/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3431

► Detected: 2,813,538 (+90,369) ► Died: 196,412 (+5,493) ► Day: 106 (-04:52:13)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,516 strains have been sequenced —


88% death rate for patients on ventilators in NY

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Blood thickening associated to infection

Sweden doesn't test or count suspected deaths

DIY facemasks can be made as safe as N95

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

Korean CDC suspects reactivation is a reality

Virus infects T lymphocytes, simultaneous coinfection possible

EU admits official death tolls are undercounting

Coronavirus is now 1st cause of death in the US

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves

▶ 3 new cases in Guyana
▶ 1452 new cases and 147 new deaths in Canada
▶ 1 new case and 2 new deaths in Isle of Man
▶ 25568 new cases and 1217 new deaths in the United States
▶ 31 new cases and 3 new deaths in Iraq
▶ 181 new cases and 40 new deaths in Switzerland
▶ 74 new cases and 1 new death in Oman
▶ 46 new cases and 1 new death in Uzbekistan
▶ 255 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel


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Other urls found in this thread:


what's the biggest piece of news you've read from the past week ?

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The virus was found in dust particles. That's the highest type of airborne.

>almost five hours left
Are we actually getting that 10k new infected today?

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Haha normies BTFO

>fuck you take my oil

Do we know anything about the reinfection rate of corona? If it's low enough, that would make herd immunity a better strategy than these fricking lockdowns.

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Can you guys believe that 2mln wasn't even 10 days ago? And only 2 weeks since 100k dead

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Spain bought faulty tests from China, then paid for the replacement which were also faulty

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Great day for her again. Has Ecuador reported yet? Also there was any explanation about the rise in Spain numbers today ?

what's the POINT

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>herd immunity
is not an long term solution for rna viruses.

>tfw normies btfo


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Negative oil prices is the highlight of the week

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Saudis will most likely crush the remaining oil nations, and some will not be able to restore production for at least 10 years after a shutdown. Some countries may go to war over it (my opinion)

This is hilarious
I think that pasta was originally from that schizo RVanon?

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We can chill play games and drink a nice lemonade together. Whatcha say to that user? uwu

and news broke here usa is the financer of the wuhan institute cause it was stopped in the us cause it was too dangerous so why not pay the chinese to do it nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2020-04-23-usa-betalte-kina-for-at-arbejde-med-smitsom-coronavirus-i-wuhan

the reason it was stopped cause they had multiple very dangerous viruses escape from the lab in usa sure let the chinese do it who are ALOT worse at everything
and theres proof they had already made man made corona viruses in wuhan for the americans in 2015

>100 word essay due tomorrow
>can't stop browsing /cvg/

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>wants to give you everything you ever wanted
why dont you anons believe in her?
Say something nice about Coronachan

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Frankly I don't remember much of what has happened over the week. Too much stuff happening at once.
This certainly, we had two stickies for it

>The sun finally fucked off

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2nd Wave

Get ready.
May Day is coming.
June is when shit hits the fan.

Im a faggot!
Dont listen to me.
Im not the only person saying this shit.
you have three years to repent

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G R E A T P L A I N S still here
>best US region

RoIIing for collapse of the eastern wasteland

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>long term solution
It's plenty long term if you're suicidal like Sweden.

listen faggots
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
Total nothing burger

worldometers is reporting 11,500 new cases today, which is the same the total number of cases yesterday (about 11,200)

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aussie shitpost ends up on turkish tv


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>100 word
That's not even an A5 page. You can do that in 20 minutes

I'm surprised TV2 had the balls to publish that story
Not that our normies give a fuck anyway

it *is* the long term solution. Viruses evolve to co-exist with organisms, not to destroy us.

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>Yas Forums is the true msm

corona-chan will always be inside us

100? Fuck sake user, easy as hell. Haven't you learned to embellish?

Fuckin wack

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>flu kills 250,000 a year
Corona is gonna have that beat in a week in only three months compared to the six month flu season.

somebody answer me
is Brazil kill?

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Antibodies seem to be months at best for mild/moderate cases. Only the severe cases seem to have SARS-levels of antibodies, which is 1-3 years of immunity.

I believed in you in January and I'm still believeing in you now Corona-Chan

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>Work smart, travel alone, eat out fast: South Korea's prescription for coronavirus recovery

>“Some experts predict COVID-19 will stay for as long as TWO YEARS, and we have to accept the reality that we can’t go back to pre-COVID-19 life during that time,” Vice Health Minister Kim Gang-lip told a briefing.

>“The government is preparing a transition to a sustainable routine distancing scheme with the goal of carrying out regular social and economic activity and preventing COVID-19 infections at the same time,” he said.

zThe guidelines detail a code of conduct in areas including workplaces, transport, restaurants, shopping and sporting fixtures, starting with general rules such as washing hands, maintaining distance and regular temperature checks and disinfection.

The whole article is important:

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She shut down the world like nothing else since the Black Plague.

Just Get Your Damn Vaccine !


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>airborne aids outbreak in a favella infested slum
what could go wrong?

expect mutations

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Brasil got Bolsonaro'D

>First you need to understand the LCS algorithm (aka longest common sub sequence). For a refresher:

>LCS is just a function that takes two strings as input and returns the length of the "Longest common subsequence" that is identical between the two strings.

>If you run the above LCS algorithm against these two particular genomes:

>One of the discovered strains of sars-cov2:

>And an old strain of HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus):

>Then the LCS algorithm will return the integer: 9012. This number only has meaning when compared to the length of the HIV Genetic code which is 9181, and the covid19 genetic code which is 29903 in length.

>So what this is suggesting, is that this particular strain of covid19 shares (9019 / 9181) percent, aka 98.1% of HIV's genome as a letter-for-letter verbatim clone in the base pairs of the above covid19 virus.


apparently starting Sunday it'll be a cloudy week.

Can't wait.

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Please be true!

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She's growing stronger again

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My tragedy is bigger than yours! Obey me! Back to work!

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>tfw you want to boop post but don't want to get bullied again

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You get your vaccine and let me die a natural death of a man-made respiratory virus.

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yeah i was surprised too
i dont get why normies dont see how big this is but then again...normies. usa is our allies they cant do no wrong. its just like all the other times stuff gets out usa is fucking us no one cares. CIA having direct access to PET systems? meh its nothing.

>Drunk six nights in a row
God fucking damn it

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I believe in her since the very beginning
An i still believe in her, for only she can save us from this clown world

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Don't you fucking dare

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>Corona becomes part of humanity forever

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It will take a month for a spike in cases, another month for a noticeable spike. More months if they want to hide it. It will be August or September until they announce the 2nd wave when in reality there are no waves.

what about this antibody dependent enhancement talk, has that been confirmed or not?

>a shitpost from an aussie Yas Forumsack was the final trigger for the Third World War

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Rolling for near-end of civilisation level event

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Brazil is going to be the big one
>Lack of testing infrastructure like Ecuador
>Massive amount of nothingburgers (they call it feijoada down there) like the US
>President is an absolute nothingburgerfag and wants to remove state governors because they implemented quarantine measures
>Massive zones of impoverishment and favelas, riots and lootings are a given
Even their nothingburgerfags look downright like schizos

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Really need that aircondition
June and July are going to be brutal

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user, if you don't have enemies then you aren't standing up for anything. If we all did what was crowd approved no one would have made it to discover the free world.

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Thanks to her I'm seeing actual cracks in the system for the first time in decades. May the red death destroy and consume everything.

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>alcohol to
>cope is
>how you
>an alcoholic

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we need subs

Based an coronapilled

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>we are not going to make it to 100k today
>less than 10k to go
are there any major countries left to report cases?

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USA yesterday had 31k, currently at 26k

Air conditioning is how she gets you if you stay inside all day...

I reroll for you.

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>shitpost trigger third world war
Donald Trump: "Hold my burger"

You're right!
Bunch of bullies! But it's okay. You know why? Because you're safe! And that's what matters! Important people like you need to watch out for silly risks!

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Do it


We're done for

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HA I knew Italy was 110% based

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▶ 5 new cases and 1 new death in Gabon

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user, stop doing those posts or I'll be forced to take a picture of my cock pressing against your post and asking you to suck it

ur right, lots of states still to report

English plz

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Neck yourself shill

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if there were any doubts we were monitored. This is why the janitors are deleting all of the coronachan lewds

This. If anything all of this shows that the "world government" is a bunch of idiots that don't realy know what to do during a real crisis.

That's pretty gay, and bluepilled

>aspie mode: ON 1/2
Cuomo said they think 13.9% of the population was actually infected.

Sample size was 3000

The reason why its 7% is because if you take the sample size of 3000 and divide it by 7%> 42 857.1

if you take 3000 divide it by 14%>21428.5
21%= 21 285.7

You then take 263 460 and divide it by either number above looking for a value of 3, 3 for the 3000 group sample size

263 460 / 42 857.1> 6.144
263 460 / 21428.5> 12.29
263 460/ 21 285.7> 12.37
>for funsies I did 28%>24.59
Now how do you reduce that to a populous per 1000? Well you divide 3000 by 3.

So you take 6.1 and divide by 3 >2.0
And you take 12.29 and divide by 3>4.09
And 12.37 and divide by 3> 4.12

2 per 1000 populous at 7%
4 per 1000 populous at 14%
4 per 1000 populous at 21%

You then take 263 460 an multiple it by 2 or 4 / 7% or 14% and amazingly you get the same number> 7 527 428

total population of NY is 19.4M / 7527428 =2.5
total population of NY 19.4M x 2.5% = 485 000

So normally you would say but how can it be more than the number of infected, and that wouldn't be wrong. This will tell how accurate the test was.
485 000 - 263 460 > 221 540

So whats our margin of accuracy on the testing> 221 540 / 263 460> 0.84 or 84%

So, how do we find the missing %. We take 100 - 84>16

Simple you take 19.4M and multiply it by 16%? 3 104 000 divided by 1 000 per populous > 3 104. You use 1000 since it was a populous size of a thousand >3104

Sample size was 3000.

See what they did yet?
So if you take the 221 540 and add deaths and recoveries you end up with, roughly, 267 280
So what you do is take known total infections 263 460 / 267 280>0.985 or 98.5%

I fucking knew that the vid was memeworthy.

Attached: chinkorona.webm (720x406, 2.63M)

What are you predictions for May 1 and the rest of the month?
Rents are due, bills are piling up, and we have absurdly high levels of unemployment. Meanwhile, banks and businesses are getting piles of money.

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He's asking for it

So why is it 7% you ask, simple, 72 800 x 4> 288 000 (too high a number)
72 800 x 3 is 218 400
> Cumulative
218 400 + 15 740 + 30 000>264 140
NY State total infected is 263 460
263 460/264 140 x 100> 99.6%

98.5 - 99.6> 1.1%

NY total population is 19.4M divided by 1.1% >is 213 400 divided by 3 is 71 133
NY total population is 19.4M divided by 1.35%> 261,900 divided by 3 is 87 633

NY total population is 19.4M, which number is closer?
264 460 x 71 133> 18 740 700 180
264 460 x 87 633> 23 087 790 180

If you haven't seen what they did yet its
71 133 - 87 633>16 500 to make this a percentage we divide by 1000 per populous

84% accuracy on the antibody test. Probably used the same test USC did. The test has an average of 3 false positives for every 1 true positive.

How do we know this?
2 per 1000 populous at 7%
4 per 1000 populous at 14%
4 per 1000 populous at 21%

the difference between 4 and 2 is 2. So you get 1 True positive + plus 2 false positives for every 3 test, with an error rate of 50%.

Well this is it, frens. This truly is the end.

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