The Amount of anti-Trump Shilling Today Feels Unnatural

Today feels different Yas Forums

Im used to the concern trolling for every trump "scandal" (nothingburger) that occurs. Before it felt real, and for a laugh.

but today is different. There is definitely someone, or a group on Yas Forums today working too hard to shill that it is so blatantly apparrent. These are not regular concern trolls, there is something odd and un Yas Forums like about them, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

These posts do not feel like organic concern trolls.

My question is
who are these people
what is their goal
who is perhaps paying them

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>a fucking leaf
>one post by this id
>no doubles

Every fucking time



Just post pic

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The president of the United States said one of the dumbest things a sitting president has ever said yesterday and you can't wrap your feeble fucking mind around why people are talking about it? The rake can't come soon enough.

Because fuck the retarded orange nigger and fuck you for supporting him.

Fuck off niggerlover

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Seethe tranny, you'll never be a woman

George soros has paid shills and rebels before many times, so prolly him

It's the the fags from chapo and other reddit subhumans raiding. Eventually they'll leave.

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budgets and scheduling, the Eggheads in the think tanks saw a weakness over the intravenous bleach thing, so they're capitalizing.

I was going to say the same thing. Normally it takes a day for whatever they think Trump said goes away because it usually is wrong anyway, just like this whole bleach and uv light thing.
But they're still here and people all over the place think he really did say ingest bleach. People are more retarded than Trump.

im a gay liberal and i just hate burgers


Fellow pedes I don't feel so good. I did as our President instructed and inserted two lightbulbs up my ass and then drank a bottle of bleach with my beautiful wife of 20 years Karen. But now I'm having trouble seeing straight and I keep throwing up blood. Do I need to drink more bleach to defeat the invisible enemy or is the hoax virus dead already and this is just the 5g tower next door making me ill? It's not fair, I need to live so I can shake the hand of the Jewish man fucking Mr. Trumps daughter. God bless diversity, God bless Israel, God bless Jared Kushner..

He supports the gays though.

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cope, its a nothing burger, just like all the other scandals

They are afraid the normies are waking up and are coming to Yas Forums for slme redpills. So they flood the board with anti Trump garbage in hopes the casual normie sees this and says “I guess I was wrong, even these Yas Forums weirdos dont like him either.

It sucks but its awesome. Ultimately the more they shill the more scared they are.

They are very scared.

That's why he's not taking questions from the press anymore, right? He got exposed for the retard he is. Just like his cult did defending his nonsense. Fuck all you MIGAtards. This board will be cleansed and we're going to make it great again.

the hate stems from satan

Lol you dumb fuck. You dont even know what he said.

Fake news. He was standing

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The shilling has no impact, no spirit, no effort. They're just shoveling more money into the bonfire.

Bots and paid ad companies are out in force.

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The shills are reaching the end of their usefulness and know it. It's like a death rattle, a last gasp. No one in their right mind is voting for Joe Dementia.

None of it will matter and the bosses of these shill farms will get killed by their employers for lying about how effective their shilling is but taking the money anyway, just like David Brock was.

It's just fags from reddit. They think if they spam here enough it'll make up for all the time wasted spamming for sanders.

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>Trump says something incredibly stupid
>hurrr why are people making fun of it?

Welcome to Yas Forums, where unnamed enemies/shareblue/jidf/discord trannies/leftypol/glowniggers or whatever group it is post shit constantly to fuck up the board's capacity for political activism and drown out signal with noise.

Here's the issue: we're on year four. Trump has always been like this, nobody is shocked to hear that one sentence of the 20,000 things he says everyday was fucking retarded. His competition is a person who cannot even form a sentence. I was really looking forward to the 2020 race, but now I just think it's sad. This election is literally going to be about how much people hate or love Trump and nothing else.

>Trump confers with doctors during daily task force briefing about possible ways to cure coronavirus and in no way even alludes to taking it upon yourself to inject household cleaners into your bloodstream
it's "I murdered my husband with fish tank cleaner and blamed it on Trump" all over again

look at it this way:
at least Xi allowed the media to take his cock out of their mouths for a breather to talk about something other than WHO is responsible

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Trump even stated that he doesn't know how they're working with Biden as the nominee since he "has been hiding in his house the whole time" while Trump has been working non stop. Trump specifically said this yesterday but the media always picks one thing out of context out of the whole briefing just to make a mockery of him. Trump even said THAT during the briefing yesterday.

Demoralization squads out big time because they know this is the map that's coming.

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>who are these people
>what is their goal
>who is perhaps paying them're having to ask this?

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And it's beautiful.

>Have we finally reached peak meme value?
>No, it must be shills

Even if we knew for certain who it was we would get banned for posting. Just like the mods did when people started posting share blue employees public socials. Faggots.

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It's reddit