Drumpf is going to get crushed in the upcoming election. Prepare your anus, drumpfkins.
Drumpf is going to get crushed in the upcoming election. Prepare your anus, drumpfkins
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but Blimf owns the libtards!!!
Di they learn nothing from the last time?
It'd be too funny if Trump lost to a senile rapist, the migafags just wouldn't be able to recover from it.
except young people don't vote
The young only talk about voting. They don't actually do it.
>They're doing 2016 all over again.
Do you want to know the definition of insanity?
They're incapable of learning
>Our liberal outlet did an unscientific poll and we gave ourselves the results that we wanted.
>Now we can write another article about it and make $50 for our failing website!
You mean the midterms where they predicted, with accuracy, drumpf's devastating loss?
What is up with doom Paul these days?
With the fact young people don't vote, the corona will keep them away from the voting booths, and how huch we're going to gerrymander this election, enjoy four more years of Trump. That's if he doesn't cancel the election, ha ha ha.
Biden would probably die from a stroke by late summer if his brain is degenerating at this rate.
leftist meme strategy: ADD A MAGA HAT LOL
But he won.
Meanwhile, in the 41st Millennium...
He sounds like a car with a broken transmission.
Idiots voting doesnt matter. Trumps is not your hero that you think
hehe saved
>Young voters
I believe that's an oxymoron.
or they would just start killing members of the media and political class in some sort of revolt
Same results as last election. Retard
Poll. Who would you vote for. Retards or Trump. TDS vote retards. Retards are the best. Gfy
Over young *potential* voters.
If young people actually voted.
You mean the same young people who backed Bernie but never show up to the polls?
I want Trump to win tho
>Among young "voters"
>The same "voters" who couldn't be bothered to show up to vote for Bernie despite the constant shilling
doesn't matter who wins pres I just want mitch mcconnell out
Based! I hope Biden wins.
Tongue my anus leaf
no one i know likes trump, only boomers seems to like him
>Trump shills WILL defend this.
Haha blumpft btfo seriously he's going down this November Hillary and Biden will make a comeback and destroy that mean little blumpftie once and for all
Biden bros...
They said he'd lose the Senate, which he didn't, and he barely lost the house. Which mostly happened days after ballot harvesting and "lost" votes came in, aka cheating.
Post enthusiasm among each candidate
How is Biden even gonna function without his handler with him
>young voters
They can't even learn from this month. Young people don't vote. Didn't work for Bernie, won't work for Biden.
Shakin in my maga hat.
Biden is politically to the right of trump.
Ok so how does this change your life living in Canada?
Young voters almost never turnout. I can almost guarantee you that Bernie had that same "lead" over Biden and still got btfo
That's the biggest spin I've heard so far. He does not.
Oh that’s nice, what percentage of people under 40 vote? Like 20%?
Young people don't vote, so what does it matter
Why do people vote for Biden? Is there any reason?
I mean you must have a reason to support someone. For example
> trumpf
Right wing(???)
> Bernie
free bux
> Yang
> Elizabeth Warren
But for what reason people vote for Biden? Is it because they are all white boomers?
Biden is a literal rapist: