We need to discuss a legitimate armed revolt

The simple fact is big daddy gubment has been infringing on our rights for a long time now and now they are ramping it up with this virus situation. everyone knows now that the system is rigged. Everyone knows that the majority of politicians are corrupt and full of fucking bullshit. Protests arent a bad thing but they should have started ages ago. A simple protest may not cut it anymore. We have to start considering the legitimate possibility of an armed revolt. The constitution is the ultimate law. Our forefathers would have revolted long ago. Dont be a fucking pussy. We the people outnumber them greatly. I highly doubt the military will fire upon it's own citizens. I'm not inciting a riot or a revolution here, I'm just saying we who are awake need to start discussing this possibility. I dont think we should run in shooting but we need to make a legitimate stand to show ((them)) we will not stand idly by any longer. I'm fucking ready for a revolution should it arise. thoughts? Pic related

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The Government is nothing compared to the Jewish Banks.

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I never really gave a fuck about politics before but it's become apparent to me that they will never stop crossing boundaries if we allow them. I for one will not remain silent. Our country was founded on true patriotism and I will not allow that sentiment to be lost in time. Patriots must unite. One nation, under god, with liberty and justice for ALL

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They dont have actual power though. They just have the illusion of it which is very convincing but in reality they could be brought down easily

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I'm not saying to go burn down the local courthouse. just want a legitimate discussion of our options here. The way I see it, it we dont take some kind of stand, they will will walk all over us. I wont allow that.

I refuse to let this happen

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major gay. sage for homo op.

I just want those fucking gubmemt faggots to know that even it means my death, I will do everything in my power to put a fucking stop to tyranny and treason. I do think trump is working on this. He's a nutcase but I believe his intentions are pure. He needs to know that we the people who are awake have his back. Either we take a legitimate stand or we get walked all over. I will not be walked upon. I will not let my fellow Americans or people of the human race be walked upon and have their rights infringed upon. Nobody is above the constitution. my body is ready

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Armed resistance can't happen until there is a strong protest movement.

Let's get a fuckin wiggle on then god damnit

Too many sleepers for that to happen. Most people are actually stupid. Remember that.

I'm not so sure. More and more wake up every day in light of how obvious these fed faggets expose their true colors.

>I highly doubt the military will fire upon it's own citizens.

Many will, many won't.

>United Nations has entered the chat.

This election will be a turning point if it’s lost. Left is trying to usher in another depression to bring in the New Deal 2 like their hero FDR.

But there’s still very much a chance to win. Vote and try and convince someone to vote who wouldn’t.

You have it inverted. The banks are the real power and government is the illusion.

Trump is part of the club idiot. You are all being bamboozled HARD.

I’d feel safer if every 20 miles of road had a rectal thermometer check-point.

Fuck the UN they're a bunch of queermosexuals. everyone knows America is daddy, and daddy gets what daddy wants.

no stepping on the gas pedal until the light turns green.

The liberal outrage against Trump is clearly authentic. The idea they’re “all on the same team” is paranoid fatalism.

They're all an illusion man. We the people will always be the majority in the end. They know the only way to control us is to manipulate and brainwash everyone into being dossile. If they know we arent they'll get btfo overnight

Trump is a maniac I'll give them that. But they've all been brainwashed. if we can break that brainwashing people will realize the true enemy and demand change

You mean the plastic helmeted pussies who surrender to any resistance?
Hell I predict a lot of 4x4's with blue trophies on the grill.
God bless America and the right to bear arms.

The light fucking turned green ages ago man. Everyone is just in too deep of a trance to see it

God I too would hate to generate an actual middle class again. Don't need those plebs crapping up my tee times

When does the lobby fill up and the jumping around shit talking stops and we can do some PvP KoTH