How absolutely assblasted will you niggers be when he gets re-elected in a landslide?
Heavily. I refuse to believe my fellow countrymen are that gullible and braindead. It's not possible.
Jared has to tighten the leash on him. Keep to a script. We can't let any more foibles like this happen again for the rest of the year.
You realize he already won in ‘16, and you’re asking people to pick Dementia Joe over the legend, the celebrity, the billionaire Donald fucking Trump?
Nobody cares about the squawking of the coasties who were never going to vote for him in the first place. Give it 3 days and we’ll already have moved onto the next “outrage”.
He won in 16 because people were desperate enough to believe that a reality TV star would shake things up and empower America. He will win in 20 because people will be stupid enough to believe in a con artist that just showed them his game. But, will they be?
>he gets re-elected in a landslide
You sure about that? This is the baseline for _any_ (D), even before considering Soros voting machine fun.
What exactly makes him a “con artist”? Why do you hate him so much?
Do you have any idea how disastrous the debates are going to be for Biden? It should be fucking pay per view for how hard Trump is gonna stomp him flat!
>What exactly makes him a “con artist”?
He said he was good at all sorts of things. Business. Economics. Construction. Deal-making. He said he wasn't a politician. All of it, lies.
>Why do you hate him so much?
He represents the epitome of everything wrong with America: an affluenza riddled lard-ass.
You are going to have to go back.
>What exactly makes him a “con artist”?
Like (almost) every politician ever, he hasn't followed through on his campaign promises:
>changes nothing
It's also strange seeing Republicans saying "you can't vote for Biden, he's a senile old sex offender!", when that's exactly what everyone said about Trump 4 years ago.
As an outsider it's hard to tell who's the lesser of two evils in this election, I suppose it comes down to whether you want things to accelerate at the same pace or to speed things up a bit.
They will cry while playing with their action figures and nintendo games. The fat dumb cunts will curl up on the couch with 10 gallons of ice cream and cry cry cry cry.
You do realise your country is full of toilet seat licking, tide pod eating, chocolate milk comes from brown cows and Coronavirus comes from beer believing idiots right?
I suspect we will see riots in several major cities, last time around we saw a few in places like Portland but they weren't huge because they weren't prepared. This time around I think they'll start organizing mid-October when the early vote totals start to look bad for Biden.
But he did make a bunch of deals, start constructions of the wall, and we had a great economy until people were literally forced to close down due to the Chinese coronavirus. In fact the stock market is recovering, back to about 24000. Only unemployment numbers are bad which is because of gibs are higher than min wage now and forced stay at home orders in certain states.
Remember in 2016 when wishful thinking won the election for dumb CUNT hillary? Yeah, me neither.
americans are dumb subhuman retards so youre doomed. youre probably a retard too btw
Even with that, our country is greater than your shithole. Cope moar ya' fuckin' kike faggot.
>changes nothing
Our government has a general hostility towards internationalism and immigration, his overhauls to the asylum system alone are unprecedented. this "he changed nothing!" crap is ridiculous, Obama was organizing bus caravans from central America that had to be turned back by armed protesters, hell the giant caravans that we saw just a few years ago would have been admitted without resistance under any other president.
The most cucked beta fag country in the world
Drink bleach, your leader commands you
>Our government has a general hostility towards internationalism and immigration
It's a shame he didn't act on that and stop people flying in from China in January.
America is a shithole, the laughingstock of the world, and the reason chinks even have a foothold as a superpower
>I refuse to believe my fellow countrymen
lol thats why you lost bigly in 2016
Canada, being mostly Chinese at this point, hardly has a right to comment on that, does it?
You got me good.
>You got me good.
That's high IQ wit for a leaf btw.
i'll probably knock a plate of chicken tenders out of my mom's hands again.
You choice is between two boomer puppets with dementia, I'm laughing at you either way.
I dont know.
But...inject bleach
I'll die fighting to remove him with my fellow patriots if he's re-elected