
Why is he saying he was being sarcastic? I assume his comments were in reference to something he heard. Why doesnt he just clarify what he actually was referring to?
Now I gotta figure out how to respond to To all my bluepilled relatives and associates.

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He's not giving them the satisfaction of an answer. After the last 24 hours of shit posting by the media, would you? Anyone with a brain knows he didn't say to inject or drink bleach. And yet here we are.

>Why is he saying he was being sarcastic?
media has been taking quotes out of context of all famous people for the last 40 years. probs was sarcasm.

I'm still trying to inject sunlight into my veins over here

This. They already branded it as "Clorox and Lysol," and any treatments he's heard about will be spun as him literally endorsing said treatment, so he's just telling the media to fuck off.

In truth he probably wasn't being sarcastic. I think he was just passing along speculation from his advisors about possible ways to utilize what we know about disinfectants in novel treatments. Something like making safe chemical analogs, targeted microdosing, or some other highly theoretical approach like that.

But explaining this would take time and would rely on the media acting in good faith to accept his explanation. When in reality they would just spin it into some other stupid story to generate outrage.

So he uses the sarcastic line as a "fuck you" to the media, since nothing he says is going to be taken seriously by his enemies.

>I'm still trying to inject sunlight into my veins over here

LOL you can't inject sunlight into your veins. But you can open up your veins to allow the sunlight in.

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>Why doesnt he just clarify what he actually was referring to?

Because he's a bombastic retard who can't shut the fuck up when he needs to.

Kinda wish he'd said "no, I specifically mean the person that is you, should inject or drink bleach, journalist"

You can respond to them simply. Ask them if they think that because heat (might) affect the virus, if Trump thinks lighting your body on fire is a viable solution. If they say something along the lines of “yes he’s that dumb” just look at them like the clowns they are and say “So you truly believe that the current POTUS, the same guy who beat the entire DNC, is THAT dumb?”

Even if they say yes, that should give them a moment of self-reflection and some point down the road.

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I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

the orange retard strikes again.
Buster Douglas shocked the entire world the night he knocked out Mike Tyson

Holy fucking cope

You guys are truly truly the most pathetic pussies ive ever seen.

Too many people called him out on his word salad yesterday. Best case scenario is that he wasted everyone's time on sarcasm while people are dying and our economy is tanking? Keep on winning!

He's talking about UV treatment
>draw blood through a transparent tube
>radiate the blood passing an UV source along the way
>drip the blood back in to the veins
This shit has existed since 1940 or something, why are people so retarded?

lying about being sarcastic?

this guy is coping hard

just UV treat your lungs bro

Somebody on his team needs to say this. Especially if his advisors told him about it. They’re leaving him to the fucking wolves.
God damn this world.

It might be part of the plan, as someone said, vaccines contain these disinfection chemicals that the media is accusing trump of endorsing.
Sounds farfetched, but I wouldn't be surprised

Thats funny, you're the most pathetic fucking idiot I've ever seen in my life. Small world I guess.

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Muricans are pathetic

that would mean you have dementia not him you nigger

I will be voting for trump in November because the democrats are evil.
But I still think you are pathetic.

kekkin' at all the mongoloids falling for Trump's bait here, free exposure for this new treatment

>I think
No one can hold his feet to the fire but us. And you’re all acting like sycophants.

Jews don’t understand sarcasm
They’re husks of people.They can never tell if it’s true or not

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Done with Trump, he can keep his bleach and parties with Jeffrey Epstein

Sacred sexual energy

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But I thought it was sarcasm. Why are you defending it as if it's real?

Joe's dementiagame is still stronger than Trump's

bro OP is being sarcastic lmao

Most powerful man in the world had an ENTIRE day to come up with a better excuse. Holy fuck we're doomed

He should just come out & say anyone who is dumb enough to try that doesn’t belong on this planet anyway.
Say it was an ‘existence test’

He said it was sarcastic and then 5min later defended what he said. I agree with him on all this but it was weird how he said it was sarcasm after and then after that defended everything he siad in great detail.
This screams him trying to deflect news onto this, what does trump admin want focus away from?

I just remember seeing all of the people trying to defend him yesterday and now, they're turning face and saying, "y..yeah, Trump was playinf 10D chess" or whatever they're clinging to.

It's not even cope at this point; these people are literally disregarding reasoning for the sake of being behind him.

You know, you can actually be for a president without always coming to his defense for his gaffes/fuckups. It's like you guys are willing to slop up the shit water left in the toilet after he drops a deuce.

If anything, you are making the situation worse for him if his own side is not capable of acknowledging his mistakes. It is only through the acknowledgment of our mistakes that we can improve.