Is it confirmed he's dead or not? I can't find anything

Is it confirmed he's dead or not? I can't find anything.

Attached: 220px-Kim_Jong-un_April_2019_(cropped)[1].jpg (220x315, 16.47K)

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He's on "life support" which means he could be knocking on Heaven's door.

didgits always tell the truth

nuthinburger as always

Nice link faggot
>believing CNN

He's dead, observe my numerals.

He gone

the eternal president simply changes vessels

Attached: A149021C-2814-4E6A-ACA3-3C259B6F5EA6.gif (368x368, 1.92M)

Digits confirm he's fucking toast

no mine tell the truth as usual

Attached: 1587575465637.jpg (1089x171, 51.25K)

>being a confederate
You lost the Civil War. Deal with it.


Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-23 at 9.22.53 PM.png (323x416, 150.54K)


he's kill kys

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-24 at 1.40.29 PM.png (60x379, 3.43K)

Hes on the moon. Latest rocket worked better than expected


It was a CNN report. Yas Forums was fooled, too desperate and bored to care about the truth just want to giggle and shitpost. And you guys think you are superior to normies. You fell for a CNN fake report.

Digits confirm he's dead

they will not tell you



not dead. evolving.

The first thing you have to understand about North Korea is that nobody really knows what happens inside the North Korean government. Experts don't know but they yammer on like they do to retain their expert credential. Defectors may know stuff about their neighborhood but they dont know shit about the inner workings of the government. I mean most NK "experts" can't even speak korean. Would you trust a Yas Forums expert that didn't even speak english?

Thing you can do to understand NK is read up on their history starting with Japanese colonization when there was one Korea but of fucking course that's something nobody ever does.

mayhaps brudda

Guys he literally died back in 2013 on the interview

These people are saying he's dead.

ahhhhh oh nooooooooo


No.. the media doesn’t know shit.

Dutch news confirms his death.


U honey dickin me?

hello, village magi, thank you for your service.

Attached: 1587575752671.webm (610x1100, 1.19M)

Wrong, inspect these figures.

They also said no official confirmation and to be skeptical.

Let digits and kek decide.

Brazil already decided for us

He is dead and died last night.

Attached: 545435.jpg (700x474, 285.16K)

wtf??? is this real????


Just wait for the drinking bleach post to dwindle down after that MSM will cover newsworthy events again

how did they make that cat Dance?

Oh, he is so dead

Rong Rive Grorious Reader!

It would make absolutely no sense for the norks to claim their leader is dead. They’d have three lookalikes at the ready to smile and look at things being made for photo ops. If his sister really were to take his place, his stepmother must have poisoned him and groomed top military brass to marry her, and to lead with strict adherence to the party’s directives.
There would never be an official announcement or even proof even if kju was indeed dead.

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what happened?

It's clearly edited you autists

Brain dead from coronavirus. China's plan to annex NK.