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Fake and gay
Just drink a little
He literally told people on national television they should try injecting disinfectant to cure the disease because it might work.
Take your daily disinfectant injection, user. It's good for you.
Your peepees are the size of rice.
remember when this place was flodded with tranny shills from discord? well its the same people that shill ugly ethots and the same people that will vote for biden.
is not the same as saying clorox retard.
Same reason fish tank cleaner asshole got spammed so hard. Anything to try and tarnish his reputation. He didn't specify which disinfectant. Could have been nebulized nano silver solution......
Just chug the bleach you pussy.
Chew it out brother
party hard
I actually injected 10ml of bleach yesterday with my mom's insulin needle, burned like hell but today I feel great, no more cough and my feet stopped tingling
>how do we kill the rona?
>idk, maybe we try targeted light to dedtroy it, would be nice if we had a disinfectant for the inside of the body
>wow, so you're saying every american should go right now, grab a bottle of Chlorox™ and inject it directly in the spine?
4 more years tranny!
I smoked a whole bottle of Ajax Extra Strength Floor Cleaner last night; cleanest high I've ever had.
This is why people hate the media. They act like kids.
Trump moves arm to point at cool tractor outside window, finger touches Journalists shoulder at the speed of a garage door closing.
"MOM! TRUMP HIT MEEEEE! HE HIT ME REALLY HARD! OWWWWWW!" -The faggot journalist cries
This is why people hate Trumps. He acts like a retard now take your bleach
Yesterday, I self-administered a Simple Green enema, and today's bowel movement was sparkling.
> he said people should try
No he didn’t. You haven’t seen the video of what he said.
Anyone who would knowingly take medical advice from a politician should absolutely go drink bleach right now. Not even kidding. Run, don't walk, you irredeemable retard.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy inject everyone with disinfectant.
Annoyingly is that he was talking about an actual thing that was used to treat SARS, which is also a coronavirus. The media is actively working against us almost constantly and half the population eagerly joins in the moment of bullshit. Even more aggravating is that it boils down to "men with guns" on the right and "women with facebook" on the left, shitting on the men and then boomer bob backs down because his fat wife told him so. Men in this country are so fucking weak.
You are in the uk. Stop lying kike.
kys newfag
Drink the bleach goy.
because they are desperate
Wait sorry new orders came in:
Correction, he did say the things he was recorded saying, but he actually meant them sarcastically.
Stay brave out there, useful autists. This is going to be a harsh time for us all but just keep pushing what they tell us, like always, and we'll get through.
The leftist are desperate for a gotcha moment against trump. That they have to deliberately misunderstand or remain ignorant of the actual quote is just or for the course
If you were a real Trump supporter you would know to believe what he says over any medical professional... or professional in any field, for that matter.
You will never pleasure a woman.
No he didn't. He was discussing possible treatments which doctors could study. He never said to go and inject commercial disinfectant.
Tiny dick chink shill
y dick chinks shill
Everything he does is a "gotcha" moment, nothing will ever come out of them.
Let them laugh at the retarded things he says every week. The people behind the scenes are doing the work that matters. We'll get that money out of America and into Isreali hands before the end of his term with all this distraction.
Sweet, another desperate cope thread
i hope all of those people get sick and die
again, this is dishonest. He was spitballing about possible treatments, immediately followed with "i'm not a scientist".
Fellow pedes I don't feel so good. I did as our President instructed and inserted two lightbulbs up my ass and then drank a bottle of bleach with my beautiful wife of 20 years Karen. But now I'm having trouble seeing straight and I keep throwing up blood. Do I need to drink more bleach to defeat the invisible enemy or is the hoax virus dead already and this is just the 5g tower next door making me ill? It's not fair, I need to live so I can shake the hand of the Jewish man fucking Mr. Trumps daughter God bless diversity, God bless Israel, God bless Jared Kushner..
user is saying we should drink bleach. Are we all ready to take shots?
Fixed it for you, tranny shill.
the amount of cope you need to shoop a joepedo tweet to make it look like your dear leader said it
You literally inject yourself with disinfectant when taking vaccines
Becuz anti trump cocksuckers will jump at any slip dip and chirp god emperor says. Cause they’re nigger tranny faggot dilators in a nut shell