Why did boomers sell out America?
Why did boomers sell out America?
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Money and easy living
Drugs,sex, rock and roll. To be fair, I would've done it too
because they could
Because jews told me too. Who am I but a white man to define God almighty s chosen master race, the jews. God bless Israel
Boomers think everything will always work out in the end
Because the jews told them it would be fun
Greed. Countries only have as many jews as they deserve.
Friendly reminder that all your serial killers from the last 30-40 years have been boomers. Also I bet that girl got serial murdered.
Huge population born with petrolead fumes permanently stunting IQ.
Jewish propaganda was eaten up and their demographic size enabled them to throw their weight around electorally.
Essentially a Gollum generation
>ywn pick her up, drug her and rape her
Boomers didn't sell out anything. You're just trying to spread hate for a generation of people who worked hard.
British-Anglo White People are snakes. They just talk a better game is all. The Christian Values scam is just to get your guard down, then they stab you in the back to achieve whatever they can for themselves. Other races are just more up-front about it. British-Anglos operate by "asking questions" and faking like they are "concerned" but they're really collecting information on you to use against you any fucking way they can.
Feels ba
Go on
Western civilization was fatally wounded in the 1st World War. It just took time for the corpse to rot. All the degenerate rot stems from the 1st world war.
the tv man told them to
>boomers ruined america
millenial zoomer cope
need i remind you shits that your generation voted for (((bernie sanders)))
Fuck him. He’s just mad god hates white men and gave him a little white wiener.
There was a high amount of hitchhikers getting raped and murdered.
This is now a boomer thread
You voted Obama
Because communist jews infiltrated the government right around 1965 or so.
boomer cringe***
He lost twice boomer.
>it was the slavs and Serbs all long
Well played Serbia, well played indeed
>Define god
Are ya? Defining god? Yeah?
yeah bro you're right, dude is a total fag
I think you mean democrats, not boomers
I think they got there earlier, with the establishment of the Fed.
Printing money and sending it to China isn't "working hard" stupid
Specifically, because not enough of the youth voted for him.
They didn't know they were doing it, they thought America was untouchable & indestructable. They had no idea, and most still don't know that America and the world is just about entirely jew owned. Mass fuckin naivety.
Greed, stupidity.
Their parents sold the country out, the oldest boomer was 20 when the ‘65 immigration act was signed
Boomers get a lot of hate for fucking up the country. They just carried out the plan set up by Lyndon B Johnson, Woodrow Wilson and others. The oldest boomers were small children when LJB signed the immigration act of 1965.
Like when the fucking Army forced whites to go to school with blacks at gunpoint. That wasn't the boomers.
nice feet
The boomer across the street works for Boeing in Seattle. For 25 years he's done the same thing. Never made a noise, just tending to his family. Yesterday, I hear him talking to his neighbor. It was the most generic conversation I've ever listened to in my life. Filed with a lot of "what the heck is going on?" tones.
This is explains the boomers. They just don't know "what the heck is going on".
65 years old and don't know shit about nothing. What the fuck?
because while the liberal ones were about peace and love, the didn't reject capitalism. conservatives were reacting to just liberal capitalists, brainwashed during the cold war.
you can't have a cohesive country under capitalism. it has never nor will it ever happen
Basically yes. Austro-Hungarian empire should have given independence to all those Turk-roach rape baby countries. World would be a drastically different place. We’d probably have colonies on mars.
yup. the greatest generation created a literal white utopia though decades of harsh struggles, the boomers got to then grow up in said utopia and didnt really have any appreciation for what it took to build and just like all spoiled brats just sought to destroy what their parents built up because of a "screw you mom and dad! im going to indiscriminately fuck strangers and do drugs and those brown people are pretty cool!"
fucking brats. the lot of them. then have the nerve to talk down to millenials who have to now endure the nightmare they created.
They couldn't resist the latin bunda, the indian asian vagene and the east asian slave workforce.
Boomers just did exactly what you would do if you were born between 1946 and 1960. It's not like you're genetically different than your grandparents.
Many found more virtue in importing 3rd world dependents than preserving the country for their own children.
The Civil Rights movement taught them this.
Trump is jew owned, they own the planet, that's what happened, we let our guard down this past 70 years and they completed the deal. Most still don't know to this day, all of us not just boomers. No one wants to believe it. Fuckin goyim.
Should have just genocided them and solved the problem permanently. The Balkan powder keg has always been a problem
The Oldest baby boomers were 24 and 25 in 1965 and the youngest were newborn. The Boomer generation was one of the largest, spanning more than 20 years. But the vast vast majority of them were indeed born in 1946 after the men got home from the war.
They were indeed grown by the time LBJ showed up.
>ywn pick this qt hitchhiker up and fuck her in the back of your 1971 caddilac fleetwood for a ride and small baggy of ditch weed
why live
lmao because it did dude.
Do you know how many bad choices the boomers made growing up? All of their fuckups were shielded by the economy, lax laws, and lack of technology.
Boomer in 1980:
>Get caught drinking and driving
>Slap on the wrist and sent/driven home
>go into interview hungover the next day
>still get the job
>work their for years and start a family
same boomer had it been in 2020:
>Get caught drinking and driving
>zero-tolerance policy enforced, arrested, and fined the maximum penalty possible.
>Name entered into a national database and have to explain to all future employers what happened.
>fail several background checks and eventually fall into poverty and commit suicide
Stop being an neocon interventionist and it’s no longer your problem
Sage this shitty slide thread
>65 years old and don't know shit about nothing. What the fuck?
They have never faced hardship. They inherited the greatest economy in history since America was the only country left after the war that still had factories. They then sold those factories to China and Mexico.
They sold their children this idea of a future that would make everyone rich from technology powered by everybody getting a college degree (paid not with scholarships but loans) and then sold that technology to India.
And they sold all the unskilled labor that you should be doing as a teenager to build up genuine work ethic to Paco and Miguel out in front of the home depot store.
This. Also shows how ignorant and prone to psy-ops people are. Don't even put blame on the right generation.
Because the kikes at the CIA offered them drugs, TV and casual sex. Then as they got older and cynicism crept in they sold out to keep the pleasure train rolling.
For their own greed. They didn't give a fuck about the future. Increase immigration because "muh stock market!" and "Muh GDP"! Refuse to adjust economic policy as the times change because "muh communism!" Keep believing that young workers should just pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a middle-class factory job.
Boomers killed the economy and now we're putting the final nail in the coffin to save them.
OK Boomer
>need i remind you that your generation tried to clean up the mess made by Boomers
we know grandpa. But keep whining about avocado toast and bootstraps because your generation is too brainwashed by Cold War propaganda to understand economics.
All to save 4 cents
Michael Alkire, president of health care resource provider Premier, has already identified 22 items of protective clothing and 30 drugs that are likely “so critical that they need to be produced” in the US, even as the coronavirus continues to tear through American cities.
Many are currently made in China, which dominates the world’s personal protective equipment (PPE) and pharmaceutical markets, as with many other manufacturing sectors.
“For an N95 [face mask], the cost to manufacture it overseas before the pandemic was about 30 US cents vs 34-36 cents domestically,” Alkire said. “We’ve dodged a bullet, what we’ve seen in New York could have been widespread, there will be some serious shifting of supply chains after this.”
Literally no
most boomers would've been in their tweens by 1965, the oldest would be around 20-22
How long until this is common knowledge :,(
Try nice zoom zoom. I’m a boomer I understand the real world kid. When you get a few decades on you then come at me with those lies little boy
boomers are shit no doubt
but boomer parents and grandparents created the environment for boomers to ramp the shit to 11
What are you doing here lol. People with at least more than a little intelligence can see you're not grounded, lost individuals in the wrong place.
Go love, and spend time on that. Fuck off here, blaggot.
Rowan Atkinson is a jew, brits were always controlled by jews, brits have always been too feeble to speak up about the state of their nation, so were easy to manipulate. Stupid people, intelligent idiots if you like.
There is some sympathy for boomers, first gen to be brainwashed from cradle to grave, unprecedented situation with no defence, coupled with easyish living meant that they didn’t feel the need to struggle or even notice that wool had been pulled over their eyes. Hell the psyop hippy music was funded and run by spooks and assets, how the fuck were teens meant to fight against that?
Then again, they can be incredibly insufferable as older folks now, still with that wool nicely over their eyes and no willingness to take it off.
But hey, what can you do. Be nice to those of them in your life, use them for your advantage (eg industry connections for easy jobs), don’t bother really trying to persuade them as it’s a big risk for no reward and focus on securing that inheritance, make sure they don’t burn it or have any reason to cut you out.
>But the vast vast majority of them were indeed born in 1946 after the men got home from the war.
Yes they were. The average Baby boomer age is 72, and the majority were born soon after the war.
You think the average boomer is still 55 and out mowing the lawn on his tractor because you still think it's 2004. We are now a fifth the way through the 21st century, and Boomers are only getting older. You think they are much younger than they are.
Extreme prosperity and easy living combined with nihilistic trends. They would rather live a few more years of their hedonistic dreams than have grandkids. It's a generational mental illness. Seriously ask a boomer if they care about what happens after they are gone even to their own children and grandkids. It's bizarre for so many boomers to live lavish lifestyles while their own kids are nowhere near a position to own a home or start a family and they simply don't give a shit.
It wasn’t the boomers. The boomers were the first generation subjected to anti-white anti-self interest propaganda. Materialistic hedonism is always the default position of people that have been de-racinated and had their collective identity wiped.
Because they were not small children when LBJ signed the act.
>boomers sell out America
>millennials and zoomers literally killing our economy because they are scared of the sniffles
Oy vey, this is antisemitic.
>The Hart–Celler Act of 1965 marked a radical break from U.S. immigration policies of the past.
>Celler was born in Brooklyn, the son of Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler. All of his grandparents immigrated from Germany. His paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish (his maternal grandfather was Catholic).
This a ton. My favorite is when Boomers say "they do the jobs we dont want to do". ?? Did you ask any of them? If miguel and Paco weren't here maybe the pay for a normal person would be alright for a while... maybe even start his/her own business once they learn the ropes.