Oh no, why is everyone dunking on my president?

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Why is corporate media actually pretending that Trump said to drink bleach?

Who said it had anything to do with Trump?

I will NOT drink the bleach!!!

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Because they're all evil Jews.

Seems awfully unprofessional. Like a bunch of zoomers took over Clorox

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They're being sarcastic bro, just joking no big deal

how many times are you going to play dumb?


American president is getting dunked on by Clorox twitter account while China rebuilds itself from 'century of humiliation' ARE WE IN A FALLING EMPIRE

Fellow pedes we need to stop this. Our President is a genius, after drinking three bottles of bleach and bleeding out of my ass for a few hours I defeated the invisible hoax virus. God bless our President.

Spoiler Alert: You are already drinking chlorine if you are drinking tap water in the USA.

Libtards can get off their iamverysmart horses now

He's not our president. He was supposed to be removed a couple months ago during impeachment. He's just some faggot still up there because retard right didn't take him out.

a lot of people around that net are implying it. without this image one would not confer it has anything to do with trump.
its only the association of the leftists who twist everything they possibly can to be as advantageous as possible to them.

its funny but its on their product not to drink it, doesnt say anything about injection though

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It literally is required by law that they tell you that on every bottle.

>muh China
They're aging faster than America and their industry has been leaving for years, not to mention how absolutely batshit their economy is. People who still think China is on the rise are retarded.

How would you know about r/iamverysmart without going to reddit?

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They literally said nothing about Trump.

Exactly. Who said anything about Trump?

To cover for Trump's future retardedness they'll have to add to the label "do not bath in our product, do not snort our product, do not eat our product, do not have sex with our product, do not give birth to our product............"

How does it feel we're going to pack you into a boxcar and ship you off to a concentration camp, tranny?

Why did 3m never step in and correct the record so fast when the who and msm were telling us to not wear masks and they don't work anyways

Also fake and gay and sage

inject bleach

Why does hollywood hate Trump so much?
Why does the MSM hate Trump so much?

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let me know when it happens in case I don't notice

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Because it's free publicity which equals more sales. You have to be a fucking idiot to not realize this.

>Not my President
>Not my President
>Pussy grabs back

you said this exact same shit in the last thread and when you got called out you started replying with nonsensical bullshit.

The funny thing is, it isn't a democracy, and never was. The only thing to be lost is your position in the israel-owned oligarchy

drink bleach

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>what happens in the laundry room stays in the laundry room. clorox: you know you want to drink our product

What about all the chlorine dioxide, and fluoridr in the drinking water.

The OP you did not reply to first for some reason

did mommy ever let you do this with her?

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Maybe he’s just very smart

Looking at the catalog, as soon as they started spamming this shit all the other usual slidethreads dissapoeared. Pretty much tells you who makes them.

Yeah shills he said to INJECT DISINFECTANTS not drink bleach stop putting words in god emperor's mouth!!!!