Is stonetoss the most redpilled political cartoonist?
Is stonetoss the most redpilled political cartoonist?
how about you go back to plebbit and stay there?
is fagtoss the most redpilled religion?
why are memeflag still on Yas Forums?
No. Have no idea who that is but hes likely a kike. Why dont you go dilate
Because posting that shit under an israeli flag is bad optics.
Stonetoss isn't funny.
kek and based jew
Lol. Reality hitting like an Aussie truck here
no, but some of them and edits are fairly amusing and mildly interesting, especially compared to other reddit-tier pasta shit poster here.
this one is perfect
Because memeflag meme is weak shit. You can't expect people to show their country on the most racist and xenophobic board.
If you want to circlejerk there are a lot of underground groups for people like you.
cleansing a shit thread rn
>( ( ( I S R A E L I ) ) )
He is too libertard for my taste desu.
Yas Forums fags btfo
Top Kek
>Bumping a memeflag fag thread
Based and thotpilled.
Buy an ad, kike.
Black male to white female is lowest response rate on tinder.
White male to black female is highest.
I'm sure OKC and the more serious dating apps are worse
If you're not getting laid, its not because of your race.
We support racial purity for cultural reasons, not because obese men who haven't showered in a week are chasing models and getting pissed that the models aren't responding favorably.
4th panel is fake. Should be both of them laughing while the white guy hangs himself.
The left cant meme
>kikewave spam
You can fuck off with him, nigger.
Holy based
>Ran out of bleach pics
>Now post this nonsense
how come the left claims to be talented yet the best they can come up with is copying stuff from the right
What is it about Stonetoss that makes leftists and kikes SEETHE so fucking hard?
They latch onto him particularly and it doesn't make much sense.
For being the meme king, the right just keeps repeating the same old and boring meme. "left can't meme hurrdurr".
I don't know, man... how can you claim that when you are just using shit-quality content to reply?