I'm done. Not voting Donnie. He can't even give me $1200 fucking dollars correctly. I'm a landlord and I NEED this money to help pay my mortgages because my tenants are refusing to pay. Also, just for the record, I'm 100% eligible for the check and DID file taxes right away in both 2018 and 2019. Everyone I know has gotten it. I haven't.
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You’re a shill and you’ve been trying this for weeks now.
Nobody believes you.
Can cats really dance like that? Saged and reported. Trap tops of pol rim my muscle butt.
Zion Don rerouted your cash payment to his bank account in Israel
Weak bait. Fuck off fag
yo are you literally a nigger? can you fucking read? prolly got a landlord because your dad passed
I got mine already.
You'll get it after your tax return is processed
Well I guess all those other people who received their checks will be voting for him again. Sorry you're SOL.
Good. No one cares, fuck off.
race-mixers don't get the donaldbux
I got it and the wife didn't. Hers says this same shit. Mine just came on April 15th. I did our taxes. Same software. Same bank account. We file separately because Reagan's 1986 tax code is more retarded than down's syndrome and it fucks you for filing jointly. Either way, they probably fucked up a ton of us. My neighbor used to go to school with Mnuchin. Says he was a faggot who got picked on every day and played tennis but his older brother was hot. Figures.
I just got my check in the mail today. Is it safe to actually cash? Is there any tinfoil hat conspiracies behind these checks?
cut it to find any rfid chips or metal layers inside
I unironically just checked my mailbox and found my check inside. I already direct deposited it with Chase and it should be going through soon. I'm so relieved, now I can eat until I'm able to start up my new welding job in the near future. i'd buy a steak to celebrate, but i'm fasting today.
it'll happen guys, just have hope.
You make less than 100k? Lol
Fuck off, you are such a crybaby bitch- go be a drama queen and shriek for attention like a faggot somewhere else
its okay, i got denied my trudeau bux as well so whatever.
i just got my 1200 check in the mail today
ty trump
trump hates the middle class
I aint getting sheeit, so fuck you nigger
money isnt even real haha like just lock the door nigga
Off limits to servants of satan. Fuck off back from whence you came.
>abloo bloo bloo. My main role in society is leeching off other people... abloo bloo bloo. Perhaps if I had a productive career instead of solely living off owning an extra house or 15.
Sorry, I'm unmoved by your dilemma.
Bro user. I was in the same boat., I checked today,at irs get my payment, and I had a new message. It said they needed my bank account #s and how much I grossed in 2018 and if I owed or got a refund. I put info in, and then got pic related.
I got the same message. When is the payment date determined?
Gonna spend it on cheetos and grape drank.
why do you post this thread all the time? no one cares. kill yourself shill.
Imagine being a nigger depending on TumpBux. KYS
Fuck off
Come back to life
Fuck off and die again
I got my check in the mail today, suck it.
I cashed my donnie check before the government folded
You must be an immigrant or married to an immigrant.
I've had this since 1.5 weeks.
Still fucking nothing WTF
Try moving to a non Democrat run area maybe?