Can someone explain this phenomenon of zoomer females and hair loss/receeding hair? Is it too much electronics? Shitty diets?
Can someone explain this phenomenon of zoomer females and hair loss/receeding hair? Is it too much electronics...
vegan/vegetarian diet, fucked up hormone levels due to porn and masturbating, drugs
Nope. Masturbation.
All of the above and more. We are being mutated by our toxic artificial world we live in. Millenials and Zoomers have highest incidence of autoimmune disorders versus previous generations.
>Nope. Masturbation.
>>fucked up hormone levels due to porn and masturbating
Plant based diet.
shes been in a relationship for over a year, surely masturbation isnt the issue anymore
increased testosterone
opposite thing with guys growing tits and high pitched voices
>stress from being rejected by men
>stress from not having children
>stress from being told they are equal to men
>hormones fucked from birth control
hahaha you virgin friends are so funny
ooooooooooooooo look at those fuckin titties
they try to live men lives, they get men problems.
thank you my guy
Stress, diet, hormone pills, ssri, thyroid problems, many sexy partners
vegans. not enough Keratin. fucks with growth of hair ect. sooo when you are in a cult they stick you on a low protein diet. cough, just like the left.
teflon and other synthetics destroying endocrine systems.
who is she?
Drugs, stress.
My cousin has that.
Shes 32 now. It started with acne and was ampliefied by her unrelenting urge to lift heavy pieces of metal off of the floor to increase the size her back, shoulders and hands.
she is a vegan so that could be it
just someone i know IRL who has a bad case of large forehead. She just turned 21 a few months ago
Some women naturally have thinning temples/hairlines as they get older, particularly 30 and up. Some don't. The girl in the OP is not in her early-mid 20s. Men and women particularly both see minor hair loss at the temples as they get older, doesn't mean they're balding
Women often develop bald spots, receding hairlines and sometimes are reduced to mere tuffs of hair here and there.
It’s God’s payback for their vanity and refusal to fuck incels. It’s in the Bible.
Jews but unironically
Hormones in literally everything. Little girls are getting their periods at like 10 now, and were shocked when those same kids go bald at 20?
OP where did you get this photo?
I'm concerned. Thirty year old faggot shouldnt be into little girl's foreheads
High testosterone from eating too much meat and dairy. It's also why we're starting to see the younger generation of women grow to 5'8" to 6'0"
Humans weren't meant to be eating that many animal products and for most of history they were luxury items. We're only now starting to see the repressions via obesity and cancer
That's just what Anglo foreheads look like.
Really interesting that all the girls I know that lift have receding hairlines. For example, look at this 5head
Not sucking enough dick/zoomer dicks are too low in nutrition
One or the other for sure
a lot of women have shit hairlines not just zoomies. its more that the popular hairstyles have changed to be pulled tighter. 40 years ago we were calling girls 5-head in high school for having 'receding' hairlines.
It's called FASHION you pleb!
it doesn't help that a lot of women who are serious lifters take anavar (a steroid)
maybe your ridicule would work if it wasn't the jews
anyone who is "serious lifter" male or female is an absolutely trash tier, uninteresting human being that you should avoid
Diet, drugs, and stress. Most of my fellow 20 year old peers live on McDonalds, pop xanax, and can't find a job that pays more than $15 an hour because they're almost non existent in my area.
>many sexy partners
and how would that cause hair loss exactly ?
Jesus you fucking children.
And do any of you know anyone in real life? or is this another I saw in on the internet Yas Forums larp thread.
That's David Hogg.
All zoomies are trannies.
Ok Zyz.
>didn't even try to snatch the rifle
These are all just pics of women with high foreheads. This has existed forever, just modern hairstyles show it more as women don't spend 45 hours a day on their hair anymore.
Get Corona and die boomershit.
It might also work if he wasn't himself a kike.
Fucked up hair is usually copper deficiency. It's also what makes people retarded these days. People with damaged copper transport proteins have awful hair and suffer dementia since childhood.
STDs, emotional problems?
its from a bad cocktail of too much radiation from smartphones plus every chick being on birth control, anti-depressants, anti-acne pills and having a mental disorder. Not to mention panicking because of school and work.
Modern society was a mistake and modern women are too fucked. Its not necessarily their faults either but doesn't matter they are tarnished.
Real build comes from real work
Go hunt tigers for years and come back with a 16 pack
plus this
I thought the reason people take anavar was due to it not being harsh on your hair.
Fucking disgusting I hate this roasties who like to show their gains but took steroids to achieve it
I seriously need to go on NOFAP and stop talking to women until I get my shit in order, I think I am just going to abstain and become a hermit who drives cars in my freetime. I really think porn is the worst thing to happen to society and women's rights as well.
Poor diet, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, and stupid hairstyles leading to pic related
>Heavy eyebrows
This, it's mabe due to vaccinations or because it has both genders (happens to 33% of IVF-kids!)
Its from bleaching/dying/proccessing their hair 5-10 times a year since 14...
Plus horrible nutrition
KeK Animal proteins and fat have been the stable of any northern diet for millenia with vegetables and grains being the exception. Will be having a meal of meat and root vegetables later this evening. Stay mad meatlet.
BPA's are causeing PCOS in women at an astonishing rate, PCOS causes infertility and hairloss as well as depression. The only treatment for PCOS is birth control. Jews poison everything with bpa's, women become infertile and asexual, only solution they give is birth control.
>pic related is my solution
theres no coming back from the bpa rabbit hole
that's a man.
uhh what just happened here?
A poor vegan diet plus constant hair dye abuse
Some kind of endocrine system disruption is usually at fault. I seriously doubt it is happening any more often than it always has though. Social media just gives everything a PR platform.
what the hell is his name again? I've seen him before, and his videos are pretty great.
Because boomers
>tfw no cutie steroid girlfriend that's comes home all sweaty after a workout and sits on my face.