Is it redpilled to cheat on your wife? The most powerful man on earth does it so why can't we?
Is it redpilled to cheat on your wife? The most powerful man on earth does it so why can't we?
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They prob have an "arrangement". You'll never be that alpha, faggot.
no, it's bad for the relationship even if it's known between both partners
just cause orange man does it doesn't mean you need to as well
Cheating on your wife is extremely based and redpilled. From a statistical standpoint, she has probably already cucked you or is currently about to cuck you. It's a cuck or be cucked world, user.
Rich people and poor people don't play by the same rules retard. Cheating on your wife as a poor man will break your relationship which is basically one of the few things people like that can get. Rich men can cheat all they want because their wives aren't really wives but just concubines and public escorts.
but if you do, make sure it's worth it and the creampie was the best you ever delivered in a vazhin
God we have a hot first lady
trump is certainly not the most powerful man on earth
this, don't complain about roasties and be a degenarate yourself.
So have a nice house, nice life with one wife...fuck it up and impregnate a second or third and get demoted to a shack while signing your paychecks over monthly.
kek stay mad and waste your time all day long, maybe you get hired and i will deposit some shekels
but tripple 3 is right
day of the rope soon
Only shitskins and kikes you worthless sub-human.
Fuck you OP
>Bowing down to a roastie makes you better than roasties
Sounds cucky
but that's not putin wife
Spics and niggers do it more than anyone if that's any indication.
>From a statistical standpoint, she has probably already cucked you or is currently about to cuck you.
This is your mind on Yas Forums
Wealthiest woman on earth divorced her husband, which is how she became the wealthiest woman on earth you dumbass faggot.
you assume she's allowed to cheat? i dont think thats in the art of the deal, brainlet.
It's redpilled to understand the M.O. of modern women...vids related...
Because women have a predatory modus operandi. Watch these two videos on Struggle Love and female extortion/blackmail
Idk if it's necessarily based and redpilled. However, I've been married for 12 years, but have been fucking the woman I'm actually in love with for 7 of those years.
When all a wife does is nag and bitch, a man will simply go to a woman who makes him feel special, if he has the option. When a wife decides not to have sex anymore, a man is not simply going to stop having sex if he has the option.
>Tfw i wasn't ready for this blackpill
Do you still love your wife? If not, why are you still with her?
Upholding the values you expect from others makes you better than roasties mate
Probably kids.
Any man who could afford it kept mistresses
You need 3 women in your life
A wife to manage your house and breed legitimate sons
A mistress for love
A girlfriend/concubine for purely physical sex
Offcourse not.
Why make a thread for this bullshit.
She must have had an ugly body to have to posed in such a fucked up way.
Hi Satan. Yes, I do still love her. Despite her flaws she's supported me through everything I've ever done and we have a family together. Both of us decided long ago we're going to do everything better than our whiny entitled boomer parents did, and that includes staying together.
My side woman is married too. But she and I have known each other since long before either of us got married and settled down. We had an immediate connection when we first met and we never lost it.
lmao americans
what is stoping you apart from no wife or other woman to have sex whit?
Yes, if your wife is just with you for the money who cares?
Women love you more when you cheat on them. It’s not like they’ll get stuck raising another woman’s kid.
For women it just means “My man is a stud who gets all the bitches”.
They only get triggered if you fall for the other girl or spend money on her.
retard exceptions are not the norm tho
Lmao finngolians
>we’re gonna do better than our parents by getting on each other’s nerves and cheating instead of calling time of death
You are an absolute piece of arrogant shit
Alphas dont get married. Just breed them all.
and when did she marry that man?
well before he was close to his first 10 million.
K, boomer.
Whoa. Powerful. Way to turn the evangelical supporters against Trump. How will he ever compete when the opposition have IQs of this magnitude? I remember how devastating this angle was to him in 2016. Certainly the people will be even more interested in what he did with his cock decades ago this time around.
What a faggot you are.
YES. 100%
>he has no way of justifying his piece of shit behavior when confronted with it
ITT: Beta males trying to lionize beta behavior
>Think about the lady’s FEELINGS!
>implying I need to justify anything I do
>They prob have an "arrangement".
When Melania was asked if she would be with Trump if he wasn't so rich she said "Would he be with me if I wasn't so beautiful?"
This bitch knows the rules of the game.
>family together
thats about 90% of what i give a shit about, beat guts.