Skippy Podesta resurfaces in creepy video


Someone explain to me wtf is going on in this video.

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Fuck that shits hot

Creepy video. But is that really Podesta? Looks like it could be someone else

>fucken bump

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Wiki just dropped too..

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Is that Podesta? Who's the kid? Or rather what happened to the kid?


Pretty sure that’s not skippy.

what do you mean?

Am I getting a knock on my door for watching that?

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Who fucking cares anymore. Honestly nothing will happen to them. The only way they will see justice is if people rise up and take matters into their own hands. "Trust The Plan" is bullshit.

Buy guns. Seek like minded friends. Do things.

Creepy as fuck but I don't think that's Podesta.

That looks nothing like podesta you brain dead morons. It looks like a dad doing something silly and fun with his kid, god forbid.

based but also cum on your local pedos balding head

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It's not. Qtards just make up shit.

fake and homosexual

Is the man Podesta?

I may have low level face blindness, but that still don't look much like skippy.

Now I really need to learn weather I'm better at dominoes after snorting parmesan or crushed pepper flakes.

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Does anyone know where this video came from? The kid is in obvious distress and upset, it hurt my goddamn soul to watch. For those watching their is nothing that will put you on a list if you watch it. Just bad singing but the kid is clearly upset.

The kid TOTALLY looks into it.

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He was probably eaten after this

Yeah he’s uncomfortable, probably from being video’d, doesn’t mean he’s being fucking sexually abused does it?

Doesn't look like Podesta, he's a little extra crispy compared to the dude in the video.

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>not fucking kids
chose one

I don't know if that's podesta. But that kid is not into it at all

I don't think that's him

But who the fuck is it?

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Nice trips flem

It's weird Podesta never has to worry about it.

they are imitating the music video of that song

Well that’s fucking weird af

It's a goddamn butterfly swarm! It's a kaleidoscope! They're all acting in concert!

Trump will end this too.

Just like how we aquired the feds they all will topple.


You are a faggot

Normal people don’t do this to children

They're doing a remake of this

Pretty good song, desu.