Muh muh he didn't mean bleach

>muh muh he didn't mean bleach
Why the fuck do Trumptards keep being retarded?
I see this point all over twitter, are they really unable to understand why people talked about bleach and other house cleaners?
Here s a video of his declaration.

The transcript

What Bryan said (just before Trump starts speaking)
>We’re also testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids. And I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes; isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing — just spraying it on and letting it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.

What Trump said
>And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.

The point is that he was clearly referring to bleach since he was reacting to Bryan's declarations on house cleaners.

**TDLR: In context it is fucking clear Trump was referring to bleach.**

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ok. I’m still voting for him

Yeah there's obviously zero way that was "sarcasm". Absolutely fucking retarded. Worse than he tried to play it off as sarcasm. Really fucking sad, frankly.

who care if he looked dumb mutt are fucking dumb to begin with the USA is a golem colony

Go fuck yourself nigger loving tranny jew

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see what I mean

I don't expect the president to be a doctor that is the surgeon general's job

I don't give a shit about the shit Trump said, he does this on a daily basis.
What I find funny is how some people tried to defend what he fucking said, even though there was no fucking defending this.

The absolute state of Yas Forums today trying to cope with this whole mess. Amazing.

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Ya like I said I think you underestimate greatly how stupid the vast majority of the population can be.

Inject. SAD!

Why should you care your from France and not America.

>something like that

I’ve never seen this many anti-trump posts on here

>Trump suggests injecting disinfectant to kill the virus

>Trump never said to inject yourself with disinfectant!

>Trump comes out and explains what he meant when said to inject disinfectant

How do you cope when even the man you are defending contradicts you.

Christ. I don't listen to any PCs anymore, but damn if that doesn't sound like a grade A retard who's having a stroke. You can say that press skills are acquired, and it ain't easy talking to a crowd when dozens of flashes go off while dozens of TV cameras are pointing at you .. but this?

The truth the lying liberal media doesn't want you to know is injecting lysol works! I recently tested positive for COVID-19 and at first I was asymptomatic but after a week I came down with sneezes and fever and soon it was hard to breathe. This was weeks ago but I read about the benefits of lysol and was wiping everything down with it and thought, you know, this is killing the corona outside my body, why not inside? So I found a syringe and got a diluted mixture of lysol, water, and lavender essential oils. I filled the syringe and placed the vial inside my anus. Which is the best way to take medicine. And it burned at first. My poops were a little raw the day after. But soon my sneezes went away! I could breathe! Honestly the liberal media is just trying to kill you to make Donald look bad. It's obvious. The media is the enemy of the people! WWG1WGA!

He's the biggest jew puppet America has ever had lmao why are people still surprised he behaves like this?

Bleach is a disinfectant!
Therefore all disinfectants must be bleach!

>Manipulation: Its just that easy with leftist brainlets,

if trump went on tv, told everyone to inject rat poison into babies, and gave a live demonstration with a live baby, I would still vote for him. you know why? because fuck you, that's why.

>Trump said to drink bleach!
>No he didn't
>He said something that kinda sounded like it might be related to that, OWNED!!

My posts never mentions bleach.

You should add wheels to that goal post.

Drumpf the jew king is so 2018, get some new material. Jews shill against his policies 48/14. The only people I see trying to say he's a jew, amusingly enough always seem to have flags from the EU, where they are currently importation islam wholesale in what can be described as a complete ignorance to 240 years of racial politics in the US.

Thats the really ugly thing, is you already have the test case here to see what it does to a country, and you think you can somehow avoid it through the sheer weight of your "good intentions" almost like you're the willing pawn of the very people you seem to suggest trump is.

God damn
Honestly I'm voting for Biden now then. Gun rights ain't worth having someone this stupid as president, plus there was far less gun control under president Obama than under Trump so I think other fellow 2nd amendment enthusiasts really need to consider that and understand Biden is probably really good on the 2nd amendment

Same honestly

>Why the fuck do Trumptards keep being retarded?

Its a psychological phenomena....
They have wrapped up their identity in shouting loudly their support of "the Leader".

So, to admit that the Leader is wrong (and wrong in ways that Liberals have been saying... i.e., he's stupid) would cause them too much psychological damage.

Its the same reason why abused women keep going back to their abuser. Their whole identity would fall to pieces if the admitted they were dumb enough to stick with an abuser.

TLDR: Trump Voters are dumb women.

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Nope, but the reporter asking the question did. Which is what your entire propaganda post is connected to.

But let me guess

You didn't even watch it did you? you're just parroting what your rag told you

stop demystifying language, were winning

>Trump didn't tell people to drink bleach, he just wondered aloud whether it was a possibility!
What a great fucking defense

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Let’s say we accept he said something stupid. So alright then who cares? I’m still voting for him and I’m sure no one else is changing their mind for one retarded comment he made.

Its unironically a twittard nothingburger. Imagine if we all sperged about every retarded thing Biden said. Maybe next year we will.

There are now about 30 anti-Trump shill threads in the catalog
We are being flooded with shills right now. I don't know what forum or discord they are from, but this is spamming.

Literally just saw the video in context and reading /ptg/.

>President was just asking a sarcastic question bro he didn't actually mean it.
>Lol how do memes work? They must be a CTR/SOROS psyops to control the narrative.

>one retarded comment

Literal attention span of a gnat.

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Only retards would drink bleach

Honestly the lengths to which people on here go to defend this guy are astounding, the most far-fetched 4D chess bullshit I've ever seen. As a president I don't mind him all that much but the Yas Forumsdittor chucklefucks that surround him are insufferable.

feudal descendent identified

Look at this dude. He can't argue any points so he wants the fucking JANNIES to help him. What a cuck. Sad!

Agreed, time to stop talking about the president and get back to aimlessly ranting at blacks, Jews and women

No.... Trump has lost Yas Forums just like Drudge Report. Too many independent thinkers.

Go back to facebook, bretbart, or foxnews faggot.

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