Black people are a different species

Give it to me straight are blacks a different species?

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i dont know


A child could tell you how clearly they resemble homo erectus

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Most likely sub species.

What is the empirical measurement for genetic variance and what is the divergence required for distinct speciation and how far are blacks from us?

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this is somewhat controversial but I believe we are the same species because we can mate and produce fertile offspring. however we are extremely divergent breeds

We are all equals, we are exactly the same, darwinism is fascist rhetoric

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Before this thread continues I’d like to remind reddit niggers that the classification of species is NOT solely based the ability to produce fertile offspring. This is only one objective factor we can look at among many others that help scientists determine how to classify species of organisms. There are different species that can in fact reproduce together.

Please ignore people citing that the sole definition as species as these literal reddit soi trash are about to do ITT

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That is a poor definition of a species, Grizzlies and Polar bears can mate and produce fertile offspring and they are different species

There are many other examples

I bet your marxist biology teacher taught you that didn't they?

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If blacks are allowed in the olympics does that mean we should allow chimpanzees and gorillas too?

no, but asians are

My nigga


Imagine being a black person going around a museum seeing this model of homo erectus and realising the truth

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Blacks have too much homo sapien DNA to be another species entirely, even with ghost DNA blacks have the highest amount of homo sapien DNA meaning they are human. Im no niggerlover just saying the fact.

Its good to see a brotha this side of the pleistocene

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Humans have several true subspecies
All Eurasians make one
All Australoids make one
All niggers make one
All Pgymies make one
The San Bushmen are so fucking ancient they should be classified as another species from us on the otherhand.

0.70, or 0.72 determines separate spaces. I think niggers are 0.74.

I need numbers not commie cope posting, why sub-species and not species, give me genetic variance data

>The San Bushmen are so fucking ancient they should be classified as another species from us on the otherhand

Redpill me on them? They look closer to bantu than bantu do to us.

Separate species can interbreed you fucking retard.

i would argue grizzlies and polar bears as the same species in the same way whites and negros are the same. different enough to look and appear completely different but not so much that it cant be erased with a generation or 3 of interbreeding.

It triggers me so much.


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This is the kind of data I need thanks Bruce, do you have any sources?

he do be lookin pretty jive tho

The reason is simple, genetic distance. Blacks are far away from us that they are already on the path to being another species in the next 50,000 years from now. The San Bushmen date back to 120,000 B.C they are archaic humans not modern ones like us so another species entirely.

Something like that.

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Are you sure? Then why do white people look like monkeys?

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Well think about it. Whites mixed with neanderthals, chinks with the denisovans. Niggers must have mixed with random ass hominids back in Africa as well, and those were dumber than the denisovans and the neanderthals

So yea

there is also a rule if you can establish a group 75% of the time its a subspecies. Humans can identify these groups AND self identify as this 99.99% of the time

then what species is the offspring?


The interbreeding thing makes no sense since humans can apparently breed with something (Homo Erectus) that had a common ancestor with humans 1.5 million years ago meaning humans can literally fuck something from another Genus with no issues, so homini are just fucking weird.

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>They look closer to bantu than bantu do to us.
Of course they do because something that looked like them mutated into the ancestor of niggers. Its the other way around niggers look like them not that they look like niggers, the San also have flat foreheads and a different skull shape along with a consistent tan shade of skin confirming they are not niggers.

That's a different index of measurement. I was referring to genetic drift.

Thanks user this is what I was looking for, is 0.153 the official cut off for diff species?

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A stupid user question, the word human was invented by who and when? Why we call this leftover breed be call the original humans if they were not? Better call it sub-species, leftover from the past that actually din't got extinct. It would make sense how they create their tribes, the 200 thousand year war and slavery. Maybe one or other country would save itself from the comparison.

The word "human" was invented by the Romans via the Latin language to only ever refer to themselves.

They literally had to say ghost dna because if they told the truth there would be a chimp out

Not a different species. But a different breed, just like with other animals. If I want a guard dog I don't get a Yorkshire terrier. So yeah they're humans but we're very different and have different traits and personalities.We like cheese, they like stabbing. Best to stay away from them.

>grizzlies and polar bears are the same species
Dear God that’s a special kind of stupid. Go put a polar bear in a grizzly’s natural environment and see how long it survives, and vice versa. Just because 2 species share a common ancestor way back doesn’t make them the same species.

Don't know tbqh. I can see for myself niggers are a subspecies.

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They have 19% unknown monkey DNA.

>flaccid limp dicks stuck in permanent half-mast
>homo erectus

At least they got homo right.

The real redpill is humans "evolved" from monkeys through cannibalism, by eating our once fellow monkeys' brains, hence causing the overdevelopment of our own brains (and everything both "positive" and negative that came with it). The humans most different from monkeys (white humans) were the ones who ate the most brains generation after generation, while the more similar races to monkeys (black humans) are at a lower stage of brain development since they didn't practice cannibalism as much in the same time as whites. Hence why whites subconsciously reject cannibalism while some negroid or otherwise non-white "wild" tribes still practice it and regard it as beneficial.

Homini DNA, it is impossible for us to breed with old world monkeys.

They're considered a separate sub-species because the actual distinction of species would turn all of (((their))) science worshiping on its head.

Thanks aussie user. So in this way, the humans origin is european. Not some fucked up primitive culture and race around the world. It make sense.

yeah imagine what species would look like if it was just based on reproductive ability lmao. We’d lose so much clarity on the diversity of life.

It's impossible for whites, clearly you shitskins can.

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Darwin said they're a different species legit.

these are all the same species. mix them together and you get a common street pigeon almost immediately. same with bears. same with people.

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That is a rare mutation called atavism.

Damn Maxine Watters is a fine bitch. Sheeeeeeeit.

How did they get Michelle Obama to pose for long enough to this close up?

Most words have been taken so far out of context that they no longer have any meaning.

Pretty much the entire vocabulary of English speaking non-Europeans is inherently retarded.

And there's no such thing as Human Rights when referring to non-Europeans.

Different species in the animal kingdom can mate and produce fertile offspring

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