What if jews created antisemitism

what if jews created antisemitism

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Without jews there would be no antisemitism

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They have by their actions.
>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country


>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:

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Of course Jews created antisemitism.
They created it by being such vile despicable creatures.

They did. That’s why they always play victim

Oh hello white neighbor.

Does antisemitism work on white only?

>what if jews created antisemitism

Well it wasn't just me

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Antisemitism is a word made up by Zionists to associate criticism or dislike of the kike racecult with negative emotions

Culture of Critique - Kevin MacDonald
The ISRAEL LOBBY - Mearsheimer and Walt
m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9dv6_h9Vp0 [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=XNWF9CeoZdE [Open]
When Victims Rule
200 Years Together- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The International Jew - Henry Ford
The Jews and their Lies - Martin Luther
Twilight of the Goths

Read and be cured of your philosemitism. Fuck Jews

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shitpost haram on ramadan

The proper terms would be counter-semitism or counter-jewry. "Antisemitism" itself is a newspeak term created by jews very recently (a little over a hundred years ago) to control goyim thought, just like (((racism))) and the like.

I.e. creating and changing the meaning of words as a form of thought control goes hand in hand with the birth of the jew funded (((social political movements))) of the 20th century. Socrates predicted it all centuries ago. We now see it on a daily basis.


Through all of history... peoples were judged on their character, culture, intelligence, way of life etc. etc.

If you had a culture that were complete shit heads, or noble, or anything in between... those peoples having e.g. X color skin was not a factor in that judgement, only a descriptive. There were a multitude of black, white, yellow and brown cultures all looked up and down to at varying degrees. Simply read the bible or any other old texts like the Greek philosophers.

With the rise of (((social and political movements))) like (((communism))) you had attempts at thought control come into play. E.g. "You're not allowed to think X about X people, because that's "racist"! i.e "That's a thought crime!"

This came into prominence during the communist revolutions of the early 20th century. There in particular used to make it a "thought crime" to question the motives of the communist movement... "You are racist! You are antisemitic!" (early communism was almost entirely a jewish movement). Pic related.

You see words as thought control used in a multitude of other ways by various social movement for different agendas. Not being able to talk about black crime statics during gun control discussions is another. "We want to ban guns!"... "But here are the stats, that makes no sense."... "That's racist!"... I don't want trannys having subversive classes in our schools and public libraries... "That's homophobic!" etc.

Jewing 101.

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Wait a minute.. your not polish!

Great links, thank you.

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No it must be everybody's else's fault.

why if antisemitism created jews

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anti-Semitism is the wrong word, goy.

its "jew hate"
>cause Semitism means "of the Name" aka the Name of Jesus.
Christians are the only semites, Jews are not.

This is how fucked up Xionists are.
They created the Globohomo Empire and knew that it would fail, and its failing so spectacularly now that the quest to rid the planet of them will be a worldwide phenomenon so the adults who realize this are trying to stretch it on life support for so long that they escape the consequences but their children suffer in their stead.

Dr. Seuss’s first book got rejected by 27 authors. Does that make it bad? Does that make the authors right? Does greater number naturally imply correctness? I though Yas Forums rejected democracy.

Have sex goyim and all the problems will go away!

Keep going. You are waking the goyim even more effectively than any one of us "Naziis™" can. Your help is greatly appreciated!

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mind blown

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>what if

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Pick one.

"Youse GOYIM better STFU and get back to worshiping our most Holy Holocaust!"

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Umm, they did.

What cartoon is that guy from?

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