Leaving the trump train

After seeing this coronavirus fiasco, it highlights just how incompetent and clueless trump really is. He literally told the entire nation on live tv to drink bleach as a cure. He fired someone working on a vaccine because they didn't agree with his stupid miracle drug. In November, I'm voting Biden.

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show flag leaf

it's over now

Chapo faggots on a roll today. Still mad your kike sucked establishment boot?

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Chew brother

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Leftist pieces of shit like you op, deserve to have your throat crushed the fuck in, and left to die in the street.

Shot: youtu.be/RZHQbKe9TtI
Chaser: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3506259/

Hydrogen peroxide is bleach for you brainlets.

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nice flag

Attached: six_million_jews.png (1080x1920, 2.31M)

How many Americans lost their job because bleach-drinking Trump is clueless

I actually injected 10ml of bleach yesterday with my mom's insulin needle, burned like hell but today I feel great, no more cough and my feet stopped tingling

Show me where he said we should inject ourselves with lysol, you cocksucking camel cumguzzler

We can’t let Drumph get his hands on the bleach bottles

If he gets his hands on the bleach codes, I'm officially Ridin with Biden.

I'm voting Williams

obvious reddit shill thread

do not reply to invasion threads

These threads are starting to lose their potency.

No witnesses

I think Trump is finally on the right track.

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Finally a realistic buttshot. Always wanted to see a lardass with shitty tennis form in a buttshot. Now I claw my own eyes into ribbons.



i wonder who could be behind this flag

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Did anyone actually care about this old kike?

you leafs re elected Trudeau, biggest cuck on the world stage

Fellow pedes I don't feel so good. I did as our President instructed and inserted two lightbulbs up my ass and then drank a bottle of bleach with my beautiful wife of 20 years Karen. But now I'm having trouble seeing straight and I keep throwing up blood. Do I need to drink more bleach to defeat the invisible enemy or is the hoax virus dead already and this is just the 5g tower next door making me ill? It's not fair, I need to live so I can shake the hand of the Jewish man fucking Mr. Trumps daughter. God bless diversity, God bless Israel, God bless Jared Kushner

yeah it really is about time. I'm glad this image has finally come to light after all this time. FINALLY

Yep, it's getting closer to November. I can't wait for election night. The salt content was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. I would imagine it will be quadruple what is was in 2016.

Tiny dick chink shill
k chink shill

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You need more bleach user. Aslo make sure the bulbs were NOT filament bulbs. Only UV bulbs in the ass will actually kill the Chinese Virus.

>injecting or ingesting disinfectant might possibly treat coronavirus
>He literally told the entire nation on live tv to drink bleach as a cure.

>using lower frequency radiation to obliterate viruses similar to how photodisintegration obliterates cancer cells.
>lol hes just shining a flashlight to cure da virus

Literal fake news that Jim Acosta and his team of CNN bloggers finally managed to fabricate by taking Trump’s statements out of context after 3 months of continuous attempts.

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>imagine the smell