Blacks raised in a more stable environment create higher than average performing blacks than blacks raised in an...

Blacks raised in a more stable environment create higher than average performing blacks than blacks raised in an unstable environment. Period. Those performances aren't comparable to whites, but the blacks who are raised in stable environments are more tolerable, less aggressive, and more literate. Does anyone find it queer that money pacified both 50cent and snoop dogg? hello? weren't they problematic blacks with gun issues before they were rich? they "aint" even gang affiliated anymore. And ive met blacks who were raised in a stable environment - they play legend of zelda and wouldnt hurt a fly for petes sake. its rough growing up black and in the ghetto. and it scars you.

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Who is disputing this

people who dont want to fund black programs

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I knew every type of niggers. They are all retarded. Also, whites are retarded too. Only real smart people I knew were jews or lebanese. My personal experience doesn't make statistics. These are just my impressions.

and your post is very unrelated. no one is talking about iq.

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Nobody disputes this.
Take American Americans for instance, or well integrates black immigrants.
They're not necessarily worse than the average 100 IQ white, and even across the whole population they don't suffer the 80 IQ average real Africans have. White admixture plays a role in that, but so do cultural and environmental factors.
It's an established fact that intelligence is only partially heritable. The remainder is a result of random chance, environment, culture and upbringing.

again the post isnt about IQ, the post is for people that dont want to fund black programs holy fk can i pls have smart people posting in this thread

African American.
That's what I get for phone posting.

You did it, you solved the nigger problem! We just had to give them free shit all along!
As long as we keep pumping money at them they'll nig at us less than usual.

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I read a study that determined that high income black families did worse than low income white.
Maybe someone have it


the thing u dont understand is a lot of the money that goes towards helping blacks isnt helping them correctly. you can give them food stamps but u have to force them to buy healthy. its hard to do that without guidance and for the mots part there are no regulations to the "free". they just ned to be allocated in a smarter way. now the progrms that are liberal with their "Free" stuff: yes there are some that squander it. But I'm sure there are some (probably 10%) who do end up making something of it and improve their lives. so its dishonest for you to represent that all free suff is bad and doesnt help blacks.

>high income black families did worse than low income white
Regarding what? What are they worse in? Money?
>high in come black
>low income white
i hate these dude weed low IQ posters so much and you are one of them

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That money never ends up in the hands of the poor or helping them out solving the root of the cause. Are you dense or something

In defense of Cosby white women are retarded. The fuck did they think was gonna happen going back to his place? And it wasn't a big enough injustice that they would stay quiet about it for so long allowing other women to be raped. Holy shit I hate women, spineless vapid cunts.

>you can give them food stamps but u have to force them to buy healthy

>but u have to force them

i just dont want to see them or be around them or pay for them, and you and to FORCE them to do something? because you know better?

whos the real bigot?

no thanks for adressing one of the many problems with these programs that are currently in place. you highlight the need for a makeover.

How long this ponzi scheme lasts?

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you because ur exaggerating what im saying
in idaho where i live the state food stamp pogram only pays for essentials. its not racist at all. and only healthy food is covered. which is a wide choice of items. most stores have special stickers to show whats covered and whats not.

Perhaps they can be kangs among their brethren in africa. They might not turn it into wakanda but we will all be better and happier for it.

no. ur country chose to keep them here. your country chose to bring them here. now you deal with the consequences. this country whether you like it or not has a history of blacks since the beginning.

On average, blacks raised in a stable environment score less than whites raised in an unstable environment.

what the fuck do you know. youve never even seen niggers.
i live in ny, and i would rather light my money on fire than see it go to these useless subhumans.

fuck you nigger loving retarded faggot

>they play legend of zelda and wouldnt hurt a fly for petes sake
omg they play video games too
dat means they just like us

Thanks, faggot. I didn't know that growing up in a stable environment makes you more peaceful.

Come for your Nobel, C'mon.

score in what?????
and ive already adressed this in my post:
"Those performances aren't comparable to whites, but the blacks who are raised in stable environments are more tolerable, less aggressive, and more literate."
>Those performances arent comparable to whites
why are the low IQ's out in full force today ur the third one

Gods of Yas Forums. I never ask for anything.
I know I'm not the best person, but please, just this time.
I want a Misato girlfriend.
Thank you, oh great ones.
I hope you will take my wish into consideration.

it means they are capable of being pacified like onions boys . i cant think of a more low test pacified thing to do than to play legend of zelda.

I didn't contradict what you said, I was just making a point.
The fact that you mentioned it in OP doesn't invalidate its legitimacy in anyway.

i know that the few blacks we have here do not cause problems because theres no toxic cities to grow up in

ok so ur just repeating after me thanks for ur redundancy, get out ur too stupid for this thread