Have you started vaping bleach yet?

Have you started vaping bleach yet?

It cured my COVID and made my dick longer

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It would really suck if people started posting memes telling people how to ingest bleach in Conservative facebook groups!

U mad, bro?

Yeah guys troll the conservatives like that guy that drank the fish tank cleaner, oh wait that was a liberal

Please reply to my email, Chen!!! I need the VPN login!!

No, because I now have a bigger dick and no more COVID

You wish, baby dick.

this is very funny. the location of comedy is where it should be. not randomly generated. somehow failed to grasp by nu gen.

MY dick used to be 2 inches. Its not 7 inches.

>vaping is bad
Confirmed Jew shill

yeah, fox news viewer in their 60's, those were surely liberals

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"There is only one disinfectant" says basement dwellers who are taken care of by their mommies.

I wont need it i got my BBC

too slow, i got an IV drop going

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Oy Vey!

they literally were

When your dick got longer did you fuck your nigger tranny boyfriend in the ass with it and cry because you got duped twice by bernie the kike?

No but I’m glad we have a cure

>source:my ass

Guy I don't feel so good.... did the liberuls put something in my bleach to make me feel bad..? Trump...promised...

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iv been smoking for 15 years and my dick is already big.

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What's sad is that these meme skills are going to waste?

The wife gave it to her husband and she was a social justice activist and a registered Democrat. The husband was an engineer and everyone who knew him said they couldn´t understand why he would do this. Turns out he was hopelessly in love with his wife and she had been feeding him vitamin cocktails and supplements for years and he just took them without question. He was also undergoing heavy metal poisoning detox. Go figure.

Yes, it cured my glaucoma.

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Can anyone tell me where is the YouTube clip where Trump recommended Lysol?

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Been vaping a 50/50 mix of bleach and vitamin E oil ever since I tested positive for the wuflu about a month ago. You faggots wouldn´t believe how powerful I have become.

Saved.... have a (You) faget

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Fuck the WHO and fuck bill gaytes

Are we cyberpunk yet?

longer dick you say? Sounds crazy enough to be true...

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>You lived long enough to see a standing U.S president tell you to go chug bleach

Best timeline confirmed

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and my athletes foot

I want a longer pee pee

Meme news. You mad?