Trump told everyone to drink bleach! Trump told everyone to inject Lysol into their bodies! Trump told everyone to...

>Trump told everyone to drink bleach! Trump told everyone to inject Lysol into their bodies! Trump told everyone to shove UV lights up their asses!

Does it ever get tiring for you, libs? Do you ever grow weary of constantly making up lies and bullshit that's so easily proven wrong? You failed to take back the government in 2018. You've failed in every attempt to impeach him. You've failed at trying to get a candidate that can even approach Trump. Now you're ramping up your derangement, lies, and propaganda to heights never seen before. He's going to be your president for four more years. And then one of his sons will take over after that. And then the other son after. We support Trump. We appreciate everything he's done to make America great again. We know he cares about us, unlike you traitors and vermin. And it'll be funny watching so many of you die from your hoax virus that you can't muster the votes to accomplish anything in November. Stay classy, libs.

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daily reminder for the npc niggers

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>Does it ever get tiring for you, libs? Do you ever grow weary of constantly making up lies and bullshit that's so easily proven wrong?

he literally said that on TV, i saw it 1 hour ago in my country, i even ignored the voice over to see if it was real...
yes your orange baboon is a big fat retard boomer who knows nothing.

Isn't this the guy who owns millions to some Chinese overlords?

Never skip leg day

He asked if it was a feasible idea, you idiot.

The level of Trumptards cope posting all over the net is glorious. He said it, he is a moron

Stop cryne

The real question is how is swallowing hastily polished turds on a hourly basis from a retarded orangutan not tiring. Seriously, you're trying to sound smart here, but you inherently sound stupid when you're supporting someone who literally cannot go 2 sentences without just straight up lying or contradicting himself

He isn't gonna win with 40 million unemployed people. Hopefully Corona will go strong and kill 100k people by the end of summer so that the memory is still fresh come election day.

Bankrupting his casino was just a prank bro.
He’s really a genius.

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All of those unemployed are already blaming you liberals for preventing them from working and are demanding to go back to work. And that $1200 handout is the only time this year it's happening, as stated by Pelosi and the rest of the left, which means a whole lotta families are going to be very hungry and homeless soon.

-The right accused Obama for years of being a Kenyan socialist
-The right accused Hillary Clinton of having Vince Foster murdered
-The right perpetuates the notion that Democrats run a child prostitution ring out of a pizzaria

What goes around comes around. Stop lying or stop whining.

it's obviously not you retard, even a child knows that...
no wonder drumpf got buttfucked at OPEP against Putin and the saudis.

Continue to cope memeflag

Does it ever get tiring to not ever apply the same level of scrutiny to the bullhit posted here? You just eat it up all the shit that you agree with, without question. Why is that? Every other thread posted here is some spin on a news article, a quote, a tweet, deriving whatever meaning that aligns with your beliefs.

I am so fucking tired of this partisan shilling and dishonesty in this place. Why can't you faggots be better than the retards you criticize?

The subtext for all this is that, if shitlibs literally think BLORMPF is stupid enough to say this and mean it, then they tacitly admit they and the entire political establishment of DC as well as major global organizations are getting regularly outwitted and dunked on by that same individual.

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>Trump told everyone to drink bleach! Trump told everyone to inject Lysol into their bodies! Trump told everyone to shove UV lights up their asses!

Literally what would be the problem with any of this? It would kill the virus

yeah we all used our news conglomerates the same way they've been used these last few years

totally the same

He bought a failing casino and used bankruptcy to sell it for a profit. You're saying making money from a failing business is stupid?

Then get to it, libs.

Biznezz is biznezz

if you drink DESERVE to die and have your grave pissed on.


This retard, the contract renews in June fuck you’re stupid. You foreigners constantly think you know what’s going on because your media outlets fellate America’s.

if Trump LITERALLY told people to drink bleach, and they did, they ALL deserve to die. Every single one.

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And this is the best the Democrats can do lmfao

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You make implications here and there, assuming the virus and disinfectant are even related at all

There is no bottom for liberals
They have seperated from American society & now see you as the enemy to be destroyed.
This justification allows them to morally continue lying,stealing and killing their enemies.
>"When this is over Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they
think it's funny."

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I now have a one word answer for all trumpturd, bleach! Bleach! Bleach!!! Hahahahahahahahaha


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If you're dumb enough to believe he told everyone to drink bleach then you probably should just go ahead and drink the bleach.

I read his verbatim comment and no where did he instruct people to ingest or inject bleach or alcohol.

And people inject poison regularly to kill something worse. It's called Chemotherapy.

lol melodramatic faggot, maybe some bleach will cure your asspain?

Is it time to start gore-posting in all of these Chink or Shareblue threads?