How come so many young men today are virgins even after they turn 25?
What's their endgame?
How come so many young men today are virgins even after they turn 25?
What's their endgame?
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I have children with a cunt. Do yourselves a favor and stay a virgin.
becoming wizards wym
I don't want to have sex.
I want a loyal wife I can trust and make a happy family with until death do us part.
gee i wonder....,,,,., it's not like ALL THE FUCKING CARDS ARE STACKED AGAINST US
legal, social and interpersonal females "can do no wrong" while everything man do BADDDD
so no wonder we are all avoiding that shit like the plague lol
fugk normies
embrace wackiness
>Swedes, Bongs, and back to back world war losers can't get laid and are all virgins
Wow imagine my surprise
I don't give a fuck about sex.
the news article posted is about americans you retard
Yeah I'm sure it's your choice. Cope more
Woke culture
Nobody posted an article... Maybe start taking your meds dude
At least we can actually feel it when we experience it.
31 year old virgin here
no endgame really
what does this have to do with politics
How does this happen? I got laid a pretty good amount throughout high school and college. Two long relationships of 3 plus years and multiple other women and I'm a fat fuck. Explain yourselves incels, I want to understand. Is it because I'm not some socially awkward introvert?
>INB4 normie
Yeah, I guess I am.
but you don't feel it at all tho because you can't get laid, loser
Uncircumcised here, thanks. Weird how obsessed you are with our cocks though. Is that a gay thing for you?
Politically Incorrect, not Politics.
We’re socially autistic, ugly and have crippling levels of insecurities because of that
t. 25 yo virgin
Women today just are not worth the trouble ive dated made it to 2nd and 3rd base multiple times but fuck its tiring putting up with their bullshit.
Everything since incels are far more likely to become radicalized by populist right wing fascism
Because I hate everyone that isn't me.
>feminism emerges
>women become loose sluts and use sex as a bargaining chip
>women mostly fuck alphas and engage in hypergamy
>top 20% of men are fucking most of the women
>mildly to low appealing men (which are most) fall by the wayside
>birth rates fine anyway because the beta simps are always desperate to raise Chads kid
Very easy to see also the feminization of men doesnt help either, women HATE feminine men and there are A LOT of of them out there. Even if you're not feminine she'll still hate you all the same if you're a beta wimp, women are too shallow to see the difference.
Not everyone likes being falsely accused of rape or divorce-raped. And sex is overrated and it isn't really worth the effort.
Fewer guys getting married because moving every two years is the thing to do maaaan (a rootless population makes the globalists happy) and between having to work more just to keep a roof over your head and weedpornvidya distractions...
I bet they were all gross. Just like you.
If you’ve actually dealt with modern women you’d know that they’re absolute retards. Fags and women can only reply with ‘cope’ or ‘incel’ though because they’re in denial.
just pay for sex if you got blue balls. 3hr long session & im great for another 2 weeks.
What's the point of having sex for the sake of having sex?
Literally can go fuck a whore in a brothel for that.
> sex is overrated
Coping with severely low testosterone must be difficult
Women have no interest in marriage and there's no point in sex outside of marriage. Just jerk off if you're horny.
Are you suggesting we need to implement some form of socialism when it comes to women, that instead of the top 1% of males hoarding all the women they get redistributed among the populace of incels. I’m down
Yeah, or have sex with your girlfriend or wife...
The limiting factor is the number of available females, just like with any mating dynamic. There are too many fat, tatted bitches so the few women men actually want to have sex with get a HUGE amount of attention. The "femcels" are invisible as are the non-top tier males, but male libido being what it is, true female celibates are rarer.
What does rising virginity have to do with politics? I guess having an underclass of men with no prospects in life might affect your politics
Nope, sorry, incel. All skinny, mostly big fitted, nice firm late teen early 20s tits, good pussy too. One Puerto Rican and the rest white. I'm 28, engaged, with my second child being born at the end of June. Now explain why you cant get laid, twink, but my "gross" ass can.
>Sharply rises at 2008.
Thanks Obama
They're failed men, I absolutely pity them. I read a study that said if you dont lose it by 25, your chances of losing it ever go down like 80%
Here's a tip that works, but I don't knoe why
Drink untill you have to vomit. Vomit in a secluded space where nobody sees you. Return to party. Now you can kiss and fuck.
Works every time, don't ask me why.
Sex with a mutual emotional connection sounds like the greatest thing ever, I'll admit that as an incel, but with the rare exception women are incapable of something that deep and are always looking for what a man can DO for her not who he is because women are so used to getting what they want from society and just expect it from men in exchange for sex. Most are just engaging in sex for the physical act of cooming and relieving some pressure like their partner is some blowup doll and that sounds like its not worth the effort at all considering the risk.
I have no interest in sex.
Losing it to another man doesn’t count by the way
And why does having pointless sex without children coincide with success? Is that what success is to niggers like you?
The fuck happened in 2008?
Sex is more of a touch and smell experience while porn for example is visual. A person who is more visually oriented might not be as attracted to the prospect of a sweaty exchange with a physically unexciting person.
Sex with an attractive woman who is into you > porn
porn > sex with a woman faking genuine attraction (whores, golddiggers, fame whores)
I lost my virginity at 25 and it took 1000 bitcoins and a quest to another country
Even though I'm stable and strong, because i don't know who wiz khalifa or migous is I'm doomed to be a virgin otherwise due to class
Come to Finland, its impossible to be virgin here
Stop coping brother, just accept your fate as a life long incel and ascend towards wizardry. Things will start getting less painful
Men are born to spread their seed. The urge to fuck is the greatest in nature. You have failed, or you're a natural eunuch.
Idk but I was (still am) getting laid than, that was my sophomore going into junior year. See
Throughout almost all of human society women were not taught they have complete liberation and freedom. Culture taught they were to stay at the side of men and raise their families. The female identity now it the complete opposite, they are worshipped like Gods and told being sexually liberal is a good thing. As a result men can't compete with those men who are in the top 1-2%, and as a woman why wouldn't you fuck them? Imagine living in a world where the libidos are reversed and everytime you get horny you just put some nice pants and go the club, wherein dozens of horny women dressed to the nines are around and literally worship your ass trying to get their pussies filled. Women today have complexes caused by media and the culture that worships their appearance.
to save the world we need to destroy the internet
it would fix everything
Because so many of them spend their time on Yas Forums whining about whores who won't sleep with them
Great recession?
Literally had the exact same experience regarding Wiz Khalifia
>be me
>the whole college is excited over some africa sounding name coming
>i assume its some noted foreign dignitary or something
>turns out its some nigger rapper named khalifa
Really, the people who say don't got for Asian girls because of muh white race and other bullshit are complete idiots who don't even understand the nature of sex and attraction to genetic diversity.
>whats their end game?
to not be virgins at 26 probably
Funny thing about inceldom is the older you get, the harder it becomes to lose it. Once you're over 25 it's pretty much over. 30+ is game over for all incels.
>You have failed, or you're a natural eunuch
And those are the only 2 options? Life is really that simple? What about those who have endured emotional/sexual abuse that ruins their capability of intimacy with another? Are they failures or eunuchsor are they just failed eunuchs?
When he says "their" he means ((((((THEM))))))
Can I get a quick rundown on Finland? I got a friend there that only ever talks about magical girls and mecha anime, yet somehow he gets laid. No long-term relationships, but still manages to fuck with other friends I guess.
If that is your view then why not first fix yourself by getting off?
After a while it just becomes about high score.
A man who can't fuck isnt a man, sorry
I find it pathetic that 15 year old high school boys are more virile.
Oh yeah.
the porno
Pornography. Society tells us that it’s acceptable, even though they’re the same ones advocating against sexual violence - pornography is a key contributor to sexual violence.
Why would a man want to go out and find a woman when his sexual needs are satisfied from the comfort of his bed and there are no problems with relationships, no nerves, he is completely in control.
Personally, I believe that pornography should either be highly limited or completely destroyed.
Because women have a predatory modus operandi. Watch these two videos on Struggle Love and female extortion/blackmail
A lot of gay men have similar stories user.
Urges quickly come and fade away. It is our conscious choices that define who we are.
The line between good and evil runs through every human heart. How can you trust your woman in a society where the barrier between us and the devil has been torn down?
but you aint spreading anything, just feeling relieved of ur lust
> succubus bullshit
Probably because women are so promiscuous they get intimidated after 14. I was a virgin until I was 21. I was intimidated because I thought it was going to be some crazy event I couldn’t handle.... I didn’t even cum.
people who have sex out of marriage age terribly, Have you seen degenerate chads they looks 35 at 20
>A man who can't fuck isnt a man, sorry
I wish I could say "its not that simple", because the circumstances that lead to a male becoming a virgin for life are always extremely complicated, but unfortunately its the harsh reality. The attitude towards it by normal folks like you is a problem though, like saying its pathetic that 15 year olds are more sexually active then some 25+ year old virgin. There should be a lot more compassion towards this otherwise we're going to see more Elliot Rodgers.
You sound like a good little mommas boy, no wonder you're a virgin.
That makes no sense.
A combination of dating apps, birth control, women having careers, marriage being devalued in other ways, and loose social mores means that women are essentially free to pursue their biological imperative of getting stuffed by Chad rather than finding a decent, reliable mate like they might have looked for a few decades ago. The smartest women will be trying to get impregnated by Chad, but basically every female is trying to ride his dick. I don’t blame women for this: it’s just biology for women to find the best man they can get, but it is important to understand it.
What this means is that the top 5% or so of men are having lots of sex and not having to commit if they don’t want to, the top 20% or so can have some sex and date and be relatively attractive life partners, and everybody else is increasingly basically invisible or a last ditch insurance policy for women who unwisely waited to long to look for a life partner and have to settle.
The problem is that the cat is out of the bag. Unless you can uninvent birth control or get women out of the workforce and make marriage normal again, any hopes of society stabilizing to something around 1950s normality is probably a pipe dream.
If society is about to go a major collapse and reset from Corona however, this might bring about some of the change that’s needed. In an economic downturn, companies are going to have to focus on meritocracy or be destroyed and that rules out most women from jobs and probably forces lots of women to go from fake career hoes to housewife for survival.
80/20 rule. Hypergamy has gotten so out of control that women will only go after 'chads'.
Btw I'm in the 20 range, 6ft+, workout, own place, probably would be an 8/10 without any of those.
If I match with Jewess' I tell them I don't mean to offend them or come across as transphobic but I'm just not into trans girls.
>muh incel
The thing is there's a big difference in "prestige" between losing it in your 20s vs 30s but not a big difference in losing it 30s vs never. So you may as well spare yourself the effort at that point.
do you use black prostitutes? isn't AIDs a thing there?