Why does the bible say we deserve to burn and torture forever for one lifetime of so called sin? I cant even comprehend how beyond psychopathic Christians and Muslims sound when they say you deserve hell even if you sin one time
Why did God put us in a world of sin if he hates sin?
Why cant he just get over sin?
Why does the bible say we deserve to burn and torture forever for one lifetime of so called sin...
>sin one time
what are you about? Allah accepts repentance and he is the most merciful
Fairness is a human concept nature doesn't adhere to.
Thai is true but Islam is far more works based than Christianity. That makes it easier for Christians to be degenerates but harder for Muslims to repent based on how far they’ve gone.
Because Christianity is a mind controlling slave religion for the masses.
Allah is the moon god Sin and a false god with a false prophet. Mohammud burns inthe fires of hell, but no one else has to...repent and come to Christ. He will forgive your sins and wash you white as snow and welcome you into an eternity of peace.
Spoken like a true jew. Have a shekel
You're what happens when people listen to Paula White. First, your dumb ass is here in the first place because you rebelled against god by embracing the use of deception. So you come here to decide if you want to keep doing it. The inverse truth emotions that people use in the practice of deception come from hell. So if you don't cut it out you go there to live. Permantly because you wanted it.
calling your creator a liar and expecting to get something other than destruction
cool story, sounds like a real schlomo
>you deserve hell even if you sin one time
> we deserve to burn and torture forever for one lifetime of so called sin
Both based and how it should be.
Because Christcucks are masochistic
Excuse me? Judaism is similar to Christianity in ridiculousness and mind control but it’s smarter because Christians are self sacrificing idiots. You people are getting annihilated during every pandemic or war scenario because all you do is focus on the afterlife. Jews are at least intelligent in educational studies and know when to protect themselves.
At least be Islamic if you want a religion that benefits you.
In Buddhism, you get reincarnated to other lifeforms and depending on your Karma you can even be reborn as a frog.
>muh moon god
Wrong and a complete fabrication based on sloppy research into Arabia and Islam. This has been debunked many times.
religion is a tool of indoctrination.
hell is a concept used by religious orders to scare people into following the law.
hell is also used as a pressure relief valve for the weak (eg. "the murderer of my family will surely pay in hell")
You honestly sound more edgy than fedoracore plebbitors
Because of what happens when everybody starts sinning you retarded dunce
I do admit that sounds very nice I would not mind being a frog they are very based amphibians
Stockholm syndrome
Sympathizing with your abuser
Of course you wouldn't believe in Christianity, your whole bastard race was damned to Hell the moment Pontius cleaned his hands of your persecution of Jesus.
Because the bible is partly written by Evil. Nobody is going to suffer for eternity or disappear that's not how the real Good wants it.
nothing? god dammit
Also not surprised it's a fucking euromutt from the Godless UK making such a piss poor post.
Don't fall for it, don't let others shove their bullshit down your throats, decide for yourself what you want to believe in and what makes the most sense to you
>bu-bu-but plebbit!
go suck a bible then
stop projecting, faggot
you made this butthurt blogpost
Christianity is just a social construct. A fucked up one
The God of the old testament ordered genital mutilation
and whats the problem?
I thought you said I was projecting when I said you were defending your shitty sky daddy asshole
>Be jews
>invent exclusive tribal religion for Jews
>invent universal Christian religion for goyim
>invent universal Islamic religion for goyim
>reserve for jews protected status in both
>make goyim fight each other but never jews
>profit from the victors and the losers
cool story
answer the question
He didn’t put us in a world of sin. We chose sin, and continue to do so, and by choosing sin yourself, you choose hell. He gave us a way to not go to hell. And even that is more than we deserve. An all-powerful God created you, and then when you dared defy Him, He stooped down to give you another chance at redemption. And here you are bitching.
No, only degenerate Protestantism. True Christianity, Orthodoxy/Catholicism, still believes in the necessity of works.
You got a license for that unregulated shit post?
I never said I was Jewish christcuck. It’s just very easy to notice that Jews are far smarter than Christians because they don’t put their lives on the line for an afterlife that isn’t there. That alone makes them smarter. It’s called natural selection.
Also Biblical/Gospel Pontius is a fabrication by the scribes that doesn’t match up with historical Pontius. He likely saw Christ’s execution as just another event without ever sympathizing with him, as demonstrated with nonchristian recollections of Jesus’s crucifixion.
Whats wrong with Jewish pedophilia rituals?
Literally everything you kike
Orthodoxy/Catholicism is also suicidally intent on placing the afterlife above the material world and refugees (read: people who don’t share Christian or naive value) above nations, which is why the two religious denominations will die off someday. Christianity like pacificism is self sabotaging.
Also, Protestants are far closer to the original Christians because they don’t alter commandments.
>He didint put us in a world of sin
Do you remember asking god to be born then?
Bro... are you serious right now or is this a shitpost?
>taking jewish fairy tales seriously
this is where you went wrong