faggots problem

join /nbg/

lets face it africa can be ignored

I'm not getting a chip implanted nor am I getting a number tattooed to my arm.

its funny and sad at the same time to see how your childhood idol turns into an evil joke.
Then again, back than information was filtered and regulated as fuck...

This is a election year dumbass, we can't be sure if Trump will win, Biden sure as hell would force vaccination, chip and all.

Why is a computed nigger advising the world on healthcare issues? Where did he go to medschool? Where did he get his degree in microbiology?

The fact that he's even involved in all this shit is reason enough to be suspect of all of it.

I'm not even conservative or into conspiracies and i think his involvement is sketchy as fuck... at one point, leftists used to be the ones that pointed out this shit. Remember the leftist opposition to the patriot act? Wtf happened? Why is the political left embracing this horseshit level of control all of a sudden?

Live free or die

>We all know there wont be a vaccination
There definitely will be a vaccination. Bill Gates and world leaders wouldn't be writing all this crap up, going out of their way to have a variety of rules suspended and R&D fast-tracked, and pouring even more billions of dollars into this if they weren't going to get one.
It's probably not going to be a very effective vaccine, but that's obviously not their motivation. Their motivation is kickstarting their new system of control and tracking. Arguably a less effective vaccine would be even better than a more effective one since it'll require more frequent re-ups on shots which means more frequent medical data captures and opportunities for restricting behavior based on medical / compliance status.

Haha oh yeah a daily test for every person in the world let's get working on that guys.

And yet that's what Bill Gates, the Federal Reserve, the WHO, etc are all pushing for right now.


is 7 billion the number of people - the number of jews?

Stop fucking shilling against vaccines. It's on the level of 5G false red herrings.
Here, read what someone more redpilled than you (Neoreactionary) has to say about it.
>Medical offense: vaccination
>Making a candidate vaccine is easy. Modern molecular platforms (like those of Inovio and Moderna) produced vaccines in hours from the viral DNA. These vaccines probably work, and are probably safe. If I knew I was going to be exposed to the virus, and had no other protection, I would take one.
>But this level of confidence can be considerably improved. It does take time to manufacture millions of doses. While this happens, a vaccine (this should happen in parallel for all plausible vaccines) can be tested in the most efficient trial form: the human challenge trial.
>In a challenge trial, human subjects are vaccinated, then inoculated with the virus. We don’t even have to invent this: the top Google hit for “challenge trial” is this rant by a fringe group — based, like many cults, in Geneva — calling itself the “World Health Organization.”
>These cowboys do acknowledge that a human challenge trial is crazy and may even be unethical. But they suggest that it may be appropriate in some cases — such as “emergency use of an investigational vaccine (e.g. in a pandemic).”

>A computed nigger
>jew bankers
>a Chink propaganda front

Why does the mainstream left claim to be pro-science, while putting the above in charge of response to a pandemic disease?

All we need to do is kill Bill Gates and we can get back to normal.

In that case I choose death.

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em hello sir welcome to sweden

There is no god you fucking dumbass,
Vaccinations should be compulsory, don't reproduce PLEASE

Pretty sure you won't be able to kill a guy with $100 billion, backdoors into everyone's computer systems, and all sorts of shady international spook connections. Bill Gates is basically God.

>Likely with the vaccine he'll end up with the patent for
You are a fool if you think countries will not nullify or forfeit the patent or otherwise confiscate the vaccine. They will be able to do so legally within their own jurisdiction through new laws.

They already did with certain medicines and corona tests.

>you'll have no choice
I beg to differ, fren.

for two months you fags have been bemoaning VACCINES VACCINES i literally do not care.

Option 3 please. The one where Gates takes a needle in the eye.

yeah but at least it's not corona that kills you but the police

>you'll have no choice
There is always a choice.

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>Stop having opinion because my medium.com article says so
You are a tremendous faggot. Try to post less often going forward. Thanks!

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Doesn't mass vaccination force it to mutate possibly to a more serious disease?


This faggot doesn't vaccinate so why should we take his

I really don't like Bill Gates

I, for one, cannot wait to be injected and have their stuff squirted inside me by our technological overloards.

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>Doesn't this solution result in more problems which will provide continued demand for and subscription to his same solution framework?
Yes. See also: perpetual paying for debt with more debt fed currency.

>implying i want to live

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