Yas Forums humor thread
Yas Forums humor thread
Good way to start the thread.
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
too many words. reads like leftist trash.
That's a very succinct history of WW2.
this would be awesome if real, except for the F
checked satin
Wow what an incredible story.
You guys know that being shitty on the internet isn't that funny right?
I get the purpose of the thread is to have something cringey you can laugh at.
But really what are you doing?
Just being shitty and pessimistic at something that, admittedly is a bit of overkill as far as the whole appreciating medical personnel during a pandemic.
But who gives a shit.
People are cringey, they romanticize actions that will be seen by others, or is created with the express purpose of being shared like this.
Are you telling me you all have never gotten carried away with a thought?
Just look at this board.
There are people every fucking day being cringey as shit, saying the reason they can't function in society is due to some inborn superiority or some fault in the segment of society they claim prevents them from being part of it.
Think about it. Every fucking day people on here are bitching about how they can't find anyone to be with because "women are all terrible libtards blah blah blah blah".
Every day there is some cunt making posts like this. But they don't get called out because the board culture is so retarded right now everything that fits into the conservative viewpoint gets automatically accepted as a valid reason for being a fucking failure.
Food for thought anons.
lame pasta
You sir, get reddit gold. Keanu bless you.
Someone link me the wiki article on this, I can't find it.
>wiki article
You mean Rhodesia?
I'm going to develop psychogenic encephalitis
Anarchism is kind of the same thing as libertarianism.
I'm not even mad
That was pretty neat desu
Fucking 10 captchas for this shit
Fuck you jewgle
Pineapple pizza is an invention of the Jews , even niggers realize this.
I know, I post from my laptop and I don't get any captchas, but I post from my iPad on the same wifi network and I get a shit ton of of them.
Based pasta killing cringers with kindness
its fine, the 109 fact is kryptonite for jewish globohomo and id like it spread by any means
Wait, would that actually work?
wtf is this real?
Libertarianism is cringe, BUT we were all libertariantards at some point, so this is correct in a way.
Probably lmao
>3 trips to the gas chamber
she held her breath the whole time?