My night sky has been flashing at a point in the cloud for about 10 minutes in the following cycle: 2sec on / 5sec off. It continues to pulsate continuously.
It's over a cloud.
North Germany position
Looking south-east
Flashing clouds?
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shut the fuck up schizo it's not a goy thing to worry about
record it and make a webm or fake and gay.
Meds, take them
I dont use Handys, i got even aluminum on my walls. But anyway, its still on. Maybe someone can check it too? If possible.
That's just sheet lightning, I think it's called. It's when lightning shoots up into the atmosphere instead of the ground and doesn't make much noise.
Kind of rare.
same position, still on
Static lightning
Lol...okay Mohammed
Def. Dont post a .webm or anything
Thats a good answer! I guess a new Disco or something else.
My Name is Pascal.
Either military base or runway lights telling pilots whether or not their open. If it’s cloudy or atmospheric conditions permit it looks like dry lightning off in the distance.
same here (living near swiss border) idk what's going on im scared
Light gun signals, look it up dumbass and stop being scared.
Probably just a transformer overloading.
Would be so cool!
Pascal is a handsome and good boy.
Light gun signals coming from either of these airports, it’s 00:49 out there so they’re probably not open and the signal since it’s going 2-5 seconds it’s definitely that.
nah power rangers and their mega zords were better
Aircraft becon.
Cool! Thanks.
Don't forget Starfishhitler!
are they all in a line?
i heard elon musks starlink satellites can be seen tonight
we got some flooshing cloods over here
i'm flooshing
Wait a second this isn't just me seeing this shit?
When I look outside I always see this flashing and pulsating light in the night skies.
It's a bug zapper for curious krauts. Don't go and investigate or you'll get raped in a sex dungeon.
Wow, is that the German Kevin Spacey ?
Wtf the sky just flew over my house!
Misfired the Sega my bad
I made some Pictures using the 10× zoom function on my Phone since the 19th of april and its seems to be getting bigger, which is kind of unnerving.
Happens to me too user random flashes in the corner of my eye outside the window. Never happens when directly looking out tho.
Your retina is detached better get that checked pronto.
can you figure out from which direction these flashes came from?
The German Schizo poster strikes again, you need to see a doctor champ.