I regret voted him. Do you?

I regret voted him. Do you?

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fuck off Eurofag


Yes. Worst decision of my life.

Thank you neighbor. If you are not American you have no reason to post about our election. Fuck off to irrelevancy europoors.

KYS kike

Hillary eats pussy

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You forgot your memeflag



I'll literally vote for him again if there isnt another good candidate, just for the lefty salt alone.

I will never vote for him again after this thing with the disinfectant. There's something wrong with his brain.

he is based and redpilled and he's YOUR president too. Enjoy 4 more years seething libtard trannie

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i decided my vote with a cointoss, fortuna chose trump


don't even know who your reindeer hunting mongol president is, lelz

Half the people here just hope he will grant them a H1B visa because he seems to really like curryniggers.

yes at first and then i remember who he was running against in the first place and then i don't anymore

Don't criticize him. Just like up for your injection of Lysol like a good sheep.

not my president



I'm drinking bleach from the regret right now.

Yes, i now support Evan McMuffin

based, OP btfo

I committed voter fraud for him and now I regret it

>non-american flags seething at trump
I'll reelect him alone just based on the amount of cope he causes

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You voted for him from Eurostan?

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same and I'm injecting Lysol with a blunt needle

I regret being Finnish because of your shitty thread

Fuck off, illegals only vote libshit.

I don't regret voting for mommy and the SDP, do you?

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How did you vote for him if you're from Finland?

I also regret
You talking good english

Nope, because Hill the Shill would've been worse, and the dems are trying to run the exact same play this election. They deserve every second of the next 4 years - those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Should've run better candidates.

I also regret voting for him
fuck blumpf

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former here hilarious and burn can't man codes

I never voted for him.
But I will this election

Yes. Maybe I'll have less regret the second time.

I regret not voting for him twice. Imagine Hillary during Covid, she would've bent over for the Chinese while tens of millions died, all for the sake of "muh economy"