Bitchboy was too scared to take questions today.
What a faggot.
Bitchboy was too scared to take questions today.
What a faggot.
we don't like communists around here faggot
we don't like cults either. maybe it's time for you to go back.
Where are you niggers coming from?
The presidents top aides are warning him that endless cotton candy bullshitting is harming his support, but he's chimping out "bullshit put me in this seat"
if being a red-blooded american is a cult sign me up you pink commie turk
You national cuisine sucks too, italian food is 100x better
Nigger you're the tourist go back to your cuck shed on plebbit if your kike overlords let you
>commies commies aboobooboo DD:
Why are burgers unable to hold a proper conversation
Did you seriously just get here last week? We meme'd this man into office.
OP is humongous faggot
Trump is a communist tho, that's why he gave so much taxpayer money to Wall st. He's a corporate socialist, literally the worst kind of commie.
Trump just gave out like 4 trillion dollars. He seems pretty communist these days.
Discord tranny raid since yesterday
Dont worry they will "declare victory" & go back to dilating soon.
None of them are smart enough to move the needle here.
the chinese say it is because we are politcally prejudiced.
I'd agree - you yourself have some pretty fucking red roots that would be better cleansed by good old fashioned american firepower
Fuck your east german grandpa and your nazi great grandpa. Collectivist fucks.
Conversate with that
I'm more important than you and your friends and family. It is as simple as that.
I think we’ll all forget about this by monday
did you ever realize that the "discord trannies" wouldn't have shit like the "drink bleach" meme if it weren't for trump being a public retard? Trump is the one supplying the anti-trump ammo. Maybe the real shareblue shill has been Trump all along.
how much are you getting paid
>Obamaleaf & Mohammed the German
Truly the heroes Yas Forums never knew it needed
Trump is a collectivist faggot tho. He steals from the average American to provide welfare for his collective of globohomo banks and corporations
Only because he'll say something even more stupid by then.
>a red-blooded american
hmmm, you're probably a mutt
Citizens United v. FEC
Our business are the same as individuals. Do you hate freedom and commerce? Do you believe these corporations were set up by the government or something?
You probably voted for obama too
Did you ever realize Trump is constantly trapping liberal dipshits like (you) that can't into hyperbole after 4 fucking years?
Like i said,you are too low IQ to EVER move the needle here...just keep spamming & sliding with your tranny justice squad faggot...your'e truly on the
>frontlines of the culture war
Don't forget to drink bleach to fight COVID-19, user.
this is the most insane argument for corporate welfare I've seen
Is it just me or is there an echo in here...
Yas Forums leans more communist than capitalist nowadays, even though it's neither
Top kek
This fucking faggots asshole is blown apart!
Trump is suffering prolapse right now for his retarded ass statements.
I can trace my genealogy back 12 generations on my fathers side and 6 on my mothers.
the worst you can say about me racially is I'm an 1/8 ashkenazi from my maternal grandfather. The rest is 100% british/celtic
You ancestors have been raped for generations by muslims - there is no contest.
His feelings got hurt after the entire fucking planet raked his stupid ass over the coals. If I said something that made me sound like I couldn't pass 4th grade science I'd be pretty scared to face the press too.
>Our business are the same as individuals
so they don't need welfare. Government picking and choosing winners with bailouts is what kills freedom and commerce. Which is exactly what zion don wants since he is a communist. Trump and Obama are on the same team. They have the exact same fiscal policy. Voting for Trump is the same as voting for king nigger.
The only people zion don "trapped" were the cultists who spent the past 24 hours coming up with "Scientific" arguments to support injecting bleach. He then threw all of you under the bus by claiming he was being sarcastic yesterday. He could have cited the arguments you cultists were making, instead he said you guys fell for his retarded bait. because he hates you
He took questions earlier in the day. Did your kike overlords not mention that to you?
no they don't but as long as we are giving it to whores and niggers we should give it to those paying into the system.
I'm a devout libertarian but I will always stand on the said of business before communists.
Hurry durr retard. He talked about it earlier in the day with the media
>kike overlords
he says while worshiping president Kushner. trumpniggers pretending to be antisemitic to fit in on Yas Forums are the saddest faggots.
failing corporations using taxpayer bailouts to buyback their own stock does not help the economy at all. giving it to niggers to buy jordans has a more beneficial effect on the economy, you are not a libertarian, you are a corporate socialist like Trump and obama.
Oh yea are you talking about when this fucking moron doubled down on his mental retardation and pulled the whole .
>I was just pretending to be retarded card.
Yea that really made him look a lot better
Sure thing Turk
I guess as a Grecian you wouldn't get what it means to be American. While you run around touting your singular and 'superior' ethnic pride. We in the U.S. tout everyone's ethnic pride and then ruthlessly exploit it for financial gain, at all means necessary.
When you make up every color you have to hate every color. Even yourself. #muttpride