GET IN HERE, get to work you autists
You are not white if your first reaction was not to wget -r it.
This isn’t anything new jew gtfoh
Bump bump bumpity bump bump
Steve Jobs HIV+
>controlled by glowniggers
that's a whole heap of trash to distract you
This has been active for years you mong
So edgy. Go gobble cock
are you sayin julian had the key under his door mat the entire time?
this is old as fuck
He was probably gay or bi desu.
Not surprised by this.
Wikileaks is literally just a limited hangout
na, it was in a yard gnome
correct frog
wouldnt the SSN be a bigger deal? I mean, you could steal his identity and shit right?
its bumbening.
Old news. Old as fuck. 10 years at least.
Not a single entry about ayys. Even if it's all real, it still is gay.
Clinton emails look boring so far.
can you imagine going in a mac store with a turtle neck, skinny jeans, gay glasses and a fagged out onions beard and scamming some macs
>massa jobs!!! omg, u be done raysed from da ded!!!
This is all new shit! DIG DIG DIG!!!
Steve Jobs was a fag and Bill Gates is a kryptokike. I feel like we should have known
4 year old shit. Original deadman switch was intercepted and compromised. This is just the stuff the glowies want you to see.
What is this like the 4th time “deadman switch” has been activated now? Most of the interesting shit I remember reading back in 2012.
Don't listen to shills this stuff is all new. DIG DIG DIG!!
Remember when the biggest DDOS happened in Oct 2016 when his deadman switch was released then wikileaks got comped and assange got v&...
Bump, however, wasn't the dead man switch activated like a year ago?
Clinton Gates connection? Clinton Foundation and Bill and Melinda Gates? What is going on?
Did I step into a timewarp? Is it October 2016 again?
551 23 2014
Wikileaks was probably compromised for a while now. I have a hunch most of this is part of glowniggers fighting eachother, CIAvsNSA shit
>Leaked emails from the embassy in Quebec talking about how someone didnt flush the toilet
Thanks WikiLeaks.
>i wanna release something about trannys
>nooooo i wanna release something about refugees
>glowniggers don't want us to download
Yes, because we'll be "distracted" from shitposting and doing nothing at all.
Sounds like glownigger spiel.
This has been out for years, brah. Please drink bleach, figuratively, of course.
Fuck off,
Does no one even remember when they basically shut down half the internet when the assange shit was going on?
The switch was triggered and they went out full force to capture it and they did.
Have fun with your pre-screened scraps
Shut up you retarded boomer we've looked at it years ago
So that's why there's been so many lysol shills
unless they expose the kike kabal it’s bullshit
They dumped everything. My guess is old and new are all together.
>nothing on trump
>nothing on russia
haha based asshole french man.
Shills never stopped with the Assange/Wikileaks schizo posting since October 2016. They just take breaks and return according to schedule. We'll be in 2050 and this nonsense will still be around. Maybe in 2100 people will calm down and think critically. "Hey wait a minute, this did look a little weird, how come he couldn't walk on his balcony, why would cutting the internet landline in an embassy stop someone from shitposting with a cellphone".
The police report of the Maddie McCain is there, I can understan some portuguese, but it's tiring
This means something big is about to drop
Shills are getting ahead of the story and trying to get everyone to think that what is about to drop is old news
Get ready