So UV light injection treatment is real?
The MSM is lying their asses off, and the retards lap up lies like mother's milk.
No one checks original sources anymore
Damn that prettty cool. Leave it in your vein long enough it will purify all your blood
i dont think anyone on the left cared about UV lights, everything i've seen has been about him saying we should inject disinfectants
Joey Salads is now a voice of reason.
Either could kill you.
Scalding your lungs wont help.
But either could work. Do you wash wounds with disinfectant? That's stuff going inside you.
The right stuff could work. It's not really that crazy.
But he said it was sarcasm.
Also, that guy drinks his own pee
wiki article
Salads is actually pretty based
lol no. fiber optics work by being reflective.
Basically they pass blood under a uv light. You cannot "inject" the actual light. Lol
Holy fuck man this miga cultism is fucking bat shit insane. This is all cope biggest cope I've ever fucking seen besides the christkikes
No, Trump said it was sarcasm. It was a joke all along! It just happens that Trump's jokes also happen to be a viable cure. He's just that smart.
Wouldn't the UV just kill cells, bacteria, and viruses alike? Causing damage to the person as well?
true but they do IVs with the light going into the vien its kind of like injecting light but not actually of course
how would this even work? wouldn't the UV light just not discrimanate and kill every cell it comes into contact with, not just the virus?
This. Idk why our party hasn’t completely dissociated him as a Republican
Does pissing in my mouth cure coronavirus?
>It just happens that Trump's jokes also happen to be a viable cure. He's just that smart.
This but unironically.
Unclear. It might, potentially, be less harmful to eukaryotic cells compared to pathogens for example. Perhaps the body would be able to repair the damage, like a sunburn.
I dont think this is something you do for fun.
new tech is uv light in the lungs real deep to disinfect them but I cant imagine it going into the small alveoli
Back to your discord faggot woman dilate your gash
Bacteria and virus absorb much more UV than a normal cell.
I saw Saladin likes to drink his own piss
This. But in all seriousness we cant let this guy get the nuclear codes
Because libertarianism.
that was my original assumption, but killing off your masive viral load may be worth soem blood cell damage that will be replaced anyway, i guess it wont cause cancer becasue the cells for blood cancers are made in the bone marrow and other paces circulationg cells are always replaced and the do not divide in the blood the supply is hidden and protected form UV, also far UV may be a good application here where it only destorys the small virus particles but wont go deep into the cells to damage them
Holy shit ... The Onion still exists?
Not the lungs. Read what you post, cocksleeve. Hasn't even been tested with covid19
Because that's all they focus on. And I'm gonna laugh when there is some sort of aerosol disinfectant for humans. Anti viral inhaler of some sort. The look on your faces when he yet again trolled you into another trap
he says he was being sarcastic
fuck ya good graphic
Spics believe in mysticism.
WTF the infographic actually uses the phrase "injectable disinfectant" amazing, this GTFO the headlines
>Joey salads
Fuck I didn’t even read the name. Fuck well played OP you clever fucker. Well played. For those of you who don’t know Joey salads posted fake news on purpose to get reactions out of idiots who take the bait
And stay out of threads with no witnesses
this a related topic involving a disinfectant going into the body internally, this is about what Trump said that got this topic into the light by accident or not
Huh, only a preprint but if it's this guy he's a legit scientist at least
Let me remind you that anti-virals and vaccines in general are technically disinfectants in the sense they remove infection from the body one way or another
Why are you posting a contraption that iradiates your blood OUTSIDE your body with UV
When his plan was to irradiate the outside and inside, maybe through the skin
I.e. give you cancer / burn your body
He says dumb shit like this all the time why are the trumptards trying so hard to spin this one with their silly shit
>Joey Salads
I hate how Mr. Softcock is based and redpilled.
It doesn't kill every cell, but it does damage them. Humans can repair damaged cells to a point, but it still isn't ideal
I genuinely am at the point where I want you people to die. I can't fucking stand you cunts.
I mean I'd be willing to do that trade if I needed to. Reducing the viral load enough to slow the infection down just buys the body time to finish mounting its immune defense.
Despite the bleach memes, I'd even be willing to investigate the use of aerosolized surfactants and/or disinfectants. Last time I got stitches for a deep wound they washed the wound with a kind of gentle disinfecting soap. Didnt seem to damage my insides any. But it sure was inside me. I imagine something could be made to do the same in the lungs.
this is retarded, a vein doesn't work like a fucking light conductor
veins apparently work much like fiber optic cables, shocking doctors. New treatment options are looking brighter!
Don’t forget that the zionists said that hydro chloroquine would be a magical cure but instead it just killed test subjects.
hey stupid fuck you are wrong they have light therapy inside the body in the blood stream you fukcing retard, and there is UV light therapy done in the IV as well not just outside then put back in at least a bit on this topic before talking, here is the actual UV inside the body in the blood stupid nigger,