Trump says he was being sarcastic about the disinfectant comment. Why can't libkeks accept that he was just joking...

Trump says he was being sarcastic about the disinfectant comment. Why can't libkeks accept that he was just joking? Do they actually believe he would suggest something so ridiculous?

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Because they sit in huge damp echo chambers custom fit for them, crafted by an assortment of custom social media selections, and carefully curated news sources that form a comfortable bubble of infotainment around them.

Why can't you take a joke? The left is obviously fucking with you and you are freaking out like a libtard.

t. lefty fag

why are you even here

the left are the real facists

LOL!! You shit on leftists 24/7 and the one time they fling a little crap back at you you act like a fussy toddler? The level of butthurt in November will be indescribable.

I don't think you'd lose any brain cells if you drank 3l of thick bleach.

wow they’re just like us!

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It's because of pic related.
These pathetic losers got duped by their commie god twice. Now the reality has set in that they are FUCKed with pedo joe. It's sad and funny to see them think the whole bleach is a win for them. Really it's just a giant COPE again because pic related.

Just a bunch of sad, small, beta, faggots and trannies.

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>The level of butthurt in November will be indescribable.
i agree. have you decided how you'll kill yourself with based don wins again?

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You are terrified. And it is absolutely hilarious.

yea man, shaking in my boots. are you voting for biden?

Of course. Just for you!

On a scale, from 1-to-10, how enthusiastic are you about voting for Joe Biden?

Inject bleach

Because if Obama said something like this, there'd be a gallows built on The White House Lawn by the end of the day.
If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Solid 10.

obama has no sense of humor though. you can take what he says at face value. it's not that simple with trump

Heil Hitler!

Fuck off shill, I injected 10ml of bleach yesterday with my mom's insulin needle, burned like hell but today I feel great, no more cough and my feet stopped tingling

The tranny got a point, you're acting libtard.

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Implying that if you think Trump is a retarded blow hard who shoots his mouth off before engaging his brain then you must be a lib.

I got enough contempt for both sides dumb fuck

yaaahhh bro... terrified! are you this fucking clueless or a recently hired shill? those big words should work on reddit. OH YOU TERRIFIED. upboat! Jesus Christ

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again but in english please

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I gotta say, that when you hear it it’s just another stream of consciousness blurting from his weird mouth. To me he was saying that disinfectant kills Covid19 so can we make something like that to use as an injection.
Why on earth he chooses to say these things in a press conference is beyond me.

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Sorry but they don't teach that in English schools any more.

So let me get this straight, he wasted everyone's time on sarcasm while people are dying and our economy is tanking? Keep on winning!

>Why on earth he chooses to say these things in a press conference is beyond me.
Because it stirs things up.

holy fucking cope. trump supporters are such snowflakes in denial, acting all edgy and tough and then can't accept when their president says stupid shit

Except we have dozens of fuck drumpf threads daily.

>he wasted our time!
You spend your free time shit posting