Here is proof we're living in a Matrix/Simulation

I didn't use any mathematical formula or algorithm.

There's no possible way I can look around my surroundings and say to myself "this is something natural, this is something normal, this came about randomly". Big Bangs don't lead to you sitting on a chair, on your computer terminal, and masturbating to nude images on /pol 14 billion years later. Big Bangs don't lead to TikTok and American Pie or the fleeting emotions of human life. The ridiculousness and stupidity of such a possible reality is all the evidence I need that this is in fact a twisted simulation designed by people who understand the concept of humor. God/Aliens have plunged us into some perverted false reality, pried our eyes open, and forced us to endure. That's how I see it. The ridiculousness of my very own life is the proof for me. They probably find this funny too they are laughing.

Attached: Reality.jpg (1005x1008, 234.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Interesting thread. I kind of agree. It's hard to believe that all the forces of the universe could have led us here. It feels like there must be some kind of reason for all this

Unironically take your meds.
Also the world around us is artificial but that's because of the advances that humanity has made.
We're separated from nature through all those things, but that has absolutely no correlation with the possibility of the world being a simulation.

Go on...

appears behind you

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Unironically had a dmt entity tell me this blackpill.

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You live on a simulation, but not the one that you are thinking, the simulation is what the lord of the world dictate on it, that's why we reach peak clown world. But it did user, that's what being a mortal is all about, a bunch of fools think they are better than the other for N reasons. Even tho all of us have pathetic life span compare to the universe, or even stars.

>Here is proof
>posts his opinions

Attached: blah.webm (608x1080, 1.82M)

based and matrixpilled

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neural physics ; everything is alive user, there is information older than the reality we live in, if experimental outcomes are re-create-able then how can the universe be kinetic? past, present and future can be encapuslated in an equation which can be explained in paragraphs. consider the metaphysics, whether or not we are in a matrix/simulation people share the impression that de-ja-vu, clairvoyance and being able to communicate so much with mere jestures or memes seem to imply a co-vergant kindof "hive mind"-ish or as i would think of it as: a domain. just like in halo, in real life that monkey affecy where when one learns a new skill it quickly starts to be adapted to all the monkeys and surrounding monkey tribes even without any contact, there are real experiments and things cought on camera clearly demonstrating the existence of these things.

how could such things be random when the fibbinanci sequence pattern is found from sea snails to galaxies far beyond our comprehension in size?

>I didnt use any critical thinking
>dude trust me


Yeah, you are jewish, we get it.

>I didn't use any mathematical formula or algorithm.
>Big Bangs don't lead to
how the hell do you know what they do and do not lead to?

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>I didn't use any mathematical formula or algorithm.
Dropped, you are a brainlet everyone move on.

>Unironically take your meds.
stopped reading there. im just gonna filter this phrase now since you retards spam it in literally every thread with a controversial topic. have a nice day.


Dawg this aint controversial its straight up fantasy

If we live in a controlled simulation then our thoughts about living in the simulation are also simulated and are therefore pointless.

a newfag to simulation theory I see op.
get up to speed with the father of Simulation theory, Tom Campbell

Basic law of physics. If something is not observed it remains in an indeterminate state. Only when its observed does it assume specific properties: mommentum, energy, location, etc. In a video game, the engine minimizes its processing by only loading what the player sees. Skyrim doesn't load the Throat of the World if you're standing in Whiterun. Think about it.

Fuck wrong link
This is the one to many of the videos of Tom Campbell

I'm not a math guy so I had to resort to intuition and senses. I don't need a formula to tell me the sky is blue I just see it. In the same way, I don't need a formula to tell me this is a false reality / twisted simulation because I just see it.

This webm is prime proof.

best post

>Here is proof
When are you going to post the proof?

wrong link again
this one is correct

Ok and?

This is as far as the mind of a LSD basement dweller goes
Knowing all the information in the world does you no good at all, what the fuck does it matter? You’re in here and you can’t leave so make the best of it

Go out with the buds and enjoy nature, their is beautiful moments in life, you can be happy and live a good life somehow

>everything on this planet is ridiculous
and what exactly in this universe isn't ridiculous?


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I don't need a formula to know that you're a faggot

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What did it tell you?

the ridiculousness and stupidity of your argument is all the evidence I need that you are a retard

Simulation theory was created by a Jew as a cope to not believe in God. Thats all it is

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That's not a proof, that's your opinion. Also, you are saying that our lifestyle is ironical and ridiculous. It's ridiculous for you. For me it's just statistics.

More matrix/simulation red pills

You'll like the earth video. Earth as correctional institution....gems in there. Keep using your dome, user

Life is meaningless endless suffering

>This is in fact a twisted simulation designed by people who understand the concept of humor. God/Aliens have plunged us into some perverted false reality, pried our eyes open, and forced us to endure.

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>resort to intuition and senses.
So, emotional feelings
You're having a problem comprehending the complexity of the universe and the probability of such things, because of your lack of maths
People do the same thing with such stuff as evolution
I'm not sure if you're baiting or a retard

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I'm starting to find your bearded mug funny.

Your another piece of the puzzle to me at this point.

The big bang is just a theory on how matter came to be. It has nothing to do with Intelligence

That simulation stuff is nonsense. Reality is odd but it is real, by definition.

Us humans, we're sick though. The sickness we surround ourselves with, the demonic reality, is just the hell we create ourselves. It is unavoidable it causes all sorts of delusions. It is tough to disconnect in a healthy manner from all that. The best cure is getting in touch with nature. Hug a tree, like for real. Watch a cat stalk some birds, whatever. That is real. It is godly.

This world is created by the demiurge, it is a broken parody of the true Godrealm

Yhere is a ton of stuff on you to that you can watch about Tom Campbell, I'm not even sure which to post.

One thing that is incorrect about your post is that you are making the assumption that this is a programmed reality home the rules of the simulation have been set but the reality is evolving and always changing.

Lol no, you just dont understand their sense of humor, its extradimensional.

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Based word salad

Look at (((who))) controls the (((media))) & you will see why.

Also, fuck Jews.

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Let me get this another go, the parameters of the digital reality have been set, it is a rule set, once the simulation was stabilized It was turned on AKA the big bang The simulation has evolved naturally And is filled with people with a low quality of conscience That is why d
there's so much fucked up shit going on in the world right now People have free will and people of choices and for the most part make a better
On you tube you will find thousands of hours of the work of Tom Campbell The father of simulation theory.

Never heard of this fad that sure issues copying what Tom Campbell is said and

You can feel the Love of Jesus.
Thank you for joining our church.

I mostly agree, if at least with the sentiment. Though for me, it's not so much as where we're at, that is where and what it's possibly led to, as it is the surreal, unnatural disconnect that I feel and observe from all those around me regarding in relation to the current state.

Almost everybody and everything is running on short 10 second sound bites, and the whole thing seems like a Truman show Matrix running on auto pilot. I don't meet "real" people anywhere, period. Everyone's roles and interactions are conditioned responses and scripts. Maybe the result of 100+ years of modern indoctrination, conditioning, and social engineering. People don't feel alive.