Normies of Yas Forums, what attracts you to Yas Forums and what will make you leave?

Normies of Yas Forums, what attracts you to Yas Forums and what will make you leave?

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2d repels me hissss

most normies hate niggers too but feel they can only voice it here.

One of the few places where you can have raw discussion. Usually just ends up in shitposting but you sometimes you have really interesting discussions with people you can never have irl. Like today I talked about the reasons most radical political movements fail with a fascist and we honestly agreed with each other on a lot of causes. We don't agree with each other central axioms obviously but we were able to have a really interesting discussion. Also I still have love for this board going back to pre zimmerman Yas Forums

If you want a spastic echo chamber, head over to r9k, or perhaps there’s a subreddit that will cater to your sensibilities

havent been here since i was a lil guy recently i discovered jewish people

COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum

Information collection is also a very effective method to determine the psychological
level of the forum members, and to gather intelligence that can be used against them.
In this technique in a light and positive environment a 'show you mine so me yours'
posting is initiated. From the number of replies and the answers that are provided
much statistical information can be gathered. An example is to post your 'favourite
weapon' and then encourage other members of the forum to showcase what they
have. In this matter it can be determined by reverse proration what percentage of the
forum community owns a firearm, and or a illegal weapon. This same method can be
used by posing as one of the form members and posting your favourite 'technique of
operation.' From the replies various methods that the group utilizes can be studied
and effective methods developed to stop them from their activities.
Buster Douglas shocked the entire world the night he Knocked Out Mike Tyson.

A completely uncensored environment where you can speak your mind anonymously is a breath of fresh air in this day and age since our constitution has been raped and "freedom of speech" got turned into a fucking meme.


This, mostly.

Normie here. Married, one child, great job in (((finance))) but I can’t voice my frustration with how retarded the average non-white person is. Dealing with diversity hires who clearly are not qualified to work in this industry has been incredibly frustrating.

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Frankly, there's no point in asking that question because
>I'm not a normie. I'm quirky and special
- every fucking normie ever

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They just get all awkwardly polite around them instead of just walking away


>make you leave
What part of "here forever" don't you understand?

Jew alert
>Sage goes in all fields

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Yas Forums was done 2018, maybe even earlier

>discover Yas Forums in 2015
>summer newfag
>love it here, social outcast myself
>suddenly not social outcast anymore, have gf and friends
>stop coming to Yas Forums in 2017
>live normie life
>come to lurk whenever theres a big happening to see what Yas Forums thinks about it
>december 2019
>hear about virus outbreak in china
>come to Yas Forums to check it out
>been here ever since
still a massive normie with friends and social life. i lurk here on my free time. theres nowhere else I can go and have the same experience. i'll probobaly end up leaving when the lockdowns end

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What does (((this))) mean honestly?

Popped in yesterday after a hiatus. I've been since the beginning. You just never leave you know? It just becomes a part of you. You go for a while come back and see what's up get sucked back into the shitposting for a few weeks. Then life grabs me by the nuts and I'm outtie for a while. Couple months maybe but im always back you know. It's great seeing you all again hope everyone is well. Good to be back

i started coming here because of the memes back in '14. i started using more and more my pc since i tried to find solace after my gf left me, but the only thing i found was more loneliness. you guys are my only frens by now

Been lurking since 2008/2009, mostly because I like to use Yas Forums as a source of the latest going ons in the world as well as the opinions of the faggots that post here. I can usually find interesting takes to think on and occasionally reply to if I feel I have anything of value to add. As well, I'm interested in the translation of the bazi Germany fitness book that's being handled and posted about on occasion here on Yas Forums.

I'm not going to leave just because I've improved my life over the years.

>inb4 404'd
>inb4 banned

Surf the COINTELPRO seas and deliver the message for the thirsty masses in the rite of passage.

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1. vent
2. death

I want money.

>what will make you leave?
It has been proven that lolis and /mlp/ repel normalfags.

>and what will make you leave?

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The world is a manufactured reality and (((they))) control it viciously

Assuming anyone THIS racist and sexist can be considered normal.

I really love the President and in 2016 reddit told me to come here so I can be surrounded by freethinking people like myself.

Yas Forums shut ins are the literal same in that regard. Always have been.

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>(((he))) doesn’t know about the echoes

Fix'd it

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you are not a normie, you are a spiritual jew.

kill yourself you sack of shit, the world would only be better for it.

I was posting on Yas Forums fucking a different girl every week. Now I’m just disgusted by sexual dynamics and elect to no longer participate