What happened?

Medieval culture was so rich. The architecture was astonishing. Everybody worked together against the Muslims and Jews to build essentially a white utopia. Just imagine if we still held onto that cultural richness. Imagine that the tradition lived on to this day, and we were still building grand monasteries. Mix that with the modern scientific drive, and we could be launching space crusades kek

The feudal hierarchy as a system of government under a church that we control is the most natural form of governance for the gentile European. No usury. No subversion. We all work together. Imagine if we carried some modern version of this system with us today alongside the other cultural traditions. This would be nothing short of a white golden age

We are being destroyed by the Jew. We are being destroyed by the Jew. We are being destroyed by the Jew.

Just listen to this song:


This is what we used to be.

Attached: past.jpg (744x641, 157.04K)

You'd have to return to the trad Catholic ways, and too many whites fell into sin because we disregarded the teachings of the Council of Basil: pagans and Jews must live in ghettos.

Lutheran autism and Anglo/Dutch greed. In a word, Protestants.

Rome was much better

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>has orgy with 8 nubian hookers
No, it wasn't
>coming from a kraut

Mud flooded building, from another time.

Whites are overrated, they only know how to build stuff in minecraft nowadays.

I don't know, I wasn't ALIVE at that time to know something about those cultures and all of that what you sayin is the knowledge from the (((books))) which might be also presenetd as a disinformative "knowledge".

this. instead of living their life they decided to slave themselves for some reason. remember, it was the dutch that invented the stock market, and it's thank to the stock market that we live in a frenetic world where everyone has to struggle in a neverending economic growth


>"Everybody worked together against the Muslims and Jews to build essentially a white utopia."

Lol, google "number of wars between (European country 1) and (European country 2)

Based. The catholic church united whites across Europe. (((Protestantism))) was subverted from the get-go.
degenerate but provided a nice foundation
Shitskin detected
Just look at the buildings. Listen to the music. Read Thomas Aquinas and the like. You can clearly see that this was a better time. Now we build modernist high rises, worship Jewish capitalism, and propagate cultural Marxism. We can see the past fruits of indo-european pride that has been stripped from us

Right. Just because you played warband doesn’t mean you know anything about medieval culture and living conditions.
Monty Python has a better idea of medieval culture than you do.

Burger, did you forget about the 4rth Crusade, papal corruption, all the feudal wars, the fact that feudalism was absolute shit for everyday people outside of thr cities?

>Be me, medieval peasant
>Catch the plague, die.
>Don't pay for indulgences, die. Then go to hell
>Enlisted into feudal Lord's retarded army to capture the holy Land AGAIN. Die.
>Work my plot of land every day from dawn till dusk, only see a pittance when the king's men come to take my harvest, try to object, after all I have a family. Drawn and quartered. Die.
So based, a total Utopia.

lmao the culture was "rich" only if you belonged to the tiny, tiny - and I can't stress this enough - TINY aristocracy.

In all likelihood, you would have been born a peasant. You would farm all through summer, spring and fall. The lord would take half your harvest. Sometimes, he would also take your wife (prima nocte was very common).

You'd practically hibernate for the winter because you basically had 1 set of clothes. Half your children would die before reaching age 10. You would have to shit in a ditch and take baths annually. All the wenches you would lust after in town would literally smell like shit. Hunger would be a common theme. A bad harvest and you'd be eating rats.

"Rich culture" my ass.

Constant wars over land claims are necessary to build a thriving society. It keeps each generation hardened and prepared. They do not degenerate into a weak, easily subvert-able society. They weren't wars completely;y of conquest, and the church was always presiding over them. Perfect system.
If the system had persisted into the age of modern technology, the story would be different. The living conditions were only poor due to technological limitations. It is not the fault of the ideology or culture.
>papal corruption
look at it now
>feudal wars
like I said, they are a sign of a healthy society. They create warriors and heroes. Now we watch (((sports))) instead

>Don't pay for indulgences, die. Then go to hell
Not how indulgences work, Schlomo. Go back to your Ghetto

>Just look at the buildings
I'm not talking about the architectural structures, my post was more based on your first sentence "Medieval culture was so rich" therefore, how do you know that and why are you 100 per cent sure that they were rich and had some utopian life. Let me explain you something in plain simple words overall...
Everything what was written in history books might be false, everything what you think you know might be wrong thinking that you actually have some knowledge which is gathered through your school education. What if...all of those things that you think you know are completely false for a reason to keep us blind towards something what is bigger than anyone could possibly imagine? Why did we had history instead of some other subject that is more based on the future and how to make that future better for the upcoming generations? History is written by those who are winners, also, every book what was important is either burned or inside of the Vatican library.

>In a word, Protestants.

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Explain it to me then Catholic faggot?

>Explain it to me then Catholic faggot?
you need a foreskin to understand

>What if...all of those things that you think you know are completely false for a reason to keep us blind towards something what is bigger than anyone could possibly imagine?
I am not going to disagree with this. Obviously (((they))) are the victors, so they are probably hiding all sorts of truths from us. Of course our understanding is a misconstrued version of the reality. However, what I was saying is that we can look at the architectural feats, the art, etc as an indicator of sorts. Those are clearly observable. How can you deny that our (((culture))) today is now inferior to what once was? Look at it now. Normies listen to nigger music, our "art" is literally a banana taped to the wall, and our buildings are soulless high rises funded by Jewish bankers in new york.
Something very clearly went wrong

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>>papal corruption
>look at it now
Maybe abandoning the chalcedonian patriarchal system was a mistake
>>feudal wars
>like I said, they are a sign of a healthy society. They create warriors and heroes. Now we watch (((sports))) instead
But many feudal wars were essentially useless to anyone outside of the nobility, the normal people outside of thr cities had to suffer the consequences, being forced into service in the army without training or high quality equipment. Although I agree that modern obsession with sports is retarfed and degenerate, it reminds me of the nika riots, however, having a war every 5 years with your neighbour doesn't seem to be the best alternative to me.

as for architecture and construction:
back then labor was dirt cheap, so you could pay some guy to work meticulously and make it pretty. but today everything is determined by cost and labor is way more expensive (in the west at least) and so it is harder to justify for the person purchasing the building

>pay some guy to work meticulously and make it pretty
Thats not why they did it. A truly healthy society creates beautiful things because they want to and for the glory of God. We have replaced this mentality with the material worship of the Jew. Now nobody can be bothered to do wonderful things unless mr.goldberg pays them a few shekels so they can give them to mr.goldbergs cousin shekelstein in exchange for the satisfaction of consooming.

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>Something very clearly went wrong.
The first bank in the ancient history and the greediness for bloody coins/enslavement between tribes, or as I like to say the root of all evil in every society worldwide.

>Culture was rich
>Forced marriages between themselves
>Women were still treated like shit
>Anything too impressive or anyone too intelligent was witchcraft
>Same garbage tax invention
>Same style of government as today except priests had the land and the wealth (plus the king) and used religion as an excuse to get what they wanted
>Left handed were exterminated
No thanks, the current era is already shit, don't need to downgrade further

>What happened?

Short answer: Jews

Long answer: Jews

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This was all built upon slave labor under the feudal system.

Christianity turned a pagan man into a basedboy.
I think if you want the beauty you expect to find in medieval life you’ll have to reverse that process.

>Women were still treated like shit
and thats a good thing
imagine worshiping LARP tier forest monsters and praying to them for good health lol

Calm down cuckold
Don’t you have a cheek to turn and a pedophile priest to lick the feet of?
Believe it or not your cult isn’t the center of everything and never was. But I can say with an utmost certainty that following your cult will NEVER lead to any advances in living a meaningful life, only further decline both morally and materially within this world and the next.


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charlemagne and bauhaus