/hue/ - Bolsonaro and Moro General

Do you think pic related is true? Is Brazil doomed?

Attached: Captura de Tela 2020-04-24 às 18.06.34.png (1368x652, 1.41M)

Bolsonaro won't last to the end of the year.

And then Mourão will join the party, AI-5 will happen again and the future will be glorious.

No, but Bolsonaro is over
even if he don't get impeach he wont get 2022

Don't know about that, he entered an alliance with the centrão

>AI-5 will happen again
Nahhh... not going to happen.

>Brazil in political crisis again
Dios mio.
Bolsonaro will be impeached until july/august. Screencap this.

Centrão always joins the president because they want to keep their power, but they are the first ones to drop if they see the situation is going bad.

Look at what happened in 2016.

Moro is a judge, if you honestly think he doesn't have everything recorded or would pull a stunt like that for no reason you're honestly retarded. Bolsonaro is fucked and will get impeached soon.

Yes, is sad but our military is form upon positivism, another of the many socialist variations.
Brazil need for yesterday a rope penalty for corrupt politician. The feast with public money would end in a heart beat.

One can dream

Actually I just want a civil war
I want to shoot some dirty comies and Cristãos novos

shoot them with what?

BASED Kekistani

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there's only one solution

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You and i are of the same mind, anão.

What we learned from Bolsonaro's speech is that his 04 son fucked half the condominium and that he turned off the heater on the olympic pool. This country is fucked.

Attached: brazil__post_civil_war_by_fametsuri-d691dgq.png (1024x1341, 74.86K)

stop larping, retard. the 70's are over
he needs to hold until next year so we don't have elections
>pic related

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If NOVO does not win the next election then yes, it's fucking over rapazes.

novo is literally a cringier version of the PFL
they wouldn't be bad but they aren't nearly the good guys lolbertarians believe they are. just peek at Zema's government to know

>Wanting lunatic lolbertarians in power

I'd rather deal with Dilma again than those clowns.

on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being bolso is literally kill, how fucked up are things?

As I said, I don't think he can hold it until the end of the year.

Even his voter support base is starting to split.

I stand with the pocketman

Fuck the leaches.


I'd say an 8.

9, shit's fucked breh.

Time to drink something to end this shitty friday.

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Already (((happened))) but you are too retarded or jewish to admit this.

Are you retarded?
He just sold his soul to the devil.
He blew up the single guy who scared congress the most, because of his fight against corruption, and because most of congress is corrupt.
Congress now loves Bolsonaro to death.
They'll never impeach him, and they'll elect whomever Bolsonaro wants to preside over both chambers.
>austerity hasn't fixed it yet
>we need more austerity
Dude, fuck off.
The last thing we need right now is more libertarians.
We need a nationalist who follows the Historic School of economics. Someone like Adriano Benayon.

What does it mean ?


Fuck you statist nigger

7, maybe an 8 if some dirt about Bolsonaro does show up

Those niggers will probably starve in one week of their independence HAHAHAHAHHA